Sandbox:DavidKohler/Alon try 1/Theorem 3.5

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The following theorem generalizes what is sometimes known as Shannon's algorithm which states that for a finite graph G, the Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue can be computed as being the smallest positive real root of z in the equation det(IAGz) = 0. We show here how to extend this result for an infinite variable-length graph.


Theorem 3.5

Let G be a strongly connected variable-length graph on a countable number of vertices and edges. Then the following are equal:

(1) The reciprocal of λ1(G), the Perron-Frobenius value of G.
(2) The radius of convergence of any entry of MG(z), the walk matrix of G.

If G has a finite number of vertices, then the above two are also equal to the following:

(3) The supremum of positive values of z such that ZG(z), the adjacency matrix of G, converges (in each entry) and has largest eigenvalue less than 1.
(4) The supremum of positive values of z such that ZG(z), the adjacency matrix of G, converges and such that det(IZG(y))>0 for all y with 0 < y < z.

If G has a finite number of vertices, and if the entries of ZG(z), the adjacency matrix of G, are all rational functions of z, then the four above quantities also equal:

(5) The smallest positive solution of the equation det(IZG(z))=0.


(1) = (2)

Recall that the Perron-Frobenius value, λ1(G ), of a variable-length graph is defined by

where cG(u,v; k) denotes the number of walks of length k from vertex u to vertex v. Recall as well that the walk matrix, MG(z ) of the variable-length graph G is the matrix whose (u,v) entry is given by:

Thus it is clear that the radius of convergence of any entry of the walk matrix is the reciprocal of the Perron-Frobenius value.

(2) = (3)

Consider a non-negative matrix B, then the geometric series I+B+B2+... converges if and only if the largest eigenvalue of the matrix B is less than 1. (proof?)

Hence the radius of convergence of any entry of the walk matrix MG(z )=I+ZG(z)+ZG(z)2+... is the supremum of the values of z which guarantees that the adjacency matrix converges in each entry and that the geometric series converges.

(3) = (4)

  • why is it true that if λ1(G) > 1 then det(I-ZG(z)) > 0??
  • The function λ1 is continuous in z.

out of both of those, we get the desired result.

(4) = (5)