Lab Activity
Week 1
Course overview and sampling design
There is no lab during week of Sep 2-6, 2019
Krzic & Brown
Week 2
Soil texture & aggregate stability
Sampling and sample preparation for mineral soils in Agriculture and Forestry
Brown & Krzic
Week 3
Soil bulk density and water content (Time Domain Reflectometry)
Soil texture & aggregate stability
Brown & Krzic
Week 4
Organic matter, electrical conductivity
Field sampling of soil bulk density, water content (gravimetric, volumetric) & TDR
Brown & Krzic
Week 5
Cation exchange capacity (CEC)
Organic matter, electrical conductivity
Krzic & Brown
Week 6
Grad student topics (for methods papers)
CEC & exchangeable cations
Week 7
pH, available P, micronutrients
Thanksgiving Day - UBC closed
Week 8
Soil respiration
Soil pH, available P, Available micronutrients
Krzic & Brown
Week 9
Soil biodiversity
Measurement of soil respiration
Brown & Grayston
Week 10
Grad student presentations - day 1
Soil biological sampling (field) & Extraction of soil macro- & meso-fauna
Grayston & Krzic
Week 11
Plant-microbe symbiosis, mycorrhizae and N fixing root nodules
Rememberance Day - UBC closed
Week 12
Soil biological functions and activity
Mycorrhizal fungi AM & ECM. Nodules identification, N-fixation estimation
Week 13
Course summary & certificates
Enzyme assays. Demonstration of molecular biology & isotope techniques
Krzic, Grayston and Brown