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Forgotten Connections by Klaus Mollenhauer; edited, translated & with an introduction by Norm Friesen

About this Website

Klaus Mollenhauer’s Forgotten Connections: On Culture and Upbringing (1983), is internationally regarded as one of the most important German contributions to educational theory and scholarship in the 20th century. It has been translated into Norwegian, Swedish, Japanese, Spanish and Dutch, and now appears in English, with a detailed translator's introduction and notes.

This Website provides background information for Forgotten Connections

including material for using the book as a (graduate-level) textbook. This material consists of:

Curricula for courses and workshops based on the text,

English-language texts in the public domain as referenced in the text, and

Images referenced in the book.

About the Book

Forgotten Connections deals with issues and challenges that are as relevant today as when the text was written. In particular, it focuses on the challenge of communicating cultural values and understandings to new generations at a time when these values and understandings have become increasingly fraught and conflicted. This text also joins contemporary educational scholarship in exploring the implications of recent philosophy and sociology (e.g. Foucault and Bourdieu) for pedagogical and curriculum theory and practice. It readily engages the reader through its use of a range of cultural and historical sources; and in so doing, it also mirrors contemporary efforts to link educational concerns to the larger cultural environment.

For more about the book, see: Friesen, N. & Sævi, T. (2010).Reviving forgotten connections in North American teacher education: Klaus Mollenhauer and the pedagogical relation.Journal of Curriculum Studies, 142(1), 123-147.

Detailed Table of Contents

  • Editors’ preface vii
  • Author’s and translator’s notes x
  • Translator’s acknowledgments xi
  • Translator’s introduction: culture and upbringing in theory and practice xiv
      • Who is Klaus Mollenhauer? – a short intellectual biography xii
      • Forgotten connections and the content of culture xv
      • Forgotten connections – questions, themes and chronology xxi
      • A reader’s guide to the chapters xxv
        • Chapter 1: Introduction: Upbringing and Bildung xxv
        • Chapter 2: Presentation and ways of life xxvii
        • Chapter 3: Representation – the educational sphere xxix
        • Chapter 4: Cultivating children’s inner character – Bildsamkeit xxxi
        • Chapter 5: Giving children and adolescents space – self-activity xxxvi
        • Chapter 6: Risking being other than who we are – identity xxxix
      • Conclusion – paradoxes and limitations xli
  1. Introduction: what are we talking about when we talk of Upbringing? 1
  2. Presentation: sharing something about one’s self and ways of life 12
    1. Augustine: "pointing out," "way of life," and "the self" 12
    2. Buffalo Child Long Lance: reality slowed down 19
    3. A picture is worth a thousand words: the origins of an educational barrier 24
  3. Representation: selecting what to convey 34
    1. Comenius and Velázquez: the pedagogical hall of mirrors 34
    2. Recapitulation of my points so far 47
    3. Pestalozzi: designing the educational realm 49
  4. Bildsamkeit: trusting that children want to learn 56
    1. The aporia of Bildung: The case of Kaspar Hauser 57
    2. Making the unsayable doable or the history of Bildsamkeit 64
    3. Narratives of relation and pedagogical engagement 72
    4. The equality postulate 75
  5. Self-activity: taking on projects and solving problems 84
    1. Talking 86
    2. Arithmetic 90
    3. Painting 93
    4. Walking 95
    5. The discovery of the self 104
    6. The self-active individual 111
  6. Conclusion: Difficulties with identity 115
    1. What do we mean when we talk about 'identity'? 116
    2. The inner and the outer 118
    3. Reality and possibility 124
  • Bibliography 131
  • Index 136

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