Calculators for Every Business Need

From UBC Wiki

As a business owner, you have to make many decisions about money. Those decisions can be difficult to make, especially if you don't have the right resources at your disposal. Luckily, there are a number of calculators available online that can help you make those decisions easier. Let's take a look at five calculators that every business should know about.

Net Worth Calculator

The first calculator every business owner should use is the personal net worth calculator. This calculator helps you assess your financial situation by calculating your total assets and subtracting any liabilities or debts similar to a Personal Financial Statement. The result is your total net worth, which is an important measure of financial health. Knowing your net worth can help you determine how much money you can allocate toward growing your business or investing in new opportunities.

Learn more: How does a Personal Financial Statement work?

Inventory Calculator

If you run a retail or ecommerce business, it's essential to keep track of your inventory levels at all times. That's where the inventory calculator comes in handy. This calculator allows you to easily calculate the cost of goods sold (COGS) and margin percentages for each item in your store. Knowing these figures will help you understand how profitable each item is, so that you can make more informed purchasing decisions and better manage stock levels.

Small Business Loan Calculator

Business owners who need financing often turn to small business loans as a viable option. However, taking out a loan isn't always the best choice for every situation, so it's important to do some research first before signing any paperwork. A good place to start is with the small business loan calculator, which helps you determine what kind of loan would be best for your needs and how much it would cost in terms of interest payments and other fees over time.

Commercial Real Estate Loan Calculator

For larger businesses looking for more substantial financing for things like office space or warehouses, commercial real estate loans are often the way to go. These loans come with different terms than traditional small business loans do, so it's important to understand what kind of repayment plan would fit into your budget before signing any papers. The commercial real estate loan calculator helps by providing an estimate of what kind of payment plan could work best based on your current financial situation and credit history.

Business Equipment Loan Calculator

Finally, if you need financing for equipment such as computers or machinery, then a business equipment loan may be right for you! These types of loans typically come with different repayment periods than traditional small business loans do as well as different interest rates depending on the type and value of the equipment being purchased. The business equipment loan calculator provides an estimate of what kind of payment plan would work best based on the cost and value of the equipment being financed as well as other factors such as credit score and income level.

No matter what type of financing needs arise during the course of running a business, calculators are available online that can help make those decisions easier—and more accurate! From personal net worth calculators to commercial real estate loan calculators—there’s something out there for everyone’s needs! Using these calculators will ensure that all businesses have access to reliable information when making important financial decisions related to their businesses’ growth! With these tools at hand no decision will be left up to chance!