Project Title
COVID-19 Emergency Food Response: Evaluating the challenges, successes, and impact of food hubs
Organization Name
Related Course Concepts
Food justice, Food security, Food insecurity, Poverty reduction/income inequality
Organization Information
Organization Name
Mission and Vision of Organization
A connected community of happy, healthy families where everyone is safe, engaged, and welcome.
To support and strengthen all families with young children in building healthy relationships and community networks, by providing services and programs in a welcoming, nurturing, stimulating and respectful environment.
Guiding Principles + Values
Statement of Diversity
We acknowledge and embrace a diverse spectrum of families and create an inclusive environment for all.
South Vancouver Family Place Society is committed to recognition and appreciation of each individual in the diverse community we serve and we commit to:
- Treat all individuals fairly, with dignity and respect.
- Provide opportunities that are open to all.
- Provide a safe, supportive and welcoming environment for our staff,volunteers, members and visitors.
Contact Information
- Primary Contact Person(s): Julio Bello
- Email:
- Phone: 236.998.0378 (Julio's work mobile); 604.325.5213 (South Vancouver Family Place)
- Address: 7710 Nanaimo Street, Vancouver, BC, V5P 4Y2
- Website:
Preferred Method of Contact
- Best method(s) to contact: Email, Phone
- Best day(s) to contact: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
- Best time(s) to contact: Mornings
Preferred Platform(s) for Remote Collaboration
- In person, Email, Phone, Zoom
Project Description
Context: What challenge or issue does the project aim to address?
Food insecurity is a systemic issue for our, and all, communities and poses some tough challenges. In the context of COVID-19, mass lay-offs and underemployment caused unprecedented levels of household food insecurity across BC's Lower Mainland and the Fraser Valley (and beyond). Local community organizations and service providers pivoted to respond, helping to connect food insecure residents with emergency food and other resources. This involved the mass mobilization of community partners, government, businesses, and local residents to help connect residents to emergency food. Agencies like SVFP filled in gaps of service that the Vancouver Food Bank could not fulfill. This included "Local Love Food Hubs" supported by the United Way of British Columbia.
Challenges in emergency food distribution include:
- Sourcing culturally acceptable foods for distribution
- Having enough staff/volunteers to sort and package and deliver
- Space to sort and keep food from spoiling, and
- Funding
These challenges existed long before the pandemic. However, during the pandemic, the number of individuals needing food rose exponentially and therefore, so did the existing challenges mentioned above. We embarked into uncharted waters, and this raised many questions.
- Should non-profits (who focus on social justice, empowerment, and community advocacy) continue to take on the role of food security management?
- Is it sustainable for small agencies to continue to offer food security programs?
- If it is not sustainable and agencies had to stop: what would be the impact?
These are the questions we are reflecting on as an organization.
The traditional charitable food bank model has been critiqued by advocates working in food security. By moving beyond this model, "food hubs" offer access to community services, family supports, and relevant education. This approach not only increases access to nutritious foods but also builds food skills, knowledge, and connections over a longer term.
The current SVFP project seeks to evaluate and reflect on lessons learned in the emergency rollout of food hubs: successes and challenges with planning and implementation, capturing impact, and more. Students will assist in future planning in the event that Covid-19 (or similarly devastating event) should require large-scale emergency food mobilization again.
Main Project Activities and Deliverable(s)
- Interview executive directors for high-level strategic perspectives, project coordinators for project implementation and delivery perspectives and possibly participants who access services.
- Hold focus group discussions/or one on one interviews
- Compile data
- Analyze data and present it for discussion
- Create a report that will outline if small agencies have the capacity to sustain a food hub (staffing/funding). And will it identify that food hub/s met the pandemic induced need, and were they an effective use of small agencies use of valuable resources (i.e. re-allocations of funds, staffing, space and other resources).
Will the project work for the students be online, in person, or a combination?
- A combination is good. But open to what works for the students.
Student Assets and Skills (preferred or required)
- Asset Mapping
- Interview skills
- Data analysis
- Critical thinking
- People skills
- Understanding of food justice.
Are there any mandatory attendance dates (e.g. special event)?
- No, students and I will identify dates and times for meetings based on their availability.
Is a criminal record search (CRS) required?
- No
Related Community Service Opportunities for Students
- At South Vancouver Family Place - Food Hub volunteers - Family support volunteers, translators and more.
Required Reading
- Students should familiarize themselves with the SVFP website
- Local Love Food Hubs (UWBC)
- Jennifer Black: The worst time for food banks to raise barriers to food
- Students should familiarize themselves with the Vancouver Neighbourhood Food Networks website
Intended Project (Short-term) Outcomes
SVFP will have a better understanding of
- Who are the agency stakeholders (e.g. agencies delivering food hampers)?
- Why did they start offering these services?
- How did they identify the need?
- What challenges do they face and continue to face?
- Lastly, should SVFP continue to offer this service, or is there a better solution?