Course:ASIA351/Writer Template

From UBC Wiki
Name of the writer
picture of the writer (if available)
Born xx/xx
Occupation Occupation of the writer
Education Education of the writer
Period xx -xxx
Genre Sci-fi..etc,

Lead section: A short introduction of the figure. You could include the information such as his or her date of birth, identities, important events in his or her life, his and her achievement – anything you want readers to notice at the first glance.


The writer’s life experience. Please include years and organize it logically.

Literary career

What did he or she do as a writer?

Representative works

Please list at least two works this writer wrote, and provide a short overview of available critical analyses of the works, as well as his or her writing style and characteristics of the works.


How does this writer influence the literary and cultural circle? If his or her works have been adapted into other art forms, please list them in separate sub-sections.

Further reading

list all the valuable secondary materials (monographs, papers, biographies, etc.).


This resource was created by the UBC Wiki Community.