Course:EOSC311/2020/Linking Geology and Biodiversity

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Statement of connection

Biodiversity has been one of the greatest interests of the world and is largely related to conservation of many habitats and species. It is evident that geology is intimately associated with and is reflective of physical geography and the ecosystem of an area. For instance, geological factors such as topography, slope and relief can have direct effects on species habitat and ecosystem function. My project is going to examine the factors that influence the relationship between geology and biodiversity as well as the role of geomorphological processes on the ecosystem and landscape. The role of geology is also critical in species conservation. Diversity of geological features are closely related to the diversity of plants and animals. Concept of geodiversity and geoconservation are new approaches to conservation management that the importance of it has been highlighted by many international scientific communities.

Relationship between geology and biodiversity


The process of orographic lift and lee shadowing with moist air advecting off the ocean.

Large climatic variations across the region significantly influence the ecology of an area. Thus a broad distinction on vegetation and fauna can be found depending on the climatic condition such as moisture regime, temperature and humidity.[1] Small variations in geological factors such as topography can cause change in local climatic conditions and hence different vegetation type and structure. Topography specifically plays an important role in developing microclimates; influence of a hill range on rainfall and moisture is a typical example, where greater precipitation occurs on west facing mountain range since the air ascends the slope and condenses the moisture as it cools.[2] On the leeward side of the mountain, it is much drier since the moisture was removed from the airmass through precipitation when it ascended the windward side.[2] This difference in local precipitation pattern can have a significant influence on vegetation cover and growth rate.


Relief, topography and the underlying geology is directly linked to the arrangement and fundamentals of landforms. Structure of rocks affects the general pattern of relief, while the lithology of individual beds influences relief in detail.[1] Folding and faulting compose different resistance of rock, and processes of erosion also may cause the pattern of the outcrop that is reflected in the relief.[1] Resistance of an individual rock type to erosion depend on many factors - lithology of adjacent rocks, type of erosion, time of erosion, rock structure, etc. As an example, limestones form distinctive relief features than other types of rock due to its unique jointing and permeability and solubility in water containing carbon dioxide or humid acids.[1] Although not vegetations and ecology in all geographic areas are influenced by relief and topography, in areas with significant variations in altitude and geological structure/outcrop between lowland and upland, the impacts are more apparent due to large differences in temperatures.


Soil often represents different types of parent material, which reflect both physical properties like texture, colour and weather ability and the chemical contents, and it may influence vegetation types and distribution.[1] The role of parent material is important in the early stages of soil formation. As formation proceeds, biological factors such as vegetation and soil microorganisms come into play and replace the influence of the parent material.[3] Different soil types have varying conditions, containing distinct nutrient regimes, acidity, chemical composition, etc. Soil that consists of rocks with high carbonate content would prevent podzolization as the carbonate keeps pH high and ban translocation of aluminium and iron.[3] Volcanic rocks that are rich in feldspar and ferromagnesian minerals would provide oxides and hydroxides of iron and aluminium in the soils.[3] Unique features of each soil types would influence the components of and interactions of many key physical and biological components.

Role of geomorphological processes


In the case where soil formation is either absent or highly restricted like cliffs, there may be direct contact between the rock face and the biota. The formation of cliffs int he landscape is caused by mechanical strength and the variability in the strength of the bedrock. These differences reflect various type and form of the cliff produced through geomorphological processes. The inherent strength of a rock is important in its ability to form cliffs and ways in which it weathers. For example, igneous rocks and older (Mesozoic-Palaezoic) sedimentary rocks are harder than the majority of relatively recent (Tertiary <65 million years old) sedimentary rocks and lavas.[1] As a result, former rocks shape more prominent and durable cliff features. Sedimentation patterns, seismic activity and cooling rates also affect the style and form of cliff. Igneous rocks formed by single massive event with few internal joints or cracks tend to provide very few microhabitats for colonization by plants and animals.[4] If multiple events have occurred in time, there is a greater chance of heterogeneities produced which are then available for exploitation by flora and fauna.[4]

Although there is not a clear relationship between the species composition geology of cliffs due to absence of normal soil formation process, degree to which faults, cracks, crevices and ledges are important to ecological communities. In general, cliffs ford of unconsolidated materials give few-large scale heterogeneities compared to those formed of soil rock, due to their rapid erosion.[5] Cliffs formed by igneous rocks like basalt and andesite would provide more niches than softer sedimentary rocks.[5] Like this, features of cliffs can strongly influence the density and diversity of flora of cliffs.


