Applied Econometrics | |
FRE 528 | |
Section: | |
Instructor: | |
Email: | |
Office: | MCML 352 |
Office Hours: | Thurs 4:30-5:30 pm |
Class Schedule: | Tues and Thurs 11:30-1:00pm |
Classroom: | MCML 154 |
Important Course Pages | |
Syllabus | |
Lecture Notes | |
Assignments | |
Course Discussion | |
Course Information
Instructor: TBA
Lectures: Tues and Thurs 11:30 to 1:00pm in MCML 154 (with some modification – please see the weekly MFRE online schedule and the class schedule posted on page 6 and 7)
Office Hours: Thursdays 4:30-5:30pm Office: MCML 352
Office: MCML 352
Course Overview
This course will provide the necessary foundations and experience for students to conduct sound empirical research in Food and Resource Economics. The course will review the foundations of data and regression analysis and the common problems encountered by applied researchers (data constraints and econometric challenges) along with potential solutions to these problems. Students will be expected to manipulate data and apply the models presented in class on a weekly basis with assignments and lab sessions. Additionally, students will carry out a team-based project to further contribute to the understanding and application of applied econometrics.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Develop a broad understanding of regression analysis using cross-sectional data relevant for analysing economic and business data. Fully understand the underlying assumptions of OLS and mitigation strategies when assumptions are violated.
- Understand the application and use of Logistic Regression and Panel Data Analysis (specifically First Difference and Fixed Effects estimation).
- Understand the context of applied econometrics to prediction and theory driven models.
- Specify, interpret and critically evaluate regression estimates using procedures of diagnostic testing and model validation.
- Understand important theoretical properties of ordinary least squares estimators and the statistical testing of hypotheses with regards to econometric modeling.
- Perform statistical tests to investigate whether the classical assumptions in regression analysis are satisfied, and what to do when such assumptions are violated.
- Understand the context of estimation using method of moments and the maximum likelihood principle for parameter estimation.
- Demonstrate proficiency in the use and application of Stata and R for conducting econometric analysis; Excel for data manipulation and conducting classical statistical tests; Tableau Prep for data cleansing/manipulation and cleansing; and Tableau Desktop for visual analytics.
- Interpret and understand academic literature concerning empirical analysis and econometrics. Develop critical thinking skills as a reader of journal articles that make use of the concepts and methods that are introduced in the course.
- Demonstrate proficiency in the development of econometric models to your own academic work and summer internship project.
Course Structure
The course will be delivered in-person during scheduled class times. Some content may be provided in recorded format to support student learning. Students are expected to attend and participate as required in all class activities. Absenteeism will affect your grades for participation and in-class TBL activities.
Learning Management System and Communication
- Canvas ( will be used for course content delivery.
- Canvas Notifications and Student email addresses will be used for communicating information and disseminating class materials. It is your responsibility to check your email and the Canvas course website frequently.
Software, Textbook, Materials etc.
Required Software: Excel, Tableau Desktop, and R will be used in this course.
- R statistical software will be required to be used in this course for a minimum of one assignment. Please be sure to download and install the most recent versions of R and R Studio for the course. Download R: Visit: Once you have downloaded R, you can download RStudio. Download RStudio: Visit:
- Microsoft 365 (Excel, Powerpoint, Word, etc) is available for free for UBC students. Mac users – please be sure to update to the Microsoft 365 because the Addins for Excel will be similar to Addins on PCs. Please sign up for your free MS software at:
- Please signup free your free student copy of Tableau Desktop using the following link: Be sure to sign up for the software using your UBC email account. We will also be using Tableau Prep for data cleansing, manipulation and preparation.
Recommended Textbook/References:
- R. Carter Hill, William E. Griffiths and Guay C. Lim, Principles of Econometrics, 2011 (4th edition), 2017 (5th edition). Available in KOERNER LIBRARY reserve collection:
- Introductory Econometrics: A Modern. Approach, 2012, 5th Edition. Jeffrey M. Wooldridge. (Chapters 13 and 14 on Panel Data Analysis)
- Several econometrics papers will be provided via Canvas for additional reading
Recommended Calculator:
- Any 2-variable scientific calculator (Sharp EL 531 or equivalent) is required. The following is available through the UBC bookstore: Lectures on regression analysis will be taught using the Sharp EL 531. Programmable calculators are not allowed during exams.
Learning and Assessments
Assessment Type | Assuming In-person Exams |
Assignments | 20% |
Replication Project* | 15% |
Participation and Team-based Learning (TBL) Activities | 5% |
Midterm Exam | 25% |
Final Exam | 35% |
Total | 100% |
*Teams of 4 students. Details of the Replication Project will be discussed during class.
Course Policy: Assignments and Exams
Makeup Exams and Late Assignments
There will be NO makeup exams or quizzes. If you miss an exam, you will receive zero marks. Likewise, late assignments will be heavily penalized and will be discounted by 50% per day. Exceptions may be made for documented medical reasons or extenuating circumstances. In such a case, it is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor immediately (not after the exam or deadline has taken place). Notification after the examination date is not acceptable.
