Peer Review

Peer Review

Hi there! Great job with your page! I loved that you elaborated on discrimination experienced by Indigenous people, and included different levels of racisms involved. I have a couple of suggestions for your page! You introduced racial discrimination earlier on and used wage inequality as an example of institutional discrimination against indigenous people. I was hoping to see different types of racial discrimination (i.e. additional examples on top of wage inequality) or a deeper focus on different age/gender groups and how they are affected by this discrimination. In other words, it may be wise to choose to focus on one, as opposed to touching on both age/gender statistics (i.e. university students, male vs female) and wage inequality. Discrimination is a large topic and you introduced us briefly to its definition, who is affected, and how they are affected. It would be fantastic if you could elaborate more on Wage inequality, as it is highly prevalent and a topic that I think many of us want to know more about! For instance, how has the government or society attempted to tackle this problem? What are the outcomes? Overall, great job and I look forward to seeing the final result!

NatalieChan1 (talk)22:23, 4 April 2018