Course:Applying to Graduate Programs Workshop

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Applying to Graduate Programs
Office: ANSO 124
Office Hours: by appointment
Class Schedule: Monthly meetings
Classroom: usually ANSO 119
Important Course Pages
Lecture Notes
Course Discussion


All ARTS students in their third and fourth year are invited to come to our monthly workshops where we discuss the ins and outs of applying to graduate programs. With the goal of demystifying the process of applying and going to grad school, we also work to create a supportive environment where students can work together and support one another as they decide on programs to apply to, put together applications, and then wait to find out about admissions.

Monthly Schedule

Typically we meet on the last Thursday of each month at 4:30pm in ANSO 119. Times are adjusted for holidays, however.

For students making applications in Dec-Feb, most workshop members attend sessions starting in January (of the previous year) to give themselves ample time to prepare. However, there are always students who manage to make their applications without this amount of preparation -- it really depends on the student and on the type of program.

September through December meetings are geared towards wrapping up applications for that cycle -- students who plan to apply the following Dec-February should start attending the workshop in January when we have an overview of the types of graduate programs.

This year (2016-2017) our meeting times are as follows:

Sept 29th "Identifying Ways of Strengthening Your Application"

October 27th "Communicating with Faculty: Here and at the Programs You are Applying To"

November 24th "Editing, Editing, Editing: Making Sure Everything is Pro"

Dec 15th "Managing Rejection and Navigating Acceptance"

Jan 26th "So, You Want to Apply to Grad School?"

Feb 16th "Funding Models and Graduate Education"

March 30th "The Elements of a Graduate School Application, Part 1"

April 27th "The Elements of a Graduate School Application, Part 2"

May 25th "The GRE Exam"

June TBD "Writing Samples, Reference Requests, and Statements of Purpose"


Here is a site that has lots of information on the cultural challenges for students from low-SES backgrounds navigating graduate programs: