COPE August 2009 Meeting

From UBC Wiki

The very first meeting

This new community of practice is for all faculty who are interested in the integration of educational technology into teaching and learning. Whether you are new to technology or a self-professed technology geek, join in this community for an opportunity to share best practices and to explore and evaluate the effectiveness of using innovative technology as a teaching strategy in your classroom.


  • introductions
  • war stories
    • best technology used in teaching / time saving
    • worst technology used - time consuming
    • technology you would like to know more about

Our community will be using Doodle to poll members for best meeting times.
After a healthy discussion which was a bit of show and tell, we discovered instructors were using WebCT Vista, Podcasting, Voice Tools, Clickers and online quizzes. We also had a brief demonstration of Horizon Wimba Live Classroom which can be used for virtual meetings, office hours, guest presentations and collaborative projects.
I demonstrated Jing which is a free software that allows you to add visuals to your conversation. It is great for creating tutorials or just 'showing' people what you are talking about.
Some technologies people wanted to know more about included Twitter, Webinar technologies, Wikis and multimedia for student projects.

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