Diverse rock types, physical structures, and different erosional and weathering processes result in the formation of varying physical ground conditions that are exploited by plants and animals.[1] Such variation is especially evident when the rate of weathering and the movement of material is relatively rapid that effects on ecosystem can be more readily observed. This can be applied to cliffs and slopes formed in soft, unconsolidated rocks such as clays and sands, and rocks that are vulnerable to slippage or fracture due to the inherent weak structure or water permeability.[1] Slope habitats are typically found on the coast where a break in slope is formed by slippage and coastal erosion. Cliffs formed in hard rocks such as granite or Limestone tend to form vertical cliffs that support only limited vegetation (few vascular plants). Cliffs formed of soft rocks that consist of less resistant sediments like clays and sands often form less steep slopes; these are subject to frequent landslips and constantly form newly exposed faces and bare slopes.[1] These cliff types, therefore, can support wider range of vegetation communities from grasslands to scrub and woodland. Soft cliffs are specifically important for some groups of invertebrates, notably beetles, flies, ants and wasps as they provide conditions that are rarely found in other habitat areas.[6]

Geo-diversity and Geo-conservation


Geodiversity is “the natural range (diversity) of geological (rocks, minerals, fossils), geomorphological (landforms, topography, physical processes) and soil and hydrological features. It includes their assemblages, structures, systems and contributions to landscapes”. [7] Along with biodiversity, geodiversity constitutes the natural diversity of the planet. [8]


The close relationship between paleontological heritage and biological heritage as key for the promotion of nature conservation, with geoconservation and biological conservation playing similar roles

Geoconservation is “the conservation of geodiversity for its intrinsic, ecological and (geo)heritage values”.[9] Geoconservation is an approach to the conservation management of geological factors such as rocks, landforms and soils. It recognizes that geodiversity has the nature conservation values and is considered as a more wholistic approach to nature conservation that is often purely biocentric.[9] Traditional conservation approaches seek to prevent degradation of landscape, waters and soils in order to minimize the negative effects that may have on human use of land. However, geo-conservation, distinct from that, is to protect natural and intrinsic values of geodiversity rather than only to maintain the utilitarian values of nature.[9]

Importance of geo-conservation

The links between biodiversity and geodiversity conservation have become an important topic for debate and most especially for conservation planning and action. There is now recognition that there are many interdependencies between the biodiversity conservation and geoconservation. The International Union for the conservation of Nature and Neutral Resources (IUCN) World Commission seeks to develop the framework for improved conservation and to identify the linkages between biological and geological aspects of conservation.[7][10] The IUCN recognized the importance of geoconservation alongside biological conservation in multiple Resolutions at its General Assemblies - IUCN 2008, IUCN 2012 and IUCN 2016 - which represent new standard in assessment and management of natural resources. Moreover, in 2008, IUCN Guidelines for Protected Areas Management approved a new definition for geoconservation with clear statement that all protected areas should aim where appropriate to 'conserve significant landscape feature, geomorphology and geology'.[11]

Geodiversity supports diverse habitats across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales; thus it has an important ecological values in conserving biodiversity and ecosystem functions. Geodiversity is an essential part of ecosystem and species interaction, and understanding the interdependencies between abiotic and biotic components of interacting ecosystem would enhance the overall efficiency of species growth and survival. [7]

Examples of interactions between biodiversity and geology

Specialist plants

Northern Rock-cres growing out of cracks on mountain rocks

Specialist plants have developed genetically that are tolerant of the chemical composition of the substrate. A good example is the plants developed on the serpentine rocks (termed ophiolites derived from the ocean mantle) - northern rock cress (Arabis petraea) and Norwegian sandwort (Arenaria norvegica) [10]. Issues with conserving this particular type of species are to ensure that the substrate of serpentine rock debris is not disturbed, and the plants are not removed by collectors. Thermophiles are also an example of specialist plants that have evolved to adapt to extreme conditions of temperature and chemical composition.[10]

Niches for animals

Rock wallaby sitting in a cave

Cave is a classical example of habitat formed by geological processes. Caves have long been known as environments for specialist animals because of the lack of light, specific humidity conditions and limited air flow.[12] The caves specifically provide essential habitat for vertebrate species such as bats, owls and rock-wallabies.[12] Conservation management should focus on artificial lighting and controlling too many visitors, temperature and humidity that have deleterious effects on faunas.

