Sandbox:DavidKohler/Relativized Alon Conjecture/Ramanujan (function)

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A function ƒ(k) on positive integers is d-Ramanujan of order α if there exists a polynomial p and a positive constant c such that

We call (d-1)kp(k) the principal term of the function and ƒ(k)-(d-1)kp(k) its error term.

A d-Ramanujan function of order d-1 is simply called a d-Ramanujan function.


Ramanujan functions are closed under addition and convolution. More precisely, let ƒ1 and ƒ2 be two d-Ramanujan functions of order α then

  • ƒ1 + ƒ2 is d-Ramanujan of order α
  • ƒ1 * ƒ2 is d-Ramanujan of order α
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