Course:EOSC311/2021/Geoconservation: how does geology enhance conservation?

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Geoconservation is an emerging field of science which integrates geology and conservation. It deserves greater recognition for numerous reasons. First of all, geoconservation addresses the intrinsic value of geological features and processes, as well as the need of conserving geodiversity. As geologic structures are vulnerable and easily damaged by disturbances, despite it taking millions of years to form, active management is necessary. In addition, geodiversity directly impacts biodiversity as the abiotic components of nature largely determine the environmental condition and pressures of the ecosystem. Geodiversity and biodiversity conservation are interdependent, and the integration of the two is recommended to achieve conservation of nature on Earth. Geoconservation also preserves geoheritage which describes a holistic view of geology, people, and culture. While I developed an in-depth understanding of biodiversity conservation in my Natural Resources Conservation degree so far, I am not yet familiar with conservation involving geologic features and processes. This project was an opportunity for me to explore how geology, a non-living component of the environment, enhances conservation which primarily focuses on the biotic features of nature, and to encourage professionals and custodians to incorporate geoconservation in future conservation projects.


What is geoconservation?

Geoconservation — a multidisciplinary study involving geology and conservation — is a relatively new field of geoscience which emerged in the 1990s.[1] It focuses on the geological structures and processes of the natural environment, including landforms and soils. In other words, geoconservation deals with the non-living aspects of conservation.[2]

Importance of geoconservation

First of all, geoconservation addresses the conservation of non-living components of nature. Many conservation projects involving the preservation of geologic structures are frequently done with the intention of preventing socioeconomic costs that arise from the absence of those features or sustaining living organisms. Nevertheless, geological structures are also under threat to permanent damage. Active management of geological structures is not very common because these features are often perceived to be robust. However, disturbances on abiotic factors tend to be permanent, unlike for living organisms which can potentially “re-grow”. As a result, geoconservation of geodiversity must be approached in conservation projects, independent of protecting humans and biotic factors of the environment.[2][3]

Geoconservation also has a direct impact on the living components of the environment. Geodiversity creates diverse environmental conditions and pressures, which simultaneously enhances biodiversity. Likewise, degradation of abiotic components threatens the survival of living organisms.[4]

Furthermore, geoconservation impacts the protection of geoheritage. Aside from the intrinsic value of geological structures, they also hold scientific, educational, cultural, economic, and aesthetic values. These sites can be in its natural state, represent a specific culture (e.g. decorative stonework), or be a site for economic development (e.g. mining heritage). Often, geoheritage sites allow sustainable development of local communities through protection and recognition of their traditional values, as well as secure a stable income through geotourism.[1]

Relationship of topic to author

I am currently enrolled in the Dual Degree Program for BSc Natural Resources Conservation and Master of Management. Conservation Science was one of the courses that I enjoyed most in my bachelors degree so far, where we explored conservation issues and scientific processes for informed conservation decision-making. Geology is a topic that I have not yet covered in my university career and I questioned how geology, an abiotic aspect of nature, can improve the field of conservation which primarily focuses on protecting the living components of the environment.

Relevance to the real world

Geoconservation is an emerging field that has only recently been inclusive to conservation projects. Geologic structures have both intrinsic and instrumental values, where its management subsequently protects geodiversity, biodiversity, and geoheritage. Through this report, I hope to introduce what geoconservation is, it’s value, and encourage conservationists to consider the approaches the geoconservation takes.

Geoconservation of Geodiversity

The intrinsic value of geodiversity

Geodiversity is the variety of geological morphology of nature, including minerals, rocks, soils, fossils, and water, as well as geological processes that form or alter them, such as the erosion of earth materials, tectonic movements, and sediment transport. Most geologic structures that we see today are the result of billions of years worth of earth’s materials and its movement. Hence, they are commonly irreplaceable when exposed to disturbances. While conservation tends to have its focus on the biotic factors of the natural world, it is as important to protect geologic structures as they are also easily destroyed under natural and human pressures. Above all, the intrinsic value of geological and geomorphological features and processes must be recognised and this ethical reason itself should be a reason to support geoconservation. [2][3]

