5 Reasons Why Alberta is Famous Among RVers

From UBC Wiki

What are people looking for when going RVing?

When people are going RV camping, they are looking to have a fun excursion they can brag about to their friends. RV camping should be exciting, nature-driven, and comfortable for individuals participating. Naturally, because they are looking for this RVers are going to seek out nature-based excursions and places like Alberta where they are driven by beautiful scenery.

Due to this, Alberta has become a haven for those seeking nature at the RV level. There are many reasons why Alberta offers a peaceful spot for RVers to partake and experience the wonderful nature around.

Here’s the five reasons to explore Alberta in an RV

Alberta is Big and Full of Camp Grounds

One of the bigger provinces in Canada, Alberta has the advantage of having a vast and wide forest and natural resources to make camping grounds for visitors of all travels. Even the government of Alberta has noticed its province’s obsession with the RVing trend and has added more supports and RV sites for people to camp themselves at. Often people  the province even use it as their full-time home!

Alberta has helped grow a culture of RV camping and living with this movement. Also, it is nice that there is a mutual love for RVing in the province which is helpful for those new to the area.

Finally, its major draw with this is the number of campgrounds they have and the beautiful sights they hold. Alberta flourishes with views of mountains and beautiful nature all around which the campgrounds intergrade. It makes Alberta accessible for individuals to experience.

Alberta is Very RV Accessible

Above I mentioned how RVing is very popular among the residents of Alberta and that even some people live in their RVs full time it lends well to visitors. Many cities within Alberta like the tourist haven of Banff allow and accommodate for those traveling with RVs. This takes the stress off many individuals when traveling around.

The accessibility of the region allows you to experience multiple things about Alberta. You can keep up with both the nature aspects of the province while being able to experience the urban areas of Alberta. Also, it lends itself if you forget some of the necessary things for RV camping!

Alberta is Very Safe for Campers

People want to be safe when going on these excursions. Usually, when deciding where to go RV camping you take into consideration the location and your relative safety while still experiencing wonderful sights. Although you have to be relatively careful when traveling anywhere RV campers can relieve themselves of many worries when camping in Alberta.

Since RVing is an act commonly practiced in the province more care is taken into making sure camping sites are safe and well-kept for travelers. As long as you keep on the path and use one of the many recognized campgrounds in Alberta RVers have to fear nothing about staying safe.

Obviously, there are risks if you don’t use formal campgrounds but even then, Alberta is a relatively safe province. Many RVers say they felt super safe in their experiences within Alberta.

Alberta’s Hidden Natural Beauty can be Experienced

This is the reason that most aesthetically geared people tend to camp out in Alberta. Some places just speak more about natural beauty than others. Since it is located out west and close to the Rocky Mountains Alberta is gifted with many forms of natural beauty which are engaging to visitors.  

Locations along the mountains are often connected to large bodies of water where individuals can include kayaking, kiteboarding, swimming, and other water activities into their trips. Also, Alberta is known for beautiful hiking trails and the aurora borealis which represent must-see experiences for anyone RVing.

Truly, Alberta takes the cake when you are trying to experience the natural, raw beauty of an area.

You can RV Year-Round

A unique experience Alberta provides when someone is RVing is the opportunity to camp in RVs year-round. Sure, it takes some preparation and winterizing of your vehicle, but the opportunity is there for people to use.

Most places that offer RV camping close their campgrounds down during the middle of September or October and don’t open back up until the early spring season. But in Alberta, the love for RVers is shared year-round in many campgrounds.

So, pack your snowsuit and look at some winter RV camping essentials if camping among the snow is speaking to you! Alberta will welcome you with open arms.

Conclusions (So why is Alberta so Famous for RVing?)

The 5 points discussed above perfectly capture why people would want to go RV camping in Alberta. All the way from safety concerns to beauty and aesthetic reasons are represented and cared for within Alberta. Alberta offers the most personal experience to travelers year-round and is something that should be visited at least once in a traveler’s life.

If you’re ever doubting why so many people rave on about why you should visit Alberta for RVing just look no further than this article to see why it’s such a famous location for RV camping! Its natural beauty, year-round camping ability, safety, RV accessibility, and multiple camping sites make it a haven for RV campers. If you got all your gear, you are all set to go to Alberta to camp!