``This is the wiki for CPSC 312 in 2024. You can edit the wiki if you log in with your CWL. See the main web page for the course
Project 1
Post links to your project here; give it a meaningful link and title. Please create appropriate headings. Use your names (nicknames and first names are okay as long as the TAs marking it knows who you are). I find it easier to use "Source Editing" and copy other links to start. Creating the link before creating the page makes naming easy.
Lang (Kiana, Chester, Oussama)
Image Processor (Ryota, Kenshin)
ChatApp (Dora, Rustam, Justin)
y86 Emulator (Ali, Devon, Garima)
vim4notes (Sofia, Rudy, Andrew)
Dictionary (Evan, Kevin, Parsa)
JIT Compiler for Brainf*ck (Illya, Angus)
Rubiks Cube Simulator (Jimmy)
Game Player Title (Author names)
Spider Solitaire (Shenglong, Sophie, William)
foryUno (Nanjou, Nate, Trevor)
BlackJack (Jordan, Matthew)
Connect 4 (Angus, Clarissa, Joseph Chiang)
CardsAgainstHumanity (Ryan, Sophia, Isaac)
Snake (Derek, Quinn, Chendong)
Gomoku (Sukanya, Aiden, John)
2048 (Joseph, Michael, Dusty)
Pong (Martin, Iñaki, Jade)
Connections (Adrian, Andrew, Dan)
Chess (Jerry, Matthew)
Wordle (Peter, Ray, Luke)
Randomized Choose Your Own Adventure (Christina, Michelle)
Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe (Jerry, Tony, Junming)
Sorry! Board Game (Annika, Joshua, James)
2 Player Chess (Aaditya, Kulladit)
Nurikabe (Justin, Nia, Ramit)
Monopoly (Devam, Kayla)
Wordle (Julian, Ilya)
Tetris (Mickey, Zach, Zeke)
EcosystemSimulation (Jenilee, Oleg, Youssef)
Game of Life (Shibo, Kevin)
Conway's Game of Life (Mehrsa, Yichen Lu)
Machine Learning
Part of Speech Classifier (Leo, Kosmo)
Kanban Board Application (Jonathan A, Logan Wu)
Project 2
Post links to your second project here; give it a meaningful link and title. Please create appropriate headings. Use your names (nicknames and first names are okay as long as the TAs marking it knows who you are). I find it easier to use "Source Editing" and copy other links to start. Creating the link before creating the page makes naming easy. Please make appropriate headings to organize the topics.
Cryptography (Jerry, Matthew)
MBTI Personality Tester(Kenshin, Ryota)
IKB Murder Mystery (Luca, Defne)
Concert Recommender (Michael, Dusty, Joseph)
MiniLanguage (Jade, Iñaki, Martin)
Pldiff (Derek, Quinn, Chendong)
Hanabi (Nanjou, Nate, Trevor)
Monoalphabetic Substitution Decipherer (Mehrsa, Yichen Lu)
ProloggingBee (Adrian, Dan, Andrew)
Killer Sudoku (Rustam, Dora)
Kakuro Solver (Devam, Kayla)
Movie Recommender (Ray, Luke and Peter)
Book Recommender (Angus, Clarissa, Joseph Chiang)
Mastermind Game (Sofia, Rudy, Justin)
Randomized Choose Your Own Adventure (Christina, Michelle)
Theorem Prover (Kiana, Chester, Oussama)
Escape Game (Sukanya, John, Aiden)
Deflog (Jenilee, Youssef, Oleg)
Cryptography (Matthew, Jerry)
Trivia Quiz (William, Sophie, Shenglong)
Logic Games (Aaditya Desai, Kulladit)
Clash of Cards (Ali, Devon, Garima)
League Of Legends Champion Recommender (Joshua, James, Annika)
Sudoku Solver (Jonathan A, Logan Wu)
Event Tracker (Leo, Kosmo)
Buzzfeed Quiz (Isaac, Ryan, Sophia)
Political Compass Test (Jerry, Tony, Junming)
Sudoku Expert (Julian, Ilya)
Smashdle (Jordan, Matthew)
Integral Solver (Parsa, Shih-Wei, Kevin)
Drone Parts Builder (Shibo, Kevin)
Course Map (Nia, Ramit)
Recipe Recommender (Zach, Zeke, Mickey)
Key-Value Store with Tagging (Angus, Illya)
Tic-Tac-Toe and Minimax AI (Jimmy)