
From UBC Wiki

Prolog CS Advisor

Authors: Ruth Benjamin, Wendy Liu

What is the problem?

We want to create an interface to query UBC CS 2016W courses using natural language interfaces. It should be able to answer questions about course names, scheduling and instructors. We hope to provide an easier way to query the courses available through this tool.

What is the something extra?

We will have a feature that checks if students in the database are allowed to take a course based on the prerequisites of that course. The user can ask "Can Sam take CPSC312?" and it will verify whether Sam can take that course based on his completed courses, and the course requirements.

What did we learn from doing this?

We learned about how sentences can be deconstructed into key components by their different phrases and word type (nouns, adjectives, etc.). We also learned about building a database up using the triple store method and how much easier it made querying our database.