Course:AUDI585/group four - Fall 2010

From UBC Wiki

Please note that I have mailed all the LEXICON items as of Thursday, November 4th.

Thanks for coming here, group four! Hope you find the Wiki easy to use.

Please provide your references in alphabetical order, preferably in APA format, (*except you don't need to italicize anything, because I am e-mailing it to her by Interchange and that does not support italicization!*). tells you how to do APA format, but don't worry too much about small details that I or others can fix :).

To add or change material, you must log in first and then click the tab marked "EDIT."

You log in using your CWL (campus-wide login, see top right of page).

Have a lovely day. -- MDL


Deacon, H., & Rabin, J. (2008). The representation of morphologically complex words in the developing lexicon. Journal of Child Language, 35(2), 453-465.

Hanly,S. & Vandenberg, B. (2010). Tip-of-the-tongue and word retrieval deficits in dyslexia. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 43(1), 15-23.

Mainela-Arnold, E., Evans, J. L., & Coady, J. A. (2008). Lexical representations in children with SLI: Evidence from a frequency-manipulated gating task. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 51, 381-393.

Nikolaenko, N. (2003). Formation of internal lexicon in seven to ten year old children. Doklady Biological Sciences, 397, 274-276.

Oetting, J. B., Rice, M. L., & Swank, L. K. (1995). Quick incidental learning (QUIL) of words by school-age children with and without SLI. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 38, 434-445.

Weizman, Z. O. & Snow, C. E. (2001). Lexical output as related to children's vocabulary acquisition: Effects of sophisticated exposure and support for meaning. Developmental Psychology, 37(2), 265-279.

Van Assche, E., Duyck, W., Hartsuiker, R.J., & Diependaele, K.(2009). Does bilingualism change native-language reading? Cognate Effects in a Sentence Context. Psychological Science, 20(8), 923-927.


Miller, C. A., Leonard, L. B., & Finneran, D. (2008). Grammaticality judgements in adolescents with and without language impairment. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 43, 346-360.

(Tamara used the above one as well)

Nippold, M. A., Mansfield, T. C., Billow, J. L. (2007). Peer conflict explanations in children, adolescents, and adults: examining the development of complex syntax. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 16(2), 179-188.

(Alison used the above one as well)

Turner, K.H. (2009). Flipping the switch: Code-switching from text speak to standard English. English Journal, 98(5), 60-65.

Scott, C. M, & Stokes, S. L. (1995). Measures of syntax in school-age children and adolescents. Language, Speech and Hearing Sciences in Schools, 26(5), 309-319.

Nippold, M. A. (1993). Developmental Markers in Adolescent Language. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 24, 21-28