Peer comment

Peer comment

Hi There, Awesome page! I really enjoyed the read. You include a lot of good information that includes statistical info, definitions, and links to other pages if the readers want to learn more about the topic or don't fully understand it. I like how you separated one of your topics into two subcategories to give the readers a more in-depth analysis. Some areas to go back and double check on that I found just some small grammatical errors was when you say "such as substance use disorders" - there needs to be a ',' inbetween use and disorders. "Racial battle fatigues refers" , needs to be 'fatigue' and "Indingeous workers' earning are less than half" , needs to be 'earnings' if you put are after that word. Also if possible (I tried on mine and couldn't figure it out) add some pictures to brighten the page up! But overall your page is very informative and is organized well!

RobynCourtemanche (talk)18:42, 22 March 2018