Note: this is an archived version from an external Wiki and is inactive
Interview Questions from Winter 2014 section:
B. Colorado
1. What technology do you currently use in your instruction?
2. What technology would you like to incorporate into your instructional practice in the near future?
3. Does your use of technology engage your learners in the learning process?
4. Do you feel supported by your employer in how you would like to use technology in your classroom?
5. What are some frustrations that you have encountered while using technology in the classroom and how did that affect your lesson that day?
6. Have you used technology as a form of student assessment? Please describe your method
K. Greenhalf
1. What types of technology have you integrated into math and science lessons to enrich your classroom experience?
2. Do you feel that using technology requires a substantial amount of your time and energy to plan and learn?
3. In your experience is the additional time and effort worth it for the benefit of the students?
4. Do you think it is a benefit to your teaching career?
5. How has technology enhanced the students learning and engagement?
6. Do you feel that all teachers should spend more time learning and implementing technology and do you feel it is a necessity of the job for teachers to be highly proficient in technology today?
JF Ouellet
1. Which technologies do you use in your classroom ?
2. How do you use technologies on a daily basis ?
3. What could be the strenghts and weaknesses of these tools in your classroom and with your students ?
4. How does/can it support all learners ?
5. Is there anything you think could be improved with the tools and how would you suggest it improves ?
6. Is technology important to you ? Why ?
7. Can you describe some successes and failures while experimenting technologies ?
8. How are you supported in your venture with technologies in your school / school board ?
9. How do you use technology to assess your students work ?
10. In your opinion, has technology enhanced the way you support struggling students and how ?
E Monks
1. What kinds of technologies do you use in your classroom (from as simple as calculators to the most complex)?
2. How long have you incorporated technology in your teaching/classroom?
3. How has your classroom use of technology changed in the last 3 to 5 years to now?
4. What do you hope to gain by implementing technology within your classroom?
5. In what ways do you feel technology has helped you to enrich your teaching/students’ learning experiences, clarify concepts or help reduce students’ misconceptions?
6. What challenges or drawbacks have you encountered in utilizing technology with your students?
7. Do you feel that utilizing technology has allowed you to support all of your learners or provide differential learning opportunities?
8. If you had the technology tools and resources available, how would you like to utilize technology in your classroom/for your teaching?
T Au
1. How long have you been teaching for?
2. Describe how you use technology in your mathematics and science classroom?
3. How do your students react to lessons where technology is used compared to lessons where technology is not used?
4. Has the use of technology in the classroom helped your students gain a better understanding of the material being taught in class? Why or why not?
5. Do you personally feel comfortable using technology to teach?
6. Do you feel your students are comfortable using technology to learn?
7. From your experience and observations, have you noticed any differences between how students from different demographic groups respond to technology (for example, students from high income families versus low income families, boys versus girls, students who regularly attend hagwon versus students who don’t, younger students versus older students, etc.)?
8. When you were receiving your teacher education training (for example, Seoul National University of Education, Gyeongin National University of Education, etc.), did you learn about how to incorporate technology into your lessons?
9. What has the government (either the South Korean government or the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education) done to support teachers with technology in the classroom? Support can mean money to purchase new technology in schools or training teachers to use technology in the classroom.
10. What changes do you think you will see in the South Korean education system as a result of technology use in teaching?
R Fraser
1. Over the course of your career how has technology improved the achievement of prescribed learning outcomes relative to other advances in education?
2. To what degree do you personally feel technologically competent?
3. What criteria do you use to determine technological use in class?
4. Reflecting on your use of technology to achieve learning outcomes do you feel that the time, costs etc. relative to increases in achievement have made its use efficient more often than not?
5. Do you feel adequate technological resources and support are available?
6. How could technological resources and support be used more effectively to improve learning outcomes?
J Leong
1. Describe your use of technology in your current teaching assignment.
2. Some teachers prefer external training provided by the district or school before implementing a technology into their classroom, while other teachers like to explore a technology on their own and learn through the experience of use, while others prefer a combination of external training and personal exploration. What is your preferred balance between external training and personal exploration?
3. Do you feel like adequate technology support is available to you from colleagues, school administration, or district support when a problem or issue arises with the technology?
4. Using examples from your experience, what positive and/or negative influences has technology had on student engagement?
5. What factors do you consider when deciding whether or not to incorporate a technology into your classroom?
6. Do you think that all students benefit equally from using technology? What are some factors that positively or negatively affect student benefit?
7. From your experience, describe a situation where the use of technology created a unique learning experience not typically offered in a setting without technology.
8. From your experience, describe a situation where you have encountered a challenge using technology in your classroom.
9. Are there any barriers that prevent you from using a technology in your classroom?
10. How do you learn about new technologies that you could integrate into your classroom?
S Quigley
1. Over the course of your career, how has your use of technology in the classroom evolved?
2. Do you feel well equipped and comfortable enough with technology to effectively make use of it in your classroom? Why or why not?
3. What supports has your school, division or the Ministry of Learning provided for you to access as you implement technology in your classroom? Which have been the most effective and/or ineffective for you as an educator? What could be done to further help you along your journey of technology implementation?
4. What do you see as effective use of technology in a science and/or math classroom? Can you describe a specific example of an effective use of technology from one of your own experiences while teaching?
5. Do you feel that your students are more engaged in lessons that incorporate technology? Why or why not?
6. What obstacles have you encountered while using technology with students in the classroom?
7. When you are considering incorporating technology into a specific lesson, what determining factors influence your final decision of whether to do so or not?