Provision of new habitat

Land at the outlet of glaciers and ice caps is continually changing due to the deposition of new materials from advances of the ice front or from floods of sediment charged meltwater. This often provides new habitats for plants to colonise and a plant succession to establish.[10] In 1996, there was a major flood on the south east coast of Iceland, resulted from a volcanic eruption under part of the ice cap. This caused a large scale erosion and removal of soil and vegetation as well as the deposition of mineral debris from the glaciers. After the event, birth trees and ground flora have colonized the site with the absence of human influence or herbivore grazing pressure.[10] With the rapidly growing impacts of climate change, it is expected that the role of geological change is going to be critical for shifts in species habitat.

Trace of biological evolution

Imprint of a fossilized plant, tree or root in Joggins Cliffs

Evolutionary insights from palaeontological research on rocks have been a major area of interaction between geodiversity and biodiversity.[10] Two examples, both from Canada, illustrate the importance of this connection: The Burgess Shales in the Yoho National Park in BC and Joggins Cliffs, NS. Paleontological research has identified many life forms and ecosystem components in Burgess Shales that had been unknown. [13] This allowed protection of Burgess shales and its fossils for present and future generations.[13] Joggins Cliffs is important site for the evolution of amphibians because the first fossil reptiles were discovered.[14]


Geological factors play an important role in shaping the ecosystem and landscape of the earth. In many respects, diversity of the natural landscape is a representation of the geological processes. Although the influence of geology on landscape can be readily observed, its intimate relationship with biological and ecological elements is not well recognized. The influence of geology and geomorphological processes are apparent through multiple factors both direct and indirect. For instance, rock types, chemistry and its physical structure can form distinct natural landscapes thus differing conditions for species inhabitation. This interdependency between geology and biology has led to increasing recognition in conservation thinking and management approach. Understanding of the interactions between geodiversity and biodiversity conservation will enhance the overall conservation efficiency.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Wetherell, Anna (April 2004). "Linking Geology and Biodiversity". English Nature Research Reports.
  2. 2.0 2.1 West, Greg (2019). "ATSC 113 Learning Goal 63: Identify and explain orographic lift and lee shadowing". The University of British Columbia Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Birkeland, Peter (1999). Soils and Geomorphology. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195078861.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Prembski, Stefan (1994). "Vegetation of rock outcrops in Guinea: granite inselbergs, sandstone table mountains and ferricretes – remarks on species numbers and endemism". Flora. 189: 315–326.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Larson, Douglas (2000). Cliff ecology: Patterns and process in cliff ecosystems. Cambridge Studies in Ecology. ISBN 0521019214.
  6. Howe, M.A. (2002). "A review of the coastal soft cliff resource in Wales, with particular reference to its importance for invertebrates". CCW Natural Science Report.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Gray, Murray (April 2003). Geodiversity: Valuing and Conserving Abiotic Nature. Chichester, UK: Wiley Blackwell. p. 12.
  8. IUCN. "Geodiversity, Works Heritage and IUCN".
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Charles, Sharples (2002). "Concepts and principles of geoconservation". Tasmanian Parks & Wildlife Service.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 Crofts, Roger (December 2019). "Linking geoconservation with biodiversity conservation in protected areas". International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks. 7: 211–217.
  11. Dudley, Nigel (2013). "Guidelines for applying protected area management categories" (PDF). IUCN: 86.
  12. 12.0 12.1 Musser, A. "Jenolan Karst Conservation Reserve, New South Wales, Australia". Best Practice Guideline on Geoconservation in Protected Areas.
  13. 13.0 13.1 Coppold & Powell (2006). "A geoscience guide to the Burgess Shale". Burgess Shale Geoscience Foundation.
  14. Ferguson, Laing (1988). "The fossil cliffs of Joggins". Nova Scotia Museum.

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This Earth Science resource was created by Course:EOSC311.