Course:LFS250/Week 26

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In this session, we will extend and apply the idea of the Ecology of Knowledge to help us identify some of the implicit values, beliefs, and assumptions of modern Western society. We will then analyze the values, beliefs and assumptions embedded in the modern food system.

Key Terms & Concepts

  • McDonaldization of Society


After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Identify key values,

Required Readings and Resources

  • Sage, 2012. Chapter 2:



Agricultural Productivism

  • Mechanization of Agriculture in Kenya - compare the narrative of this video with Ritzer's 4 tenets of McDonaldization

  • Mechanization - compare the narratives and technologies in the two videos.

Green Revolution

The Green Revolution played a central role in realizing the vision of productivism and continues to be referred to as a repeatable pathway for addressing global hunger. Here are a few resources to give you a background to the Green Revolution. Be sure to read the blog entry by Dr Chappell for a critical perspective on the Green Revolution "brand".


  • Allen, P. (2013). Facing food security. Journal of Rural Studies, 29, 135–138.

Tutorial Session

In your tutorial session, your TA will model the

Additional Material

  • Patel, R. (2012). The Long Green Revolution. Journal of Peasant Studies, 40(1), 1–63.