Sandbox:DavidKohler/Relativized Alon Conjecture/Random cover model

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A model that generates graph covering of any desired degree of a given base graph allow to make probabilistic statements. The Random cover model is such a model.


Let B be a fixed connected base graph and choose an orientation of its edges. We will denote its vertices and oriented edges by

A covering of degree n is obtained by choosing a permutation of n objects for each oriented edge of the base graph. Let σ = (σ1, ..., σa) be a choice of permutations of n objects, then we construct a covering, B[σ] as follow. Its vertices is simply the set

and its directed edges the set


where ei = ei-1 if that edge is a half-loop. The tail and head maps are given as follow:

and where the opposite edge to the directed edge (ei, j) is the directed edge (ei-1, j). It is easy to verify that this makes B[σ] a cover graph of the base graph B of degree n.

We put a uniform distribution on the choice of permutations and obtain a probabilistic model for coverings of degree n of the base graph B. Note that this is not equivalent to a uniform distribution on all coverings of degree n of the base graph as different choices of permutations can yield the same covering graph.

Special case: Regular graphs

Let d be an even integer and consider the base graph B consisting of d/2 whole-loops on one vertex. Graph coverings of degree n of this graph are d-regular graphs on n vertices.