Please read this page carefully and refer to it when in doubt about the course policies.
Attendance at all lectures is expected although attendance will not be taken. Assignments and other material will be posted on the website but they are not intended as substitutes for lectures. Some topics discussed in classroom lectures may not be reflected on the website. Students are responsible for all the material covered in class, whether or not it appears on the website. If you missed a lecture, please ask other students, or me (the instructor) about the topics covered in the lecture you missed.
Students will be evaluated based on class participation, assignments, and two exams. The breakdown of the total grade is as follows:
- Examinations: 40%
- Exam 1: 20%
- Exam 2: 20%
- Assignments: 60%
- Programming assignments: 60%
- Assignment 1: 10%
- Assignment 2: 10%
- Assignment 3: 10%
- Assignment 4: 10%
- Assignment 5: 20%
- Problem sheets: 10%
- Programming assignments: 60%
- Class participation: [-3%,+3%] modifier to total
Class participation
If you attended most (or all) lectures, asked (insightful) questions in class, provided feedback on assignments and the course in general, collected marked assignments on time, etc., then you can expect a high score for class participation.
Group Work
Students should work in groups (3 students per group) to complete programming assignments. Only one submission per group is expected. Each assignment should clearly indicate the names and student numbers of the students submitting the assignment.
The programming assignments in this course will have a significant emphasis on computer programming with C/C++ and Java.
The course will have two exams. The exams will not require writing detailed code although pseudocode may be expected. The instructor reserves the right to assign a take-home exams.
Academic Honesty
Students are permitted to work in groups. You may teach other students in your group and learn from them. However there must be no collaboration between different groups. Cases of cheating will be dealt with according to UBC’s policies for academic misconduct.
Excuses and Extensions
Under ordinary circumstances late submissions will not be accepted. Please contact me in case of extraordinary situations such asSerious illnesses,Family emergencies,Scheduling conflicts with examinations.For a missed exam, depending on the circumstances, I may offer a makeup exam. Documentation (such as a doctor’s note) will be required as appropriate to the situation. Moreover, I must be informed beforehand if you will be unable to sit for an exam. If you have a disability or other special circumstance that may require special accommodations, please talk to me.
Grading Errors
We (the teaching assistants and I) will try to ensure that grading is accurate and timely. On occasion, there may be errors. If you have a question or a complaint about the manner in which an assignment or exam question was graded then contact us to discuss the issue.
I will be using this wiki to post material related to lectures, to publish the homework assignments and solutions, and as a repository for some notes/handouts.
Course Management Tool
We will use Canvas to manage day-to-day course operations including discussions, announcements and grades.
We all get a lot of email. Please restrict direct emails to communication that is of an individual nature. Examples would be reasons for missing an exam, clarifications on marks, to set up an appointment to meet me, etc. I will not respond to other queries (such as questions on the homework assignments) unless you write to the discussion forum in Canvas: the use of the discussion forum ensures that broad queries and responses reach all students with little delay.