Course:MATH110/Archive/2010-2011/003/Groups/Group 18/Basic Skills Project

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< Course:MATH110‎ | Archive‎ | 2010-2011‎ | 003‎ | Groups‎ | Group 18

The topic that Group 18 will be focusing on is radical functions.

What are they?

For our group project we decided that one effective way of learning is to listen and watch someone explain it to you rather reading it. Watching youtube videos of people/professors explaining the math to you and showing you examples are a great start to learning a new skill. After watching the videos practicing examples also is very effective and necessary. For what is a radical function, we went on to and typed in “what is a radical function”. Many links came up that you can choose from. We decided that this link was the best to get started.

what is a radical function? click here and watch a video:

How to graph them?

To graph a radical function, we did the same thing and typed "how to graph a radical function" into These are simply just tools to learn the basics of radical functions. After watching these videos many times to wrap your head around it, you should practice using examples from your texts and referring back to these videos.

how do i graph the radical function? click here:

How to use them?

You can use radical functions in everyday life. We read online that engeneering uses radical functions everyday!

How to find functions describing circles?

is the equation of a circle. This can be rooted and therefor will be a radical function: y can be plus or minus a square root that equals r squared minus x squared. ( + or - )

Here is a page we found on circles: [1]

MORE INFORMATION: Here is a powerpoint on radical functions we found on google and a couple more links on radical functions.

graphing radical functions: [2]

powerpoint on radical functions: [ ]

Also, here's other page that is pretty useful  [3] it explain what is radical function in a easy way, which is pretty easy to understand.

By the way for the link "graphing radical function"(link4), which mention earlier.It has lots of examples you can try to do, and practice. Practicing the questions helps to find out the part you are not clear with. Its really helpful.