Fundamentals of Nutrition | |
FNH 350 | |
Section: | TBA |
Instructor: | Dr. Yvonne Lamers |
Email: | |
Office: | FNH 245 |
Office Hours: | |
Class Schedule: | M/W/F 10:00-10:50am |
Classroom: | FNH 60 |
Important Course Pages | |
Syllabus | |
Lecture Notes | |
Assignments | |
Course Discussion | |
You must have FNH 250 and one of BIOL 201/BIOC 202/BIOC 300 as pre-requisites.
Course Materials
- Outline course notes will be posted on Web-CT Vista for you to review before each class and as an option to easier follow the lectures. You are responsible for all materials covered in the class, whether it is included in the notes or not.
- TEXTBOOK: Gropper, S.S.; Smith, J.L.; and Groff, J.L. (2009). Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism. 5th Edition. Wadsworth Thomson Learning. This textbook is highly recommended. Copies are placed on reserve in the Woodward Library, and are available for purchase at the UBC Bookstore.
- Web-links for additional reading includes articles for course discussions, will be posted on Web-CT Vista prior to scheduled course discussions.
Course Content
This course will cover the macronutrients (carbohydrates, lipids, and protein), fibre, and alcohol. We will also address energy metabolism. We will discuss the structure and function of the macronutrients and fibre; the digestion, absorption and metabolism of macronutrients, fibre, and alcohol; and the metabolic and health implications of excessive and inadequate intake of macronutrients and energy.
Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives
At the conclusion of this course, students should be able to:
- Describe key features of the structure of various classes of macronutrients and of fibre;
- List the functions of each of the macronutrients and fibre;
- Explain the processes of digestion and absorption for the macronutrients, fibre, and alcohol;
- Describe the ways in which the macronutrients are transported, stored, and metabolized by the body, as well as the means by which waste products of their metabolism are disposed of;
- Describe the methods used to determine the human requirements for protein and energy;
- List the factors affecting the requirements for protein and energy, and explain how these factors influence the requirements;
- Describe the metabolic effects of consuming either excessive or inadequate amounts of the macronutrients, fibre, and energy;
- Describe the effects of feeding and fasting on metabolism.
Class Format
Classes consist of lectures and discussions. You are encouraged to review the course notes before the class. If you wish, you may print the course notes. The course notes will be an outline of the slides used in the lecture and will be posted on Web-CT Vista.
Class participation is encouraged. If you wish to do well in this course, it is important to attend all the lectures. If you miss a lecture, it is YOUR responsibility to get the notes from another student in the class.
Activity | Percent of Grade |
Midterm Exam (TBA) | 30% |
Final Exam (TBA) | 50% |
Quizzes † | 20% |
TOTAL: | 100% |
† Three quizzes will be scheduled. The top two marks you achieve out of the three quizzes will be taken into account for your final course mark; each of those two quizzes will thus count as 10% of your total final course mark.
Therefore, you could alternatively miss one of the quizzes due to reasons such as sickness, appointments, etc. No physician note is required, and if you miss more than one quiz for any reason, you lose the mark assigned for that quiz (NO exceptions). Please do NOT ask about re-scheduling of the quizzes. Format of the quizzes is multiple-choice and fill-ins.
Midterm and final examinations will cover the material posted on the Web-CT Vista as well as those presented and discussed in the class. The midterm and final exam will be composed of matching, multiple-choice, fill-ins, and short/long essay questions.
Make-up exams (midterm or final) will only be given to students, according to the university policies, with a valid note of excuse signed by a physician. Normally, the student must take the make-up exam within one week of the missed exam.
Student Responsibilities
Students are responsible for the following:
- Be prepared for class. Read the materials in the course notes and in the related chapters of the textbook;
- Attend class. If you are absent, it is your responsibility (not mine) to make copies of any handouts, etc.;
- ASK QUESTIONS if you don't understand something;
- If you have a complaint about the course, PLEASE DISCUSS IT WITH ME. Constructive suggestions will be welcomed;
- Please be on time for class and ensure that your cellphone is turned off. Also, please avoid leaving and returning to class unless it is essential - other students find this disruptive.
Academic Honesty
Academic honesty is a core value of scholarship. Cheating and plagiarism (including both presenting the work of others as your own and self-plagiarism), are serious academic offences that are taken very seriously in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems. By registering for courses at UBC, students have initiated a contract with the University that they will abide by the rules of the institution. It is the student's responsibility to inform themselves of the University regulations. Definitions of Academic Misconduct can be found on the following website:,54,111,959#10894