
From UBC Wiki

Group 4

G-I'm-A-Tree (Geometry)


Circles Ellipses Squares Triangles Polygons
Area πr² πab bh ½bh --

Other shapes: hexagaons, octagons

Objects: cylinders, cubes, spheres

Circle: every point on the line is equidistant from the centre; each point on the line has a corresponding point on the other side of centre; the shape is symmetrical.

Diameter: distance across a circle

Radius: distance from the centre of the circle to its perimeter


π = 3.1415926

Definition: The ratio between any circle's circumference to its diameter. Pi is irrational and neverending.

Circumference of a circle = 2πr

Line Segments

Definition: the line between two points


Right angles: 90°

Complementary angles: angles that add up to 90°

Supplementary: angles that add up to 180°

Corresponding angles: angles in matching corners formed by two lines crossing another line. When the two lines are parallel, the angles are equal.

The sum of angles in a triangle equals 180°.


  • Sine, Cosine, Tangent

Pythagoras' Theorem

Euclidean space

Coordinates, x-values, y-values

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