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Critical Engagements in Sexuality Studies
Citrus fruits.jpg
Course Info
Instructor: Dr. Isabel Machado
Class Time: T Th 11-12:30am
Classroom: SWING 305
Project Page

Welcome to the CSIS 200 Wiki space!


Your essay should clearly answer:

How and why the chosen artifact represents and/or challenges and/or reinforces and/or

encapsulates the concept/topic/theory related to the topic in Critical Engagements in Sexuality

Studies you are exploring in your project?

Your page MUST include:

  • A 2000-2500-word text introducing, contextualizing, and analyzing your artifact.
  • Short Bio (not included in word count): *A short bio of the page's author: you!
  • At least 5 images
  • 1 Audio-visual component (video and/or audio clip)
  • A source list containing at least 10 primary and/or secondary sources. **Use the formatting style you are most familiar with (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.), as long as your references are complete and properly formatted. See: