Course:FNH200/Assignments/2024/Ocean Spray Cran Cherry Juice vs Ocean Spray Diet Cran Cherry Juice

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We will be comparing two Ocean Spray Cocktails for the purposes of this assignment. We will be looking at Original Ocean Spray Cranberry-Cherry Cocktail, and comparing that with Diet-Low Calorie alternative of the same beverage. Ocean spray has a huge selection of flavours, and they have diet low-calorie versions of almost all of their drinks. This makes their drinks accessible to people who cannot consume the excess sugar present in their original drinks. The packaging on the drinks makes claims that the drink contains 100% Vitamin C, and no additional preservatives or flavours have been added.

Product Images

Include photos of the two products of your choice, clearly showing the ingredient lists and the overall labels - mandatory, if you don't show it, the TA's can't mark the rest.

Instructions on how to add photos and images to UBC Wiki can be found here:

Diet Low-Calorie Ocean Spray Can-Cherry Cocktail
Original Cran-Cherry Cocktail
Images from Wikimedia Commons can be embedded easily.

Ingredient lists (4 points)

  1. Type out the lists of ingredients
  2. Identify fat substitutes, sugar substitutes, and/or additives used, if there is any
  3. Explain the roles of fat substitutes, sugar substitutes, and/or additives used in terms of the functional properties they contribute to the product
  4. Compare and contrast the lists of the two products and explain differences

Labels (1 points)

Ocean Spray Cran Cherry Ocean Spray Diet Cran Cherry
Bilingual labelling Called Cran•Cherry in both English and French Called Diet Cran•Cherry in both English and French
Common name In the front of the packaging (Cran•Cherry) In the front of the packaging (Diet Cran•Cherry)
Name and principle place of business and Country of origin Located on side of packaging (ONE OCEAN SPRAY DRIVE LAKEVILLE-MIDDLEBORO, MA 02349 U.S.A.) Located on side of packaging (ONE OCEAN SPRAY DRIVE LAKEVILLE-MIDDLEBORO, MA 02349 U.S.A.)
Date markings & storage instructions ____Date marking located on the lid_____ and the storage instructions are on the side (Must refrigerate after opening) ____Date marking located on the lid_____ and the storage instructions are on the side (Must refrigerate after opening)
Irradiated foods Product is not irradiated Product is not irradiated
Legibility and location All necessary labels are clearly visible and legible either on the sides, front, or top of the container All necessary labels are clearly visible and legible either on the sides, front, or top of the container
List of ingredients and allergens Located on side of packaging Located on side of packaging
Net quantity Located on front of packaging (1.89 L) Located on front of packaging (1.89 L)
Nutrition labelling Has a Nutrition Facts Table on the side of the packaging, displaying the necessary information in the correct format. Refer to image ___________[1] Has a Nutrition Facts Table on the side of the packaging, displaying the necessary information in the correct format. Refer to image ___________[1]
Sweeteners Does not contain a sweetener but does contain sugar which is a sweetening agent, not a sweetener [2] On ingredients list in the necessary format [2] (Sucralose, Acesulfame-potassium)
Food additives Declared in ingredient list, see it for more details Declared in ingredient list, see it for more details
Claims and Statements Claims to not be a significant source of saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, fibre, or iron Claims to not be a significant source of saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, fibre, or iron

Overall, the packing of both products satisfy Canadian food labeling requirements [3]

Personal Choice (5 points)

Please submit your individual component of this assignment on Canvas to protect your privacy and your personal opinion


Please use the Wikipedia reference style. Provide a citation for every sentence, statement, thought, or bit of data not your own, giving the author, year, AND page.

Note: Before writing your wiki article on the UBC Wiki, it may be helpful to review the tips in Wikipedia: Writing better articles.[4]

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This Food Science resource was created by Course:FNH200.