BC Association of Physics Teachers
The BC Association of Physics Teachers (www.bcapt.ca) is the BC section of the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT). It was created in 1984.
The purposes of our organisation are:
- to advance the teaching of physics in the elementary schools, secondary schools, colleges, institutes and universities of British Columbia;
- to promote a professional spirit and collegiality among physics teachers;
- to create a positive public image of physics and physicists;
- to promote a greater awareness of physics through media, government, business, unions, schools, organisations and other groups.
We are dedicated to improving and promoting physics education in BC. We maintain a Physics listserv so that BC teachers have a forum for questions and discussions and to share their expertise. We organize three meetings a year (October, February, and the May AGM) where invited speakers lecture on topics of interest the membership including current physics research, physics education research, teaching strategies and methods, and current educational changes. Some recent examples:
- TRIUMF Annual Pro-D day for Teachers
- Paul Hewitt Conceptual Physics Seminar
We give out two prizes each year:
- the John Pearson Prize each year to a student combining physics scholarship with a love of the outdoors
- the Michael Crooks Science fair prizes book prizes
Dues $15 a year. This money is used to support the John Pearson Prize and the Michael Crooks Science Fair Book Prizes.