
From UBC Wiki
MFRE Industry Insight Series
FRE 520
Instructor: Kelleen Wiseman;

Olivier Ntwali


Office: MCML 329;


Office Hours:
Class Schedule: Fri 3:00-5:00 pm Term 1&2
Classroom: MCML 160
Important Course Pages
Lecture Notes
Course Discussion


Class Times: Friday 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm Term 1 and 2

Class Schedule: Check the MFRE Weekly Online Schedule for updates.

Classroom: MCML 160 (unless noted otherwise)

UBC Canvas: All course content and grading materials should be uploaded via Canvas


The MFRE Industry Insight Series course features a series of guest lectures by industry experts, offering students valuable insights into current trends and challenges in the climate, food and resource sectors. Through these talks, students will gain a deeper understanding of key issues and participate in discussions that connect theory with real-world industry practices.


Instructor: Kelleen Wiseman, MBA, PhD MCML 329,

Co‐Instructor: Olivier Ntwali, MFRE MCML 348A,


The schedule will vary depending on the availability of the guest speakers. Please check the following for speaker and topic information.

  • Check the MFRE Weekly Online Schedule for updates
  • Course Canvas page


Industry Knowledge: Students will deepen their understanding of current trends, methods, and applications in the food, resource, and environment sectors.

Application of Economics, Policy, and Business Models: Students will gain insights into how MFRE concepts/frameworks and techniques are applied in industry settings and understand how these models function as operational tools in real-world scenarios.

Presentation Skills: Students will observe and evaluate diverse presentation techniques, enhancing their own communication and presentation skills.

Professionalism: Students will learn to present themselves professionally during seminars and develop the skills to engage with industry speakers in a professional manner, enhancing their networking and interpersonal abilities in a business setting.

Industry Networking and Connections: Students will establish connections with faculty, cohort, and industry experts and expand their professional networks within the food, resource, and environment sectors.


Course materials: Posted on the Canvas page.

The major themes for the seminar topics include

  • Climate Change
  • Environment and Resources
  • Business/ Agribusiness/Food Processing/Finance


Grade Allocation Evaluation Item*
15% Professionalism (Terms 1 & 2)
15% Questions for Speakers – Before Each Seminar (Terms 1 & 2)

Due: Wed 8pm on Canvas before each seminar


Due: End of Term (Details and Dates on Canvas)


Due: End of Term (Details and Dates on Canvas)

30% ASSIGNMENT 3: EFFECTIVE PRESENTERS (Due at the end of Term 2)

Due: End of Term (Details and Dates on Canvas)


*Exams: There are no exams for this course


  • Late assignments are not accepted. That means there are no partial scores for late submissions, no makeup assignments, and no reallocation of marks, do-overs, or extra credit options.
  • Working with Others on an Assignment: You may work with other students, but you must turn in your own individual assignment. If you have an answer that is too close to another student’s answer, you will both be given a 0 in the question &/or assignment without recourse and this will be handled according to the policies of the program/university.
  • Turn it In and MFRE Courses: All assignments/papers/reports will be submitted to this service and AI Indicator and Similarity index reports reviewed by the Instructor and/or Course Assistant. You can set up your own Turn it in account and run your reports through this service prior to submitting them for grading.
    • See details at: Student Guide To Setting Up And Using Turn It In (MFRE Student Portal). Use Class ID 40356728 and Enrollment Key 13669038 to access the MFRE course folder, submit assignments/papers, and review similarity index reports.
  • Plagiarism: All incidences of plagiarism will be turned over to the MFRE Academic Director and managed via the MFRE program policies.
  • Assignment Format
    • Title page with course number, assignment number, student name and UBC number
    • Use professional business writing style and format
    • Messy or disorganized assignments are not acceptable and will result in either a zero or reduced grade.
    • Follow page or word count suggestions.


Professionalism includes:

  • Professional Conduct: Consider this an industry setting and conduct yourselves accordingly. Students are expected to maintain a high standard of professionalism during seminars. This includes dressing in smart casual attire fitting of a student conference setting, placing name tags in direct view, placing personal belongings neatly near their desks/seats, arriving on time, not entering/exiting during the talk unless absolutely necessary, engaging respectfully in Q/A, and listening attentively. Electronic devices should be used only for seminar-related activities.
  • Attendance: Attendance at the seminars is mandatory. However, in order to provide flexibility, students can miss one class per term without justification and without losing points, but you must inform Olivier Ntwali, Academic Program Manager, by email. If students miss more than one class per term, this will impact the overall grade. If you must miss the seminar due to illness or other unexpected events, follow the regular MFRE protocol.
  • Preparation: Review the assigned reading material, assess your own knowledge (including information, expertise, biases, and interests) related to the speaker’s topic, and think about what you want to learn more about.
  • Engagement and Active Listening: To be an active listener, focus on the speaker and peers without distractions, and show engagement through non-verbal cues (like nodding or maintaining eye contact) and asking constructive questions.