8. What are some examples of lessons, projects or activities that technology has afforded you to do in your classroom that you could not have provided your students with using more traditional methods?
S Candelaria
1. What does a typical day look like when using the technology?
2. Does the technology help students improve their scores in traditional tests?
3. According to you, what would be characteristics of a good usage of the technology in your class?
4. How do the males and females interact with the technology differently from each other?
5. How has your teaching changed after using the technology? How has the learning changed?
6. What are the major advantages/disadvantages of using the technology for the student? For the teacher?
7. Do you find that technology is able to address or correct students’ misconception better than traditional methods?
8. How do you use technology to assess prior knowledge or misconceptions or learning?
9. What factors do you use to determine whether to use the technology in your class?
J Burgess
1. How long have you been teaching?
2. Describe your current teaching assignment.
3. Describe how you use technology in the classroom.
4. What technology do you feel your students enjoy most?
5. Do you feel use of technology improves a students’ ability to learn?
6. Do girls and boys respond differently to technology? Do you feel it affects gender differently?
G Gass
1. What aspects of your science subject do you think that students most struggle with in traditional learning settings?
2. Could you describe a couple of uses of technology that you have introduced to your teaching over the past few years?
3. What benefits did you expect to see when making use of these new technologies?
4. What frustrations or limitations did you and your students experience, and how did you deal with these?
5. Were there any unexpected outcomes (good, bad, or a bit of both) of using these technologies with your students?
6. Have these recent experiences with technologies changed your thinking on teaching and learning?
7. How do you usually find out about new technologies and get ideas for how you might use them in your teaching?
K Wagner
1. There are varying perspectives on the usefulness of technology for teaching science and math. Some believe it’s unnecessary to teach these subjects with technology while others firmly advocate it’s absolutely a necessary component of the teaching. What is your perspective of how useful or necessary it is to teach these subjects with technology?
2. Can you describe an experience in using technology in a math or science lesson that was challenging?
3. Students can have difficulty grasping particular math and science concepts. Can you think of an example of when you used technology to increase their understanding?
4. What are your criteria for choosing a particular technology for use in the classroom? Gender differences are often a focus of comparison in terms of how males and females approach technology. Have you noted differences in your classroom teaching experiences involving technology?
5. Are there any barriers to your integrating technology in classroom teaching? If so, please describe.
J Galbraith
1. During your teaching career, you have seen much advancement in technology. What role do you think technology should play in the Math/Science classroom?
2. Do you feel technology integration has a direct impact on student achievement?
3. How would you rate your enthusiasm and aptitude for using educational technology tools (excellent, good, fair, satisfactory, poor)? Has this changed over time?
4. Have you yet succeeded in implementing technology to the extent that you would like in your classroom?
5. In terms of working with the 21st century learner, how critical do you think it is it to use technology to motivate or engage them?
6. Students bring with themselves misconceptions about math and science. Do you think technology can be useful to ameliorate these?
C Luciak
1. How long have you been teaching?
2. How was technology use a part of your teacher training?
3. Some teachers feel that designing meaningful math/science lessons that incorporate technology is too time consuming. What is it about technology that makes you want to put the time in to use it with your students?
4. How do you determine what type of technology to use in a math/science lesson?
5. How does technology take your students beyond the pages in a text book?
6. How do you use technology to assess student prior knowledge before starting a new math/science unit?
R Harrison
1. How long have you been teaching for?
2. What technology learning or expectations were involved in your teacher-training program?
3. How would you rate your personal comfort level with technology and what experiences have affected this?
4. What ways do you incorporate technology into your science or math teaching?
5. What could be done to support teacher's use of technology?
6. Where do you see opportunities in science or math for the implementation of technology (either in your own practice or for other content outside your current practice)?
Interview Questions from Winter 2013 section:
A number of creative questions being asked in here specific to math and science! Samia
T Roos
1. In what areas have you integrated technology into your lessons?
With respect to your math and science lessons:
2. What do you see as the greatest benefit of using technology?
3. Do you feel technology integration could have a direct impact on student achievement?
4. Do you think all students benefit equally from technology use?
5. Describe an example you remember of successful technology integration. Why do you see this example as successful?
6. What negative impact may technology use have on learning?
7. Have you ever experienced a negative result of technology use and, if so, could you describe it?
8. What made you want to use technology in your lessons?
9. What sources of help and encouragement do you have to learn about and reflect on technology use in your classroom?
10. What would you say is your greatest challenge to integrate technology in a pedagogically beneficial manner?
D Mitzel
1. How long have you been teaching and what are the Grade levels you have taught?
2. What would you say your level is regarding technology? Novice/Beginner/Techno-peasant; Some Basic skills/Not intimidated; Advanced/Master/Constructivists
3. When did you feel that technology has become more prevalent in schools today and why?
4. How often do you utilize technology in the classroom?
5. What prevents you, if any, from using technology in the areas of Math and Science?
6. What are the pros and cons in using technology in the areas of Math and Science?
7. How do you think students using technology in Math and Science will improve their overall skills in the future?
8. How would you assess student use of technology in those areas?
A Wernicke
1. How long have you been teaching for?
2. What courses and grade levels do you teach?
3. Describe how you use technology in the classroom.
4. What are the benefits to using technology in the classroom?
5. Can you elaborate on any challenges that you have faced when using technology in the classroom?
6. How did you learn how to use different technology applications for your classroom?
7. Do you feel supported by your school and district when it comes to incorporating technology?
8. Can