Authors: Arash, Bijan, Dashaylan
What is the problem?
The Higher or Lower game is centered around guessing the search popularity of one item compared to another. The goal is to obtain the highest score by continually guessing the popularity of the next item compared to the previous one. These popularity scores are stored in a large database.
What is the something extra?
We will be implementing categories to the game which allows players to focus on certain areas, potentially increasing the overall difficulty of the game.
We will also attempt to implement to increase the difficulty of the comparisons after certain scores are reached.
What did we learn from doing this?
(This should be written after you have done the work.) What is the bottom-line? Is logic programming suitable for (part-of) the task? Make sure you include the evidence for your claims.
Given that we were able to complete all the goals we established in our proposal, it's safe to conclude that logic programming is suitable for creating a guessing game. Our game accesses a database of search histories stored within the program itself to test players. We were able to create categories based on this original database to allow players to focus on specific areas, including political, media, brands/accessories, sports and history. Additionally we successfully implemented a difficulty scaling which increases every five points scored. Difficulty in this case was defined as a difference threshold between two items, making it so higher difficulties resulted in items with very similar search histories.
Function chaining and recursive calling allowed us to replicate an event style loop one would normally implement for a game., however there were issues with this in that incorrect inputs would cause the "loop" to end and require the function to be manually run again.
Overall we thought this game was pretty amusing to make since you end up learning random facts about the Internet while playing/testing it.
Higher Lower Code