
From UBC Wiki

Week 3 One of the most famous abolitionists of the 18th century was Olaudah Equiano, born in the 'Eboe' state in what is presently south-eastern Nigeria. His memoirs The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African. Written by Himself were an important contribution to the budding abolition movement in Britain and was quickly endorsed by parliamentary committees on the abolition of the slave trade as well as various 'Friends of Humanity" societies that sought to advocate abolition. Equiano's work displays the importance of firsthand accounts being used alongside political tactics to try and garner social change.

Week 5 In 1929 in southeastern Nigeria thousands of women joined in protest in what would be called the 'Aba Women's War.' They protested the effects of colonial policies on women's political involvement. The policy of warrant chiefs, local officials elected by the British government was particularly problematic as it replaced the community's sentiments on who should lead, with a man whose livelihood depended upon colonial support. The result of their protest was the resignation of a number of warrant chiefs and the destruction of sixteen Native Courts. Their tactics included sit ins and stalking of warrant chiefs while singing and dancing.