Project Title
BC Food Security Gateway Website Update
Organization Name
BC Food Security Gateway, BC Centre for Disease Control, Provincial Health Services Authority
Related Course Concepts
Food justice, Food security, Food insecurity, Poverty reduction/income inequality
Organization Information
Organization Name
BC Food Security Gateway, BC Centre for Disease Control, Provincial Health Services Authority
Mission and Vision of Organization
The BC Food Security Gateway (the Gateway) is an online resource that provides BC communities with up-to-date food security information.
Our mission is to support knowledge exchange and collaboration to address food security in BC The Gateway is meant to inform and link you to projects, initiatives, and organizations in British Columbia as well as publications, tools, guides, and news – so that you, too, can contribute to building food security in B.C. The Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) manages the Gateway in partnership with the Public Health Association of BC (PHABC). Core to the Gateway's work is convening a Community of Practice as well. Learn more about the CoP here.
Guiding Principles + Values
The Gateway itself doesn't have its own set of Principles and Values, however, as a project of PHSA, sharing PHSA's values:
Respect people
- We treat people as individuals with unique beliefs, values, lived experiences and cultural norms.
- We value diversity and seek, listen to and respond to suggestions for improvement.
- Patients and families are at the centre of all we do.
Be compassionate
- Whether it's caring for a patient, family member or colleague, being compassionate is fundamental to the work we do.
- We care about the health and well-being of one another and those we serve.
- We believe that simple acts of kindness matter.
Dare to innovate
- As an academic health sciences organization, we achieve excellence through knowledge and innovation.
- We believe in daring to innovate in all areas of our work to provide the best care for patients and families.
- We encourage one another to be life-long learners. We learn from the experiences of patients and families and value their ideas.
Cultivate partnerships
- Our provincial scope means we foster partnerships wherever possible to improve health outcomes.
- We collaborate with each other, those we serve and regional, provincial, national and international colleagues.
- We believe cultivating partnerships also means supporting patients and their families to make the health-care decisions that are right for them.
Serve with purpose
- Our shared drive to make meaningful improvements in care helps to guide our services.
- We find joy through serving others.
- We believe that making a profound difference in the lives of others is our legacy.
Contact Information
- Primary Contact Person(s): Zsuzsi Fodor
- Email: bcfoodgateway [at] gmail [dot] com
- Phone: N/A
- Website:
Preferred Method of Contact
- Best method(s) to contact: Email
- Best day(s) to contact: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, I work part-time so my schedule varies from week to week.
- Best time(s) to contact: Afternoons
Preferred Platform(s) for Remote Collaboration
- In person, Email, Phone, Zoom
Project Description
Context: What challenge or issue does the project aim to address?
The BC Food Security Gateway needs support with re-organizing its extensive archive of provincial food security information. The Gateway has been around since 2009 to provide quality resources, a news feed via Twitter, and event highlights for those work in and interested in food security across so-called BC. More recently, the Gateway has also been facilitating a Community of Practice. More about the CoP here.
We have a strategic direction to align the CoP conversations and members' work with the Gateway website and to centre focusing on sharing resources, news, information, and so on, that connects to the topic areas of the CoP:
- Household food insecurity and poverty reduction
- Indigenous Food Sovereignty, anti-racism and decolonization in the food system
- Local food policy and governance
- Community food action, network and movement building
We also have a strategic recommendation that the website be updated and redesigned (which includes a blog subscription service that acts as our newsletter). Given the 12 year archive on the website, we need support updating parts of the website content such as researching funding/grant updates, categorizing/tagging resources and blog posts, and likely other areas!
Main Project Activities and Deliverable(s)
- Targeted inventory of resources (including funding links) on the website
- Inventory of suggested tags and categories for resources and blog posts
- Inventory of active/inactive funding sources on website
- Other possible activities to be explored with project leads and group
Will the project work for the students be online, in person, or a combination?
- Online
Student Assets and Skills (preferred or required)
- Interest in communications and/or resource inventories
- Attention to detail
Are there any mandatory attendance dates (e.g. special event)?
- No, although, it might be possible for interested students to join our Community of Practice calls in October and November after checking in with the group.
Is a criminal record search (CRS) required?
- No
Related Community Service Opportunities for Students
- N/A
Required Reading
Project/Partner Orientation Materials
Students should review these materials prior to the first partner meeting:
- Just the website:, in the more detail the better but not necessary
Additional Project/Partner Orientation Materials
The following will be provided at the first community partner meeting:
- N/A
- BC Food Security Gateway co-managers have an updated set of website content