
From UBC Wiki

Vancouver Contacts

Copyright at UBC provides a range of services to support faculty and staff. We will work with you to ensure you have the appropriate information and advice to remain compliant with copyright requirements. You are encouraged to seek assistance through this page. If you are looking for information about the Library's Syllabus Service, please refer to the Using Course Reserves page.



Copyright questions
  • or
  • Peter D. James, Intellectual Property & Copyright Librarian | phone: 604 822-3720
  • Stephanie Savage, Scholarly Communications & Copyright Services Librarian | phone: 604 827-1790
Permissions for materials used in course instruction
Print and electronic Library reserves, including the Syllabus Service
Custom course packs from the Bookstore
Open access, publisher agreements and authors' rights

Okanagan Contacts

We will work with faculty and staff to ensure you have the appropriate information and advice to remain compliant with the new copyright requirements. You are encouraged to seek assistance through this page.

Contact the following for more specific assistance:


Okanagan Campus Contacts

Copyright questions
Print and electronic Library reserves
Custom course packs from the Bookstore
Posting content online in Connect, blogs, wikis or other platforms
Locating and using open educational resources
  • Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), 250 807-9293, SCI 200
Open access, publisher agreements and authors' rights


  • The UBC Okanagan campus Library and the Centre for Scholarly Communication provide support, including workshops, to help faculty, staff, and students understand the appropriate use of copyrighted material at UBC.