Category talk:Food Recipes

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Taking into account recipe variations223:20, 2 March 2011

Taking into account recipe variations

An issue was brought up about including recipe variations.

Maybe we can come up with conventions.

Minor variations can be subheadings/sections within a page.

Major variations/overhauls can be completely new pages.

Alison also said that we can always look at the page history.

Riacale (Zack L.)22:55, 2 March 2011

I feel like page history is a 1% of readers kind of thing. Variations are good, but the heading should probably be put by default, so that people know that is where to put them. An example here:

AndreMalan23:07, 2 March 2011

Do you think general instructions (headings) on the category page will suffice?

Riacale23:20, 2 March 2011