Application: case study on sand dunes

A mature coastal sand dune, developed on a beach with sufficient space for the sediments to accumulate[5]

Sand dunes are a pile of windblown sand formed along the coast. Aside from its intrinsic value, they are also essential for sustaining coastal ecosystems as they replenish beaches after a destructive storm and protects the inland areas from wind, waves, and water intrusion. While sand dunes are a powerful figure in the coastal ecosystems, they are also extremely susceptible to natural disturbances and human intervention.[6]

One of the major threats to sand dunes is infrastructure on the coast. Sand dunes require sufficient space to develop, further away from the shoreline where wave erosion is limited. Hence, buildings on the coast imperils dune development. In addition, sediment transportation is interfered by constructions of mitigation including sea walls and groyne.[7]

Dune formation requires a specific set of conditions over a long period of time, including the physical characteristics of the beach, strong onshore winds, an abundant supply of loose sediments, and limited disturbance. Mature dunes are the most stable form of dunes due to vegetation growth on top of the dunes, which can take up to centuries long to reach. Thus, a destruction of a dune will most likely place permanent damage. Sand dunes are one of many vulnerable geological structures that require serious considerations of geoconservation.[6]

Geoconservation of Biodiversity

Geology and biodiversity

Biodiversity refers to the biological variety, involving the diversity of genes, species, communities, and ecosystems. It is interactive with the physical environment, which is why geoconservation is necessary to promote biodiversity. Degradation of a geologic feature can threaten species survival or the survival of an entire ecosystem. Furthermore, geodiversity directly influences biodiversity because the variety in geological and geomorphological features create a diverse environmental condition and pressure. Geoconservation plays a vital role in supporting biodiversity and ecosystem functions.[4]

Application: case study on caves

Bermuda cave shrimp, one of the endemic species of cave invertebrates in The Bermuda Protected Species Act 2003[8]

Cave is a natural void formed by a combination of geological processes, such as chemical weathering, erosion by water, microorganisms, and tectonic movements, that can occur over the course of millions of years. There are numerous types of caves, allowing the formation of diverse habitats. For example, dry cave habitats have a stable, dark environment year round with lower temperature and humidity relative to the condition outside. On the other hand, drowned cave habitats are partially or fully submerged caves that are located below sea level. There are also several types of material that caves can be made out of, as they can form around the coast, glaciers, and volcanoes. As a result, a unique ecosystem can persist in a single cave.

For this reason, caves are often an important biodiversity hotspot, such as the case in Bermuda. There are at least 84 identified species of invertebrates, endangered ferns, endangered plants, and marine species. These are cave adapted and have evolved within the cave for millions of years. In other words, many of these species cannot live elsewhere. Destruction to the cave will not only disrupt the entire ecosystem, but it can also potentially cause a species or two to go extinct.

Caves are also extremely fragile and easily broken by human activities. Some examples include vandalism, infrastructure, overexploitation of tourism, lights (causes algae growth in caves), litter, groundwater pollution, and ocean acidification from climate change. Proper geoconservation measures and active management of caves are required, especially near human populations.[9]

Geoconservation of Geoheritage

Geoheritage: a link between people, landscape, and culture

Geoheritage is an individual or a combination of sites and areas of geologic features with intrinsic, scientific, educational, cultural, aesthetic, or ecological value. These sites are scientifically and educationally significant because they are critical to advancing knowledge about climate change, water supply, Earth's history etc. In addition, certain landscapes reflect the culture and tradition of local communities or historic events, making them a culturally and spiritually significant geoheritage. Aesthetically significant geoheritage sites display visually appealing landscapes and geologic processes. As well as serving the public interest, many geoheritage sites are tourist destinations. This promotes the site's value, site management, preservation of culture, and provides economic benefits for local populations. Geoheritage sites can either be natural or man-made.[10]

Application: case study on UNESCO Global Geoparks

Perce, one of 5 UNESCO Global Geoparks in Canada designated in 2018 for being rich in biodiversity for comprised of terrestrial and marine ecosystem[11]

