
From UBC Wiki
Directed Studies in Food, Nutrition and Health
FNH 497
Instructor: Louisa Ho
Office Hours:
Class Schedule:
Important Course Pages
Lecture Notes
Course Discussion

File:FNH 497 Guidelines 2023.pdf

Course Description

This course provides a means for individual students to undertake customized projects with a supervising faculty member, to develop and strengthen research skills and to accommodate special research interests that cannot be met through other FNH courses. The course may be taken for between 2 and 6 credits and the letter designation on the course code indicates the number of credits (FNH 497A = 2 credits, B = 3; E = 6). There is no set/synchronous meeting time for this course. Instead, the work plan is arranged and agreed to by the student and the supervising faculty member. Students will be expected to spend approximately 50 hours of work per credit (e.g. a 3-credit directed studies course would require approximately 150 hours).

Course Registration

Students should contact the individual faculty member(s) with whom they are interested in conducting a directed studies, well in advance of the beginning of the academic term. For example, students can approach potential supervisors in May or June regarding a directed studies starting in September. Opportunities for conducting directed studies projects are limited. Upon identification of a supervisor and mutual agreement on a research topic between student and supervisor, admission to FNH 497 is facilitated through a course coordinator, and must be recommended by the faculty member who will be supervising the work that the student is to undertake.

Formal registration into the course requires submission of the registration form to the course coordinator (Louisa Ho; If the project to be conducted is associated with a paid or volunteer position held by the student, care must be taken to ensure that any hours of work on the thesis project are over and above those required by the related position. The supervisor must be satisfied that this requirement has been met. Normally, a minimum of 50% of the work required for the course must be conducted during the session in which the student is enrolled in the course. Exceptions to this requirement may be requested in advance where its application would result in a course overload, unnecessary delay in time to graduation, or the imposition of extra fees.

File:FNH 497 Registration Form.docx

Course Deliverables

All of the course deliverables are clearly described below, and must be submitted through the course Canvas site. The Canvas site also includes helpful resources for supervisors and students. Examples of each required submission are provided on Canvas as a guide, but the specific structure and content may vary for different projects. Each submission should be created by the student in consultation with their directed studies faculty supervisor. Students must upload all submissions according to the instructions, and by the deadlines posted on Canvas. The required submissions are listed in the table below with typical deadlines.

Item to Submit on Canvas Due
Copy of the Course Registration Form Start of the course
Project Timeline Within 4 weeks of the start of the course
Progress Update* Mid-point of course
Final Report End of course

*If applicable, the name of a faculty member who will serve as a second evaluator for the written report should be stated in the progress update.

The project timeline should clearly summarize the work plan and is arranged and agreed to by the student and the supervising faculty member. It must be set out in writing and is generally no more than two pages. Typically, the work plan includes time spent on literature search, design of experiments, experimental work and generating reports and presentations. A regular schedule of consultations should be pre-arranged between the supervisor and the student in order to monitor and discuss progress and time spent by the student on the project. If the project is to be conducted totally, or in part, at a location other than UBC, the supervising faculty member will make appropriate arrangements for regular monitoring of student progress and project timeline. This may entail appointment of an on-site co-supervisor.

The progress update is typically a 1-2 page written progress report that is shared with the project supervisor approximately halfway through the term. The document should also include the name of a second evaluator for the written report if the report is worth 40% or more of the final grade. If the written report is worth 39% or less, a second evaluator is encouraged but not required. This document should be viewed as an opportunity to reflect on the work plan and adjust as needed. Typically, it will include a short description of the progress to date, a comparison of progress against the originally proposed timeline, any significant changes in the aim or approach for the project, and the remaining experiments that are expected to be completed.

The format for the final report for directed studies projects can vary, and it is important for the faculty supervisor to clearly communicate the final report requirements to the student before the course begins. While the report can adopt a format similar to a thesis, it is not mandatory.

Course Evaluation

The precise breakdown of how the student will be evaluated must be agreed upon by the student and faculty supervisor and included in the course registration form. The grade breakdown must follow the requirements in the table below. Examples of evaluation schemes for FNH 497 can be found at the bottom of this page. The evaluation scheme must include a final written report (worth 20%-85% of the final grade) and one or more additional forms of assessment. Other forms of assessment may include an oral presentation, evaluation of lab (or project) work, a research poster, or another form of assessment appropriate for the particular project. Note that the final written report does not need to follow the same format as a thesis, but the expectation for what is required should be made clear by the supervisor. Often, though not required, one of the other assessments is an oral presentation, and a 3-hour time slot will be reserved during the final examination period for supervisors that would like to provide students with a venue to present to their peers and other faculty members.

Assessment Weight
Project Timeline 2.5%
Progress Update 2.5%
Final Written Report* 20% - 85%
One or More Other Assessments

(e.g. lab work, poster, oral presentation)

Determined in consultation with supervisor

*If the final report is worth less than 40% of the overall grade, a second evaluator for determining the grade is not required.

