Sandbox:DavidKohler/Alon try 1/Probabilistic models for regular graphs

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In order to obtain a probability space of random d-regular graphs we use the fairly standard model which generates regular graphs using permutations.


We can produce a d-regular graph on n vertices, assuming d is even, as follows. Chose d/2 permutations of n elements that we'll denote by π1, π2, ..., πd/2. We construct a graph whose vertices are the integers from 1 to n and where the couple (i, j ) is an edge if j = πk(i ) or j = π-1k(i ) for some k between 1 and d/2. We allow for multiple edges and self-loops which makes then the graph d-regular (we chose to think of this graph as being undirected). Chose the d/2 permutations uniformly and independently among all n ! permutations to obtain a probability space that we will denote by Gn,d and called the standard model for random d-regular graphs.


Let's construct a 4-regular graph, G, on 6 vertices. For this we need to choose (uniformly and independently) 2 permutations σ and τ of 6 elements. Say we have:

Then we can see for example that since σ(1)=2 that we have an edge connecting the vertex 1 to the vertex 2. And since σ-1(1)=5 we also have an edge connecting the vertex 1 to the vertex 5. The adjacency matrix of the graph that we obtain is thus:

and a visual representation of this 4-regular graph is:

DK graph1.gif