Copyright:Official Documents/Theses and Dissertations/Citations & Bibliographies
Citations & Bibliographies
You must include full citations for any copyrighted material in your thesis or dissertation regardless of source. Each citation must include the copyright symbol, name of the copyright owner (who may or may not be the author), and, if applicable, a statement that the use of the material or adaptation (in the case of adapted graphics) is by permission of the copyright owner.
Examples of direct citations to copyright owners:
- Image title (© 2001 Jane Doe, by permission)
- Graph Title (© 2003 John Smith, adapted with permission)
- Poem Title (© 2005 Jane Doe, by permission)
- Testing Instrument Title (© 2007 Company Name, by permission)
Citations from published works should follow your chosen citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, etc.) but include reference to the specific page. Examples of sources from published works:
- Table 1 from © Author, A., Author, B., & Author, C. (2007). Book Title. City: Publisher. Page 45. By permission from publisher.
- Figure 4.1 from © Author, A., Author, B., & Author, C (2009). Article Title. Journal Title, 38(2), 186-204. Page 191. Adapted with permission from publisher.
- Photo Title from © Author, A. & Author, B. (2012, May 5). Title of Web Article. Website Title. Retrieved from URL. By permission from author.
Sometimes copyright owners will ask you to use a specific wording in your citation. If so, it's important to follow their instructions exactly, word for word.
Otherwise, craft your citations in accordance with your degree program's preferred style guide. If you are unsure about which style guide to use, ask your supervisor. If you need help with using a particular style guide, check out the Library's "How to Cite" guide or contact the subject librarian for your discipline. If you need help with citing images in particular, check out UBC's Image Citation Guide.