Talk:Discrimination Against Indigenous People

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Peer Review022:23, 4 April 2018
feedback005:38, 24 March 2018
Comments022:43, 23 March 2018
Peer comment018:42, 22 March 2018
Peer Review018:55, 17 March 2018

Peer Review

Hi there! Great job with your page! I loved that you elaborated on discrimination experienced by Indigenous people, and included different levels of racisms involved. I have a couple of suggestions for your page! You introduced racial discrimination earlier on and used wage inequality as an example of institutional discrimination against indigenous people. I was hoping to see different types of racial discrimination (i.e. additional examples on top of wage inequality) or a deeper focus on different age/gender groups and how they are affected by this discrimination. In other words, it may be wise to choose to focus on one, as opposed to touching on both age/gender statistics (i.e. university students, male vs female) and wage inequality. Discrimination is a large topic and you introduced us briefly to its definition, who is affected, and how they are affected. It would be fantastic if you could elaborate more on Wage inequality, as it is highly prevalent and a topic that I think many of us want to know more about! For instance, how has the government or society attempted to tackle this problem? What are the outcomes? Overall, great job and I look forward to seeing the final result!

NatalieChan1 (talk)22:23, 4 April 2018

I think this article was well done. I liked your mention of economics and its role in subjugating indigenous peoples. Are you going to mention racialized gendered violence against indigenous women? It is a topic in and of itself, but is worth mentioning here, at least briefly. Another good thing to consider when talking about this piece is the history that led up to modern oppression and discrimination against indigenous peoples. To fully understand this topic, there needs to be a discussion on colonialism.

EdenBeech (talk)05:38, 24 March 2018

Really enjoyed reading on your topic! I think this topic could have been narrowed down a little bit because it is such a large topic to cover! Since it is just an over view, I would add in more about colonization and the history behind the discrimination towards Indigenous people. I think this would help to set up your article to be stronger and more thorough. I like the layout of it though and I think that all of your categories flow well together. I also think that having some statistics would be great and maybe even some comparisons to what other Indigenous people are experiencing globally!

MadisenButterfield (talk)22:43, 23 March 2018

Peer comment

Hi There, Awesome page! I really enjoyed the read. You include a lot of good information that includes statistical info, definitions, and links to other pages if the readers want to learn more about the topic or don't fully understand it. I like how you separated one of your topics into two subcategories to give the readers a more in-depth analysis. Some areas to go back and double check on that I found just some small grammatical errors was when you say "such as substance use disorders" - there needs to be a ',' inbetween use and disorders. "Racial battle fatigues refers" , needs to be 'fatigue' and "Indingeous workers' earning are less than half" , needs to be 'earnings' if you put are after that word. Also if possible (I tried on mine and couldn't figure it out) add some pictures to brighten the page up! But overall your page is very informative and is organized well!

RobynCourtemanche (talk)18:42, 22 March 2018

Peer Review

Great page! I thought it was very informative and used relevant statistics and sources to support your topic. I like how you connected a number of your definitions to other wikipedia pages if the reader wanted to learn more about that specific topic. Your 'implications' section was really well done and i like how you posed some solutions to address the concerns you brought up previously in your analysis. I think adding some graphics or pictures to your page would break up the text and make it visually more appealing. Maybe you could also include some actual numbers into your information from pertinent studies on the topic. I always find it easier to conceptually understand the impact of wage inequality, for example, when actual figures are included. Just a note on references, your Currie reference is missing the name of the paper

AlexandraBland (talk)18:55, 17 March 2018