CPSC312-2023: Haunted House Game
What is the problem?
We aim to create a maze game, where the player is being chased by a monster through a haunted house. The goal of the game is to search through the house to find the hidden treasure all the while avoiding the monster.
What is the something extra?
Each time you play the treasure will be in a different room so every playthrough will be different. There will be changing hints based on where the treasure spawns. This will make the game more repayable and create a different experience each time you play.
What did we learn from doing this?
We learned how to create a AI in a new way using Prolog. Since neither of us had used a logic language before approaching this with a new mindset was the hardest thing to overcome since we were trying to approach the problem through a function oriented strategy.
What is the bottom line?
While the transition to Prolog was difficult it was a good way to challenge ourselves and learn a new way to approach programming that we weren't used to. While we may not use this language again it will be helpful to know how to define and use a logical language to solve problems in the future.