Sandbox:DavidKohler/RAC/Stuff/Theorem 2.11

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This theorem indicates that there is a fairly high probability that a random d-regular graph will have a higher eigenvalue than we hope for. This occurs here when a vertex has too many self-loops, a case of what is called a tangle.


Theorem 2.11

Fix an even integer d ≥ 4 and then fix another integer m such that m < d/2 and 2m-1  > d - 1.

Consider the standard model, Gn,d, of random d-regular graphs on n vertices. Then for sufficiently large n with probability at least n1-m-(1/2)n2-2m we have that λ2(G) > 2d - 1.


We're considering the case in which a graph has at least m self-loops, for m < d/2. We'll show that for a value of m large enough relatively to d the second largest eigenvalue will be larger than 2d - 1 for a sufficiently large value of n.

Throughout this proof, we'll consider the values of d and m fixed while we'll let the value of n grow.

Assume that there are at least m self-loops at the vertex vk, this is the event, which we'll denote by τk, that πi (vk) = vk for i = 1, ..., m. This event occurs with probability 1/nm since we simply fix the first value of its first m permutations.

Let us denote by τ the probability that there are at least m self-loops at some vertex in the graph, so we have

and hence, using the principle of inclusion and exclusion, we can estimate the probability of τ as claimed:

Let us now show how such a graph will give rise to a large second eigenvalue. To do this, we'll use Rayleigh quotients to estimate the second largest eigenvalue as stated HERE.

Let us assume that in a random d-regular graph G we have at least m self-loops at a vertex v0. Denote by ρ(v) the distance of a vertex v to the vertex v0 and for any positive integer r consider the function defined on the vertices fr given by:

We would like to estimate the Rayleigh quotient of the function fr. For this, we'll consider the function α defined by:

For which we'll make the following two claims:

  1. Under the assumption that 2m-1 > d - 1 we have that α(m) > 2d - 1
  2. If we denote by A the adjacency matrix of our random graph G then (Afr)(v ) ≥ α(m)fr (v ) for any vertex v such that ρ(v ) < r.

The first claim simply follows from Cauchy-Schwarz. The second claim follows from the following. Let v be a vertex such that ρ(v ) < r, then we have that:

This estimate comes from the worst case this computation can take when the vertex v has only one vertex closer to the vertex v0 and the remaining d-1 vertices are further away from the vertex v0 than the vertex v. The specific case when the vertex v is the vertex v0 is dealt in a similar way:

Here, the worst case is when the vertex v0 has precisely m self-loops (each contributing twice in the adjacency matrix) and hence d-2m adjacent vertices. Note also that fr(v0) = 1.

We can now estimate the Rayleigh quotient of the function fr. Let us define by <f,g>r the partial scalar product on vertices at distance at most r:

then we can rewrite our above remarks as follow:


This allows to get the following estimate of the Rayleigh quotient of the function fr:

We know that α(m) is at most 2d - 1 but the remaining fraction being less than 1, we need to work a little to show that it can be made arbitrarily close to 1 for a suitable value of r. First we can estimate the difference in these two terms as follow: notice that there are at most (d-2m)(d-1)t-1 vertices at distance t from the vertex v0 hence:

And so

Since fr(v0) = 1 we have that <fr,fr>t ≥ 1 and hence

Which converges to zero if we let r tend to infinity since (d-1)/(2m-1)2 < 1. This implies that for any fixed value of m we can choose a value α0 such that 2d - 1 < α0 < α(m) and then choose a value r0 large enough such that:

Which gives the following lower bound on the Rayleigh quotient of the function fr:

To complete the proof and use lemma ??? we need to find an orthogonal function with a larger Rayleigh quotient that this.

For simplicity, we'll denote by f the function fr0 that we obtained above.

Consider the following set of vertices

which contains the support of the function f and all the vertices adjacent to it. We consider now the function g = 1V\N, which is the characteristic function of the complement set of the set N. By construction, the function f is orthogonal to both g and Ag. We now proceed to estimate the Rayleigh quotient of g. Since <Ag,g> is twice the number of edges in the subgraph induced by the vertices in V\N and since the number of edges in that subgraph is at least (1/2)d|V| - d|N|, that is, the number of edges adjacent to a vertex in the set N subtracted from the total number of edges in the graph; we obtain that:

Since |V| = n and since we can consider d and |N| to be constants at this point. This implies that for n sufficiently large, we'll have:

And hence min{ RA(f), RA(g) } = RA(f) > 2d - 1; which implies that λ2(G) > 2d - 1 and concludes this proof.