Course:Edcp 474 306 2010/Defining Technology

From UBC Wiki

Working in your small group, compile your images, video links, diagrams, and text in this space: How many definitions of technology can you find? What do you define technology as?


Christopher Taylor & Daniel Dennett: Who's Afraid of Determinism? -- Rethinking Causes and Possibilities

Compatiblism- This article discusses the fact that the ideas of a deterministic universe (one where events are linked in a necessary sequence) are compatible with ideas of choice. The mechanical nature of the universe suggests that all events are happening in a predetermined order. This relates to the idea that technological progress is a given. [1] Jason

Working in your small group, compile your images, video links, diagrams, and text in this space: How many definitions of technology can you find? What do you define technology as?

The Pre-Given World These articles discusses the idea of the pre-given world and ourselves within it. The pre-given world is a concept that deals with what we perceive as pre-given information;would wind exist if humans had not evolved, etc.





The Question Concerning Technology-Heidegger Heidegger talks about our thoughts about, relationships with, and visions for technology. [4] Jason