UNESCO Global Geoparks established in 2015 with the intention of protecting defined geoheritage areas to maintain and pass on legacies to benefit the future generations. It aims for sustainable development, where local communities of a territory and their cultural identity is preserved by integrating with geoconservation. This is because geoparks also promote education and geotourism. Currently, there are 169 UNESCO Global Geoparks in 44 countries.[12]

In Canada, there are 5 global geoparks: Stonehammer, Tumbler Ridge, Perce, Discovery, and Cliffs of Fundy. Indigenous empowerment is one of the goals that these geoheritage sites are working to achieve. The designation has allowed increase in employment for the Nation members of Indigenous communities, involvement in policy-making for sustainable tourism, and reconciliation with Indigenous communities.[13]


Depletion of geological resources is a serious issue that threatens the geological heritage of the Earth. With the growing population, the demand for natural resources continues to grow. Geoconservation will be in great demand in the future for sustaining the Earth's materials and processes, which is why it is important to increase its recognition now. Education of geoconservation at all levels should be considered to expand the knowledge and skills in regards to sustainability — from early elementary stages to university[14].

Geoconservation also plays a vital role in enhancing ecosystem services: the benefits that people can obtain from ecosystems. Here is a list of ecosystem service by category provided by the IUCN:

Ecosystem services from a geodiversity perspective[3]
Ecosystem services Abiotic ecosystem services
Regulating services 1. Atmospheric and oceanic processes (e.g. dynamic circulations; atmospheric chemistry; air quality and climate regulation; hydrological cycle).

2. Terrestrial processes (e.g. rock cycle; carbon and other biogeochemical cycles; carbon sequestration and climate regulation; geomorphological processes and natural hazard regulation; erosion control).

3. Flood regulation (e.g. infiltration, barrier islands, river levees, sand dunes; floodplains)

4. Water quality regulation (e.g. soil, sediment and rock as natural filters).

Supporting services 5. Soil processes (e.g. weathering; soil profile development) and soil as a growing medium.

6. Habitat provision (e.g. dynamic habitats; caves, cliffs, saltmarshes).

7. Land and water as platforms for human activity (e.g. building land; navigation; surfing).

8. Burial and storage (e.g. human and animal burial; municipal landfill; radioactive waste storage; oil and gas reservoirs; carbon capture and storage; water storage in aquifers, lakes, glaciers, reservoirs).

Provisioning services 9. Food and drink (e.g. freshwater; mineral water; salt; beer and whisky production)

10. Nutrients and minerals for healthy growth.

11. Energy (e.g. coal, gas, oil, uranium; geothermal; hydroelectric; tidal, wave and wind power).

12. Construction materials (e.g. stone, brick, aggregates, steel, cement, concrete, bitumen, glass).

13. Industrial minerals (e.g. metals; alloys; pharmaceuticals; fertilizers;

14. Ornamental products (e.g. gemstones; precious and semi-precious metals).

15. Fossils for sale.

Cultural services 16. Environmental quality (e.g. local landscape character; therapeutic landscapes for health and well-being; sea views).

17. Geotourism and leisure (e.g. mountain scenery; rock climbing; fossil collecting).

18. Cultural, spiritual and historic associations (e.g. folklore; sacred sites; historic stone buildings; sense of place).

19. Artistic inspiration (e.g. geological materials in sculpture; inspiration for art, music, literature, poetry).

20. Social development (e.g. local geological societies; field trips).

Knowledge 21. Earth history (e.g. evolution of life; extinction; origin of topography; past environments).

22. History of research (e.g. early identification of igneous rocks).

23. Environmental monitoring and forecasting (e.g. baseline studies for climate and pollution research; ice cores; sea-level change).

24. Geoforensics.

25. Education and employment (e.g. field sites for university and professional training; employment in industry and geoparks

Ecosystem services are important because they assign a value to an ecosystem feature or function, often in monetary terms, which is an easier expression for humans to visualise the value that an ecosystem holds. This encourages community-based conservation projects where people work with nature to maintain geologic structures and functions to meet the current human needs without compromising the needs of future generations[15].

