
From UBC Wiki

Group 9

Geometry Section:


A rhombus is defined as a quadrilateral with four equal sides. Every rhombus is a parallelogram, and if it's angles = 90 degrees it becomes a square. It is a 2D shape, and it must always have straight lines. Any rhombus has these two characteristics: Opposite angles of a rhombus have equal values. The two diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at right angles (ie are perpendicular). Opposite sides of a rhombus are parallel.

Just as for a parallelogram, the area of a rhombus is a derived from its base multiplied by its height (A = b x h) Rhombi with 45 degree angles are called diamonds or lozenges.

Scratch scripts



First "drunk walk" pattern that I found interesting. The frost-like pattern must be a result of the sprite being confined to moving slightly off a horizontal plane.


I changed the distance coordinates, and the Scratch didn't do as I expected. Instead of creating a more "spaced out" version of my first "drunk walk", it actually condensed. Hmm, wonder why, perhaps it's because I made both d1 and d2 positive integers. I'll try the same values, but with d1 as a negative integer for my next screenshot.


Much better! I guess it's important that one d value be negative, or else the sprite doesn't move away from the centre.


No surprises here. 90 degree angles for both r values result in square-like patterns.


Interestingly, when I made r1 a negative integer, the square-like pattern was replaced by something that was well... More random. Let's see what happens when r2 is negative instead.


This screenshot looks much the same as the last; apparently it doesn't matter whether it is r1 or r2 that is changed, the end result is the same.


This time I have made both r1 and r2 negative integers, and I have come right back round with a square-like pattern again. My conclusion: the square-like, pattern can only occur if the values of r1 and r2 match in terms of being positive or negative integers.

Jill Brazel

Jill Brazel Scratch_1.gif This time I made both the d and r values 100 and both positive values. From these coordinates the sprite produced a star-like picture

Jill Brazel Scratch_2.gif

This time the sprite moved in a circular spiral motion. I randomly choose these coordinates.

Jill Brazel Scrath_3.gif

This time I attempted to make a square. By making the r values larger then the d values this happened