Student Responsibilities

  • Reach out to potential faculty supervisor(s) who they are interested in working with
  • Complete the course registration form in consultation with faculty member supervisor and submit to course coordinator
  • Allocate appropriate time to the course (based on the number of credits)
  • Take initiative in gaining the necessary background knowledge and skills, and planning and executing the research
  • Complete course requirements by the designated due dates (submit via Canvas)

Supervisor Responsibilities

  • Select an appropriate research project in conjunction with the student
  • Discuss the project objectives, assessment methods and rubrics, and grade breakdown with the student prior to the student completing their course registration form
  • Provide suitable laboratory supplies and equipment to perform the work
  • Review the student’s project timeline and mid-course progress update
  • Provide guidance on experimental design, data analysis, and presentation of results
  • Schedule regular meetings with the student (e.g. weekly or biweekly)
  • Provide feedback on the student’s draft of their final report in a timely manner
  • Assess student’s work and provide feedback

Course Coordinator Responsibilities

  • Make sure all required information is correctly included in the course registration form
  • Submit approved forms to LFS Student Services to enroll students
  • Monitor Canvas site to ensure students have submitted the required activities on time, and send one-time reminder emails if needed
  • Coordinate final presentations during the exam period
  • Submit students’ final grades to LFS Student Services

Example of a Completed Registration Form

Student Name: John Doe
UBC Student #: 88869652
Term(s): Winter Term 1
Credit Level: FNH 497C (3-credits)
Start Date:

(if other than the start of term)

End Date:

(if other than the end of term)

Project Site: FNH 135
Site Supervisor:

(if applicable)

Jamie Cook
Faculty Supervisor: Barbara Homes
Approvals Electronic Signature Date
Student John Doe Aug 10, 2023
Faculty Supervisor Barbara Homes Aug 11, 2023
Site Supervisor (if applicable) Jamie Cook Aug 10, 2023
Course Coordinator Lee Roy James Aug 11, 2023

Project Description and Objective(s):

This directed studies project involves conducting a comprehensive literature review on the impact of vitamin B12 on human health and disease. The project aims to deepen our understanding of the importance of B12 in maintaining optimal health and provide insights into its potential implications for disease prevention and management.

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Develop an in-depth understanding of the role of vitamin B12 in human health, including its functions, dietary sources, absorption, and metabolism
  • Enhance research skills by effectively searching, critically evaluating, and synthesizing scientific literature to address a specific research question or topic
  • Apply critical thinking skills to analyze and interpret the literature findings, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and potential biases in the existing research
  • Improve scientific writing skills by summarizing complex information in a clear, concise, and organized manner, using appropriate citation and referencing formats
  • Enhance oral communication skills by effectively presenting the key findings and implications of the literature review in a structured and engaging manne

Grade Breakdown:

Assessment Weight
Project Timeline 2.5
Progress Update 2.5
Final Written Report 50
Project Work 45

Rubrics for each Assessment Method:

The example rubrics provided on the course wiki page will be used for evaluating the final written report and the project work.

Example Evaluation Schemes

The evaluation scheme must include a final written report (worth 20%-85% of the final grade) and one or more additional forms of assessment.

Example 1. Includes one additional assessment as required

Assessment Weight
Project Timeline 2.5
Progress Update 2.5
Final Written Report 50
Project Work 45

Example 2. Includes two additional assessments

Assessment Weight
Project Timeline 2.5
Progress Update 2.5
Final Written Report 50
Project Work 30
Presentation 15

Example Grading Rubrics

Note: If your supervisor decides to use one of these rubrics, you may refer to them in your FNH 497 registration form instead of including the whole rubric.

e.g. The student's project work will be assessed using the example rubric provided on the FNH 497 course wiki page.

Project Work

A downloadable version of this rubric can be found here: File:FNH 497 rubric examples.docx.pdf

Criteria Outstanding

(Scores 90% - 100% of marks available for particular section)

Meets Expectations

(Scores 60% - 89% of marks available for particular section)

Requires Improvement

(Scores 0% - 59% of marks available for particular section)

Critical Thinking during Research Process  /5
  • Effectively organizes data, to extract key information
  • Able to explore different options and determine the method that is best
  • Performs research of sufficient quality to satisfy peer review
  • Meets all criteria at high level
  • Meets all (or most) criteria at acceptable level
  • Meets few criteria; requires greater clarity and development
Intellectual Independence   /5
  • Performs basic professional tasks without needing to refer to others
  • Shows initiative and takes personal responsibility
  • Uses experience and pre-existing knowledge to explore topic appropriately
  • Brings insight to analysis of data and papers
  • Meets all criteria at high level
  • Meets all (or most) criteria at acceptable level
  • Meets few criteria; requires greater clarity and development
Organization and Work Ethic /5
  • Demonstrates personal accountability and responsibility, consistent work
  • Plans for completion of many tasks, and prioritizes appropriately
  • Demonstrates persistence
  • Meets all criteria at high level
  • Meets all (or most) criteria at acceptable level
  • Meets few criteria; requires greater clarity and development
Communication throughout Research Process  /5
  • Communication in writing and in person is clear and professional
  • Presents information in an organized manner
  • Actively listens and responds effectively to questions and suggestions
  • Meets all criteria at high level
  • Meets all (or most) criteria at acceptable level
  • Meets few criteria; requires greater clarity and development
Total:           /20