It is also important to recognise that the components of geoconservation is interconnected. In the case study of caves in Bermuda, there is a high value for conservation due to the vulnerability of species (since they are dependent on the cave habitat) and the cave itself (as they are easily destructed by human activities). Furthermore, it is a tourist attraction, providing educational and economical opportunities for the local communities, which works to achieve sustainable development.[9] These three components is a nexus in a way, where conserving one aspect will simultaneously or subsequently protect the other. In other words, geoconservation will be most efficient if geodiversity, biodiversity, and geoheritage are integrated in conservation projects, rather than being considered separately. The IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas Geoheritage Specialist Group argues that an integrated approach of geodiversity and biodiversity is needed for managing protected areas. Interdependencies of the two fields — abiotic and biotic nature — have been evident in both local and global scales.[4]


Geoconservation is a multidisciplinary field, involving, but not limited to, geological, environmental, biological, social, cultural, and economic components. It is important to recognise the intrinsic value of geologic structure and functions, as well as its vulnerability to natural disturbances and human intervention. Damages on geological features are often permanent because these landforms are a result of Earth's processes over millions of years under specific conditions. Geodiversity shapes varying habitats and environmental pressures, which is why it also directly promotes biodiversity. Geoheirtage also incorporates multiple values of geologic sites, including its intrinsic, scientific, educational, cultural, and aesthetic values. UNESCO Global Geoparks designates locations which present these values for increasing protection, education, and sustainable development.

Unlike other pure sciences, geoconservation is special in a sense that it addresses the social responsibility towards Earth's resources. As a student in the Natural Resources Conservation program, I have been learning about the immense power that human activity has over the natural environment. There has been scientific evidence which portrays the dramatic increase in environmental destruction that we have made on the plant in the past couple of years due to overexploitation of resources and poor management of the environment. However, I believe that humans also have the power to heal and rekindle with nature. Geoconservation is the interdisciplinary field which encompasses both natural and human values, and guides the two to work together to meet each other's needs.


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This Earth Science resource was created by Course:EOSC311.
  1. 1.0 1.1 Brilha, J. (2015). History of Geoconservation. Encyclopedia of Mineral and Energy Policy. Springer-Verlag.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Sharples, Chris (2002). Concepts and principles of geoconservation. Tasmanian Parks & Wildlife Service.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Crofts, R., J.E. Gordon, J. Brilha, M. Gray, J. Gunn, J. Larwood, V.L. Santucci, D. Tormey, and G.L. Worboys. (2020). Guidelines for geoconservation in protected and conserved areas. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Crofts, Roger (2019). Linking geoconservation with biodiversity conservation in protected areas. International Journal of Gehoeritage and Parks 7: 211–217.
  5. Bill, B. (2013). Sand dunes along the beach at prime hook national wildlife refuge. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Rusty, A.F., Sherman, D.J., and Grant, W.E. (2005). Coastal erosion, global sea-level rise, and the loss of sand dune plant habitats. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 3: 395–364.
  7. Soar, Haim (1983). Dynamic processes acting on a longitudinal (seif) sand dune. Sedimentology 30: 567–578.
  8. Parks, P. (2009). Mictocaris halope from inland marine caves in Bermuda. NOAA Ocean Explorer.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Government of Bermuda. (n.d.). Cave Habitats. Retrieved from:
  10. The Geological Society of America. (2012) Geoheritage. Retrieved from:
  11. Desjardins, G. (2015). View from the sea on Rocher Percé in Gaspésie, province of Quebec, Canada. Own work.
  12. United Nations Educational, Scentific, and Cultural Organisation. (2021). UNESCO Global Geoparks. Retrieved from:
  13. Canadian Commision for UNESCO. (2020). Deep dive: the role of geoparks in Canada’s sustainability. Retrieved from's-sustainability/
  14. Henriques, M.H., R.P. Reis, J. Brilha, and T. Mota. (2010). Geoconservation as an emerging geoscience. Geoheritage 3: 117–128.
  15. Nelson, F., C. Foley, L.S. Foley, A. Leoposo, E. Loure, D. Peterson, M. Peterson, T. Peterson, H. Sachedina, and A. Williams. (2010). Payments for ecosystem services as a framework for community-based conservation in Northern Tanzania. Conservation Biology 24: 78–85.