Grading Rubric for Professionalism:

Proficient (>80 grade) Competent (70 to 80 grade) Novice (<70 grade)


  • Is mentally and physically present and continues to focus on the presentation.
  • Arrives on time.
  • Dresses casual/professionally.
  • Actively listens and participates.
  • Speaks loudly enough when
  • asking questions.
  • Attentive to speaker.
  • Computer and cell phones not
  • used during presentation.
  • Sometimes participates but at other times is “tuned out.”
  • Mostly punctual.
  • Sometimes listens and participates but not always attentive to speaker.
  • Talks to others and uses computer/cell phones occasionally during talk.
  • Seems distracted or working on other course work.
  • Arrives late regularly.
  • Talks to others and uses cell phone/computers during the presentation.
  • Attends seminars and if needs to miss one seminar‐ emails instructor.
  • Misses more than 1 seminars and generally emails to communicate why and when they will be missing seminars.
  • Misses more than 2 seminars and does not communicate why and when they will be missing seminars.
  • Missing a seminar without reason generates a 3% deduction.
  • Arrives fully prepared with all assigned readings completed, questions provided on Canvas, and notes on reading, observations, questions.
  • Sometimes arrives unprepared or with only superficial preparation.
  • Exhibits little evidence of having read or thought about assigned material.
Active Listening
  • Actively and respectfully listens to peers and speaker.
  • Actively participates at appropriate times.
  • Ready to ask pre‐ defined question or a new one
  • Sometimes displays lack of interest in speaker or is distracted.
  • Questions are sourced from personal rather than readings and academic knowledge.
  • Displays lack of interest or disrespect for others.
  • Seldom participates and is generally not engaged.
  • No questions and not sure what to ask from their own pre‐defined questions.


Students are asked to read all assigned materials and submit two value‐added questions prior to the seminar. A value-added question is one that generates an answer that brings value to the conversation and encourages the speaker to share their expertise and knowledge of the sector. Questions will be shared with the invited speakers, and students may be called upon to present their question. Be ready!

Deadline and Policy for Submitting Questions

Complete questions/survey on Canvas by the deadline (Wed 8pm before each seminar). Late submissions will NOT be accepted. There are no do‐overs or extra credit for make up for missed deadlines with the exceptions for illness.

Contact Olivier Ntwali, Academic Program Manager, if you missed the question submission deadline due to illness.

Grading Rubric for Questions for Speakers:

1 Point: Satisfactory 0.5 Points: Adequate 0 Points: Poor
Quality of



  • Satisfactory as it contains characteristics of a quality question
  • Will generate discussion
  • Uses readings as a base for questions.
  • Questions presented in a clear and concise manner.
  • Adequate, but needs details and grammar edits
  • Comments/ questions are sometimes irrelevant, reveals lack of preparation, or indicate lack of attention to previous remarks of other students.
  • Comments/ questions reflect little understanding of either the assignment or previous remarks in seminar.
  • Questions generate yes, no, or previously covered topics.

Guidelines for Developing Quality Questions for the MFRE Seminar Series

Consider hidden assumptions you may make in your question. The intent of asking questions should be to learn and understand, rather than to point out predetermined assumptions on a topic. Remember that you do not yet have all the information on a topic, so it’s best to ask questions out of curiosity, not judgment.

  • Don’t: Why would the city issue a policy that benefits large corporations but not small businesses?
  • Do: How might the policy affect large corporations and small businesses?

Consider asking open‐ended questions, rather than closed questions.

  • Don’t: Closed questions can be answered with a yes or no, and typically start with “Do/Does, Is/Are, Can, Should, Will, …”
  • Do: Open questions lead to more discussion and context. They usually start with “Who, what, when, where, and how”

Try to be specific when asking a question.

  • Don’t: What makes a successful employee in your company?
  • Do: For recent grads looking to work in your company/industry, what skills are crucial for us to succeed in the early stages of our career?

Consider adding short context if your question is vague.

  • Don’t: How did COVID‐19 impact the company?
  • Do: How has COVID‐19 impacted the company? For example, did they have to change their business model entirely?