Required Attendance is mandatory at ALL class. The course will be conducted using a Team-Based Learning (TBL) format, to develop both your leadership and team-building skills, while enhancing your learning beyond individual study. Your team will require access to a laptop computer during classes during TBL exercises. If you are unable to attend class due to illness, it is your responsibility to inform the instructor prior to class.
Academic Misconduct
Academic honesty is essential to the continued functioning of the University of British Columbia as an institution of higher learning and research. All UBC students are expected to behave as honest and responsible members of an academic community. Breach of those expectations or failure to follow the appropriate policies, principles, rules, and guidelines of the University with respect to academic honesty may result in disciplinary action.
Academic misconduct that is subject to disciplinary measures includes, but is not limited, to the following:
- Plagiarism, which is intellectual theft, occurs where an individual submits or presents the oral or written work of another person as his or her own. In many UBC courses, you will be required to submit material in electronic form. The electronic material will be submitted to a service which UBC subscribes, called TurnItIn. This service checks textual material for originality. It is increasingly used in North American universities. For more information, review TurnItIn website online.
- Cheating, which may include, but is not limited to falsification of any material subject to academic evaluation, unauthorized collaborative work; or use of unauthorized means to complete an examination.
- Submitting others work as your own, may include but not limited to i. using, or attempting to use, another student’s answers; ii. providing answers to other students; iii. failing to take reasonable measures to protect answers from use by other students; or iv. in the case of students who study together, submitting identical or virtually identical assignments for evaluation unless permitted by the course instructor.
- Resubmission of Material, submitting the same, or substantially the same, essay, presentation, or assignment more than once (whether the earlier submission was at this or another institution) unless prior approval has been obtained from the instructor(s) to whom the assignment is to be submitted.
- Use of academic ghostwriting services, including hiring of writing or research services and submitting papers or assignments as his or her own.
Student Responsibility: Students are responsible for informing themselves of the guidelines of acceptable and non-acceptable conduct for examinations and graded assignments as presented via FRE code of conduct guidelines; course syllabus and instructors; and UBC academic misconduct policies, Review the following web sites for details:
- UBC Academic Misconduct and Discipline (,54,111,0)
- UBC Learning Commons web-based Academic Integrity (
Penalties for Academic Dishonesty: The integrity of academic work depends on the honesty of all those who work in this environment and the observance of accepted conventions. Academic misconduct is treated as a serious offence at UBC and within the MFRE program. Penalties for academic dishonesty are applied at the discretion of the course instructor. Incidences of academic misconduct may result in a reduction of grade or a mark of zero on the assignment or examination with more serious consequences being applied if the matter is referred to the Dean's office and/or President's Advisory Committee on Student Discipline.
Schedule* (*Tentative at best!)
Week | Lecture Topics | Readings |
1 - Sept 2 | Tues
Introduction to course and econometrics. Wed Introduction to data visualization using Tableau Desktop. Assignment #1 posted. Thur Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep. Visual analytics; Clustering Analysis. |
provided; Hill Chapts1-2. |
2 - Sept 9 | Tues
Statistics Inquiry. (t Tests reviewed!).Introduction of simple linear regression (SLR1). Assumptions, Estimation and Fit Wed Complete Introduction to SLR1.Assignment #2 posted Thur Simple linear regression (SLR2). Interval estimation, prediction; interpretation and modeling issues. | |
3 - Sept 16 | Tues
Completion of last day’s content (SLR2). Wed Tests of significance (SLR3). Assignment 2 discussion. Thur Introduction to functional forms; Case Study. |
Hill Chapt 3-5 |
4 - Sept 23 | Mon
Functional forms; transformations. Tues Assignment discussion. Thur –No class | |
5 - Sept 30 | Tues
Introduction to Multiple Regression Thurs Oct 3 Midterm Exam*: Thurs Oct3rd(11:30am–1:30pm) | |
6 – Oct 7 | Tues
Multiple Regression continued (Backwards-PI). Assumptions. Stepwise processes and model development. Thur Multiple Regression continued (Backwards-PII). Diagnostic tests. Assignment #3 posted | |
7 – Oct 14 | Tues
Indicator Variables for categorical data. Coding, prediction, interpretation Thur Heteroskedasticity. |
Hill Chapt 6-8 |
Weeks 8-10 | During Weeks 8 to 10 there will be no scheduled classes as per the MFRE schedule! | |
11 - Nov 11 | Midterm Break Nov. 11-13 (No class Tues Nov. 12)
Thur Tests for misspecification & structural stability. Assignment #4posted. | |
12 - Nov 18 | Tues
Autocorrelation.Tests and remedies. Wed Introduction to Panel Data Analysis. First Differences. Thur Fixed Effects (within estimator). |
Chapt HO |
13 - Nov 25 | Tues
Introduction to Logistic regression; probit. Thurs Logistic regression; diagnostics, prediction, model accuracy and assessment. Fri Other models dealing with binary/nominal dependent variables. Diagnostics and applications. |
Chapt 16 |
14 - Dec 2 | Dec.3/5.Team Project Presentations. |
*Please note the midterm exam will extend beyond regular class time to allow extra time.
Final Exam–Scheduled by MFRE Admin