Course:CPSC-312/Dish Recommender

From UBC Wiki

Authors: Johnny Yang, Corbyn Kwan

What is the problem?

When users provide the ingredients and cooking method, we will recommend all the possible dishes that they can create with those ingredients. The answer to will be based on the ingredients the user have given plus any remaining ingredients required to make the dish. This way, the user does not need to give out every single ingredient required to make a dish. Additionally, we may also want to have the user include a certain number of ingredients to limit the search space (since fewer ingredients will likely result in a large number of possible dishes).

The user will be prompted to provide with a list of ingredients (can be empty) followed by a country (must be inputted).

What is the something extra?

Integrate wikidata api ( to return the list of dishes that can be made based on the user's query

Learnt about sparql queries into wikidata to receieve the rdf data for our database.

What did we learn from doing this?

We have learned how the input output works in Prolog; i.e. creating continuous input loops for the user to create the ingredients list.

Learnt about how schema works in, and how data is represented in Wikidata as RDF.

Links to code etc.