Consider the tone of the question. If you disagree on an issue, make sure to attack the problem and not the person. Speak about facts, use readings, or course materials, and don’t attack the speaker or the agency personally.

  • Don’t: Do you believe that the carbon offset incentive is a form or regulatory capture by farmers in Quebec to protect their own interests at the expense of the province’s other residents?
  • Do: Which stakeholder group(s) benefits the most from the carbon offset incentive structure, and alternatively, which stakeholder group(s) are most disadvantaged by the carbon offset incentive?”

Consider providing questions that will generate discussion and bring in the expertise of the speaker. Don’t submit small or limited information‐only questions.

  • Don’t: What is the most interesting part of your job? What is your educational background?
  • Do: What has been you career path from education to the current position? And what are the reasons and sector characteristics you found most interesting during your career?


This assignment requires you to select one speaker’s presentation and their organization, and then as a consultant, complete the following:

Model/ Framework applied to the Organization’s Opportunity, Trend, or Challenge

  • Select and Apply: Choose a model/framework from one of your MFRE courses and illustrate (data, analysis, expected results) how it can be applied to address the opportunity, trend, or problem faced by the firm. Note: the opportunity, trend, or challenge is sourced from the speaker's presentation.
  • Justify: Explain why you chose this model/framework as a good fits to address the organization’s situation.
  • Deliverable: Two-page business report

Model/ Framework Applied to the Organization’s Hypothetical Future Opportunity, Trend, or Challenge

  • Create Scenario, Apply, and Justify: Create a new scenario that the organization might face in their sector and then provide a recommendation of a selected MFRE model/framework the firm should consider addressing the scenario. Recommendations should include a clear view of model expected results, what is required (i.e., data, analysis, etc.) to make the model work for the firm, and why the model/framework is a good fit. Note: the future opportunity, trend, or challenge is created by you and based upon the knowledge gained from readings and speaker presentation. 
  • Present and Defend: Present your analysis in a two-minute "Shark Tank" style pitch to a panel, defending your recommended model and application recommendation.
  • Deliverables: Two-page business report and 2-minute presentation.


Model/Framework Applied to the Organization’s Opportunity, Trend, or Challenge (50%)

  • Selection of Model/Framework (10%)
  • Application of the Model/Framework (20%)
  • Justification (10%)
  • Report Quality (10%)

Model/Framework Applied to the Organization’s Hypothetical Future Opportunity, Trend, or Challenge (50%)

  • Scenario Creation (10%)
  • Application of Model/Framework to Hypothetical Scenario (20%)
  • Justification and Defense (10%)
  • Presentation and Delivery (10%)

Dates and details provided on Canvas.


This assignment requires you to complete the following:

  • Summary: Select two speakers (different than the one used in your other Assignments) from the Industry Speaker Series and provide a brief summary of their presentations. Highlight key insights related to professionalism (e.g., communication, leadership, ethics, problem-solving) shared by the speaker.
  • Analysis: Identify two examples from the speaker’s presentation that demonstrate professionalism in their field. Explain how these examples reflect professional behavior and why they are important in the climate, food, or resource sectors.
  • Reflection: Discuss how the professional skills and behaviors exhibited by the speaker could be applied in your life as a grad student and future career. Consider areas like ethics, leadership, time management, or teamwork.


  • Written Report (500 words): A document containing the professionalism summary, analysis, and reflection.


  • Clarity and Depth of Thought (25%): Well-organized, clear, and reflective writing that shows a deep understanding of professionalism and its role in the workplace.
  • Relevance (25%): Practical application of professionalism in your chosen sector, including insightful examples and realistic action plans.
  • Creativity (25%): Creative and thoughtful approaches to both the case study and the personal development plan.
  • Presentation Skills (25%): Confidence and clarity in the pitch, with a persuasive argument that demonstrates your understanding of professionalism’s importance.

Dates and details provided on Canvas.

ASSIGNMENT 3: EFFECTIVE PRESENTERS (Due at the end of Term 2) 30%

This assignment requires you to complete the following two parts:

  • Part 1: Best Practices Guide (1 to 2 pages)

Create a personalized guide outlining best practices for becoming an effective presenter. The guide should focus on strategies tailored to your unique strengths and areas for improvement.

  • Part 2: Analyze an Effective Speaker (1 page) Identify a speaker you consider to be highly effective and explain the reasons behind their effectiveness, using specific examples.


Part 1: Best Practices Guide (70%)

  • Personalization and Relevance (30%)
  • Depth and Completeness (25%)
  • Self-Awareness and Reflection (10%)
  • Clarity and Organization (5%)

Part 2: Analyze an Effective Speaker (30%)

  • Analysis of Effectiveness (15%)
  • Critical Thinking and Insight (10%)
  • Clarity and Presentation (5%)

Dates and details provided on Canvas.



There is no required distribution of recordings of class. Recording will be provided based upon on the decision of the course instructor. Classes are designed as and are intended to be in-person.


All materials of this course (course handouts, lecture slides, assessments, course readings.) are the intellectual property of the instructor or licensed to be used in this course by the copyright owner. Redistribution of these materials by any means without permission of the copyright holder(s) constitutes a breach of copyright and may lead to academic discipline and could be subject to legal action. Further, audio or video recording of classes are not permitted without the prior consent of the instructor.

Missing Classes/Labs

Students are expected to attend all classes, labs, or workshops. If you cannot make it to a class, lab, or workshop due to a medical or personal emergency, email your Instructor, your Course Assistant, and Olivier Ntwali, MFRE Program Coordinator ahead of time to let them know.

Respectfulness in the Classroom

Students are expected to be respectful of their colleagues at all times, including faculty, staff and peers. This means being attentive and conscious of words and actions and their impact on others, listening to people with an open mind, treating all MFRE community members equally and understanding diversity.

Respect for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The MFRE Program strives to promote an intellectual community that is enhanced by diversity along various dimensions including status as a First Nation, Métis, Inuit, or Indigenous person, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, social class, and/or disability. It is expected that all students and members of our community conduct themselves with empathy and respect for others.  

Centre for Accessibility

The Centre for Accessibility (CfA) facilitates disability-related accommodations and programming initiatives designed to remove barriers for students with disabilities and ongoing medical conditions. If you are registered with the CfA and are eligible for exam accommodations, it is your responsibility to let Olivier Ntwali, Academic Program Coordinator, and each of your Course Instructors know. You should book your exam writing with the CFA using its exam reservation system: for midterm exams or quizzes, at least 7 days in advance; and final exams, 7 days before the start of the formal exam period.


Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty and plagiarism are taken very seriously in the MFRE program. All incidences of plagiarism will be escalated to the MFRE Academic Director with penalties ranging from a mark of zero on the assignment, exam or course to being required to withdraw from the program. Note: If a student needs to extend his/her program due to a failed course or unsatisfactory progress, they will have to pay the full MFRE tuition fees for that term/s.

Academic misconduct that is subject to disciplinary measures includes, but is not limited, to the following:

  • Plagiarism, which is intellectual theft, occurs where an individual submits or presents the oral or written work of another person as his or her own. In many UBC courses, you will be required to submit material in electronic form. The electronic material will be submitted to a service which UBC subscribes, called TurnItIn. This service checks textual material for originality. It is increasingly used in North American universities. For more information, review TurnItIn website online.
  • Using Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT, Bard, or other Generative AI models to generate content or conduct analysis for evaluations, without proper citation and or if asked not to use AI, is considered plagiarism and academic misconduct. If students use AI in their submissions, they must cite the AI generator using citations consistent with the UBC Academic Honesty Standards.
  • Cheating, which may include, but is not limited to falsification of any material subject to academic evaluation, unauthorized collaborative work; or use of unauthorized means to complete an examination.
  • Working with Others on an Assignment You are encouraged to work with other students, but you must turn in your own individual assignment. If you have an answer that is too close to another student’s answer, this will be considered academic dishonesty and this will be handled according to the MFRE and UBC policies.
  • Resubmission of Material, submitting the same, or substantially the same, essay, presentation, or assignment more than once (whether the earlier submission was at this or another institution) unless prior approval has been obtained from the instructor(s) to whom the assignment is to be submitted.
  • Use of academic ghostwriting services, including hiring of writing or research services and submitting papers or assignments as his or her own.

Student Responsibility: Students are responsible for informing themselves of the guidelines of acceptable and non-acceptable conduct for examinations and graded assignments as presented via FRE code of conduct guidelines; course syllabus and instructors; and UBC academic misconduct policies, Review the following web sites for details:

Penalties for Academic Dishonesty: Penalties for academic dishonesty are applied at the discretion of the MFRE program. Incidences of academic misconduct may result in a mark of zero on the assignment, examination, or course, required withdrawal from the program, and/or the matter being is referred to UBC Graduate Studies.