Course:CPSC311/2010WT1/Lecture Notes/2010-09-13/NNek

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CPSC 311 September 13 2010

(define-type OpMapping
	[opMapping (op symbol?) (impl procedure?)])

(opMapping '+ +)

Racket is cool. Why? Functions can be passed as values, second thing is that Racket Data looks like Racket programs, or vice versa

Concrete Syntax: (+ 5 7) == 5 + 7 == (5 7 +)

Abstract Syntax, a single way to represent the different forms of concrete syntax, generally forms trees

Statement, executes next statement after executing itself

Expression, returns a value (in Racket, expressions are functions)

Normally: Lexer (text) -> (tokens) Parser (abstract syntax tree) -> Interpreter (value)

Useful for checking for errors on tests:

(define (failed-tests)
         (reverse (filter (lambda (x) (not (symbol=? (first x) 'good))) plai-all-test-results)))

Alt-p previous, alt-n next

Case, checks a symbol, cond checks a condition