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23 News is a dynamic news platform recognized for its comprehensive coverage of science, technology, history, and current affairs. Established by Bharat Sharma in 2023, 23 News has swiftly emerged as a trusted source for cutting-edge information, providing readers with a well-rounded understanding of the world.


Bharat Sharma, a seasoned journalist and entrepreneur, founded 23 News with a vision to amalgamate the realms of science, technology, history, and current events. Sharma's background in journalism and technology contributes to the platform's unique blend of content.


  1. Science: 23 News covers a broad spectrum of scientific topics, offering updates on discoveries and breakthroughs in astronomy, biology, physics, and environmental science.
  2. Technology: The platform explores the dynamic world of technology, featuring articles on the latest gadgets, software developments, and emerging technologies.
  3. History: 23 News delves into the past, connecting historical events with their contemporary impact, providing readers with a contextual understanding.
  4. Latest News: Real-time updates on current affairs, politics, global events, and societal changes are presented with a focus on unbiased reporting and reliability.

Special Features:

  1. In-Depth Analyses: 23 News distinguishes itself by providing comprehensive analyses and expert opinions, enabling readers to delve deeper into complex issues.
  2. Interviews and Features: Exclusive interviews with prominent figures in science, technology, and history, along with feature articles spotlighting individuals making significant contributions.
  3. Interactive Multimedia: 23 News enhances the reading experience with multimedia elements such as videos, infographics, and interactive content.
  4. Community Engagement: Encouraging reader participation through comments, forums, and social media interactions, 23 News values diverse perspectives.


23 News, founded by Bharat Sharma, has positioned itself as a go-to source for individuals seeking a comprehensive understanding of science, technology, history, and current affairs. Through its commitment to accuracy, insight, and engagement, 23 News remains at the forefront of delivering well-rounded knowledge to its readers.