Course:DHYG404/Team F Block 3

From UBC Wiki

Hi everyone,

I thought I'd get started but I'm not sure if I'm on the right path or not.These are some recommendations made in each chapter:

What are the key strategies that we need to incorporate / implement to align our health care system with the needs and values of Canadians?

- Hospitals should be funded under a service-based remuneration scheme. (A-2)

- Regional health authorities be given control over the cost of physician services in addition to their responsibility for hospital services in their regions. (A-3)

- reform primary care delivery/creation of multi-disciplinary primary health care teams: ex 24 hrs/ 7 days a week, ensure that services are delivered by the most appropriate qualified health care professional. (A-3)

- a maximum needs-based waiting time be established and made public. (A-4)

- The federal government introduce a program to protect Canadians against catastrophic prescription drug expenses. (A-4)

Will copy and paste this in the Wiki page.
