Course:ASIA351/Work Template

From UBC Wiki
Title of the literary work
picture of the book (if available)
Author xxxx
Title xxx
Country xxx
Language xxxxx
Genre Sci-fi..etc,
Media Type

Lead section: A short introduction to the work. It gives some basic information, such as author, publishing date, publishing house/journal/newspaper, critiques – anything you want readers to notice at the first glance.

Historical background

When was the work written? How does the historical background impact the work?

Synopsis/Plot Summary

What story does the literary work tell?

Main characters

Please include critical comments you could find from other sources.

The theme(s) of the work

Please provide an overview of available analyses of the themes of this work.


How does this writer influence the literary and cultural circle? If his or her works have been adapted into other art forms, please list them in separate sub-sections.

Further reading

list all the valuable secondary materials (monographs, papers, book reviews, etc.).


photos, important facts about the writer, etc.