Lab Work

50 marks total

  • Initiative (10 marks)
    • Demonstrating ownership of the project and taking the lead to keep making progress
  • Technique (10 marks)
    • Taking necessary steps to ensure scientific accuracy
  • Comprehension (10 marks)
    • Retention of information from discussions and reading and ability to apply it to project
  • Organization, work habits, attention to safety/proper protocols (10 marks)
    • Consistent schedule, use of PPE, clean work space
  • Dedication and Perseverance (5 marks)
    • Not giving up when things go wrong
  • Communication Skills (5 marks)
    • Clear communication in project meetings and in group presentations


40 marks total

Introduction (5 pts)

  • Set the stage for the presentation and includes all necessary background information for understanding the project as well as the projects objective(s) and the significance of the research

Methodology (5 pts)

  • Provides overview of how the study was conducted
  • Includes enough information should be provided such that the audience can understand the procedures while avoiding the inclusion of unnecessary details

Results (5 pts)

  • Results should:
    • Be presented clearly and effectively, using appropriate tables, charts, or graphs as necessary
    • Accurately reflect the data collected and analyzed
    • Provide a thorough interpretation of the findings, relating them to the research objectives
    • Include appropriate statistical analyses to support the findings
    • Cover all relevant aspects of the study's findings

Discussion (5 pts)

  • Provides a comprehensive interpretation of the results, addressing the research question or problem
  • Places the findings within the broader context of existing knowledge or literature
  • Acknowledges and discusses the strengths and limitations of the study
  • Explores the significance of the findings and their potential implications
  • Demonstrates critical thinking skills by evaluating alternative explanations

Conclusion/Significance (5 pts)

  • Summarizes the key findings of the study
  • Directly addresses the research question or problem stated in the introduction
  • Highlights the contribution of the study to the field or topic
  • Reflects on the overall research process, including any challenges or lessons learned
  • Suggests potential avenues for future research based on the study's findings

Slide Design (5 pts)

  • Slides are visually appealing, with an appropriate balance of text, images, and other visual elements
  • Text on slides is clear, legible, and appropriately sized for easy reading
  • Slides demonstrate a consistent and cohesive design theme throughout the presentation
  • Slides effectively convey the hierarchy of information, with important points emphasized appropriately
  • Slides integrate animations effectively to enhance understanding

Delivery (5 pts)

  • Presentation is clear and easy to understand, using appropriate language and terminology
  • Presenter engages the audience effectively, maintaining their interest and attention
  • Presenter effectively manages the allotted time, covering all relevant aspects without rushing or exceeding time limits

Flow of Information (5 pts)

  • Information is presented in a logical order and effective bridging is use between sections

Final Report

Criteria Outstanding

(Scores 90% - 100% of marks available for particular section)

Meets expectations

(Scores 60% - 89% of marks available for particular section)

Requires improvement

(Scores 0% - 59% of marks available for particular section)

Abstract /10
  • Accurate and concise description of the research project
  • Clearly overviews the methods, findings, and implications
  • Makes the reader interested in reading more
  • Meets all criteria at high level
  • Meets all (or most) criteria at acceptable level
  • Meets few criteria; requires greater clarity and development
Literature Review/Introduction   /20
  • Sources are well selected to support the research question
  • Key aspects of the chosen subject are covered with no significant omissions
  • Synthesis demonstrates mastery of the subject
  • Meets all criteria at high level
  • Meets all (or most) criteria at acceptable level
  • Scores 9 – 13.4
  • Meets few criteria; requires greater clarity and development
Methodology /10
  • Sample and method of analysis are thoroughly described and clearly presented
  • Meets all criteria at high level
  • Meets all (or most) criteria at acceptable level
  • Meets few criteria; requires greater clarity and development
Results /20
  • The analysis is appropriate and accurate
  • Strong review of key findings; provides clear overview
  • Integrates tables and/or figures, as appropriate
  • Meets all criteria at high level
  • Meets all (or most) criteria at acceptable level
  • Meets few criteria; requires greater clarity and development
Discussion /20
  • Inferences, insights, and conclusions drawn from the data are valid and logical, and fully supported with strong evidence
  • Results of this analysis are appropriately considered in the context of other existing research
  • Insightful analysis of impact of research on the topic
  • Strengths, limitations, and appropriate next steps are identified
  • Meets all criteria at high level
  • Meets all (or most) criteria at acceptable level
  • Meets few criteria; requires greater clarity and development
Presentation & Communication  /20
  • Writing is professional, clear, concise, and informative
  • No writing or grammatical errors
  • Paper is very well organized, easy to read, uses subheadings to facilitate organization
  • Paper is submitted as a Word document, formatting, references, and length are targeted to specified journal
  • References well selected, appropriately cited throughout the paper, and listed at the end of the document
  • Overall, effective document with captivating presentation and communication (effective layout, clear, interesting, comprehensive)
  • Meets all criteria at high level
  • Meets all (or most) criteria at acceptable level
  • Meets few criteria; requires greater clarity and development
Total:           /100