CPSC312 project2 degree navigator

From UBC Wiki


What is the problem?

We will create something similar to one to SSC course navigator. It will look at the courses which were taken by the student and provide options or gives the courses that the sudent has to take before the graduation. This program may also show which courses can be taken in a given specific term, which courses have conflics with each other and may create a schedule for the student.

What is the something extra?

What we have something extra in there is getting input from the user. The input is just not a function but instead we added input as a list. We added global variable to use the input in multiple functions. We used multiple functions in a function which will lead to the end result. (In our project the code will check if the user asks about the graduation, the code will check first the second year requirements, then third and then 4th year).

What did we learn from doing this?

We learned how to implement multiple functions in a single function. We learned how to create global variables and how to call them in the case where they are required. We learned how to take input and output. We learned how to take an input in terms of list just with spaces required between the elements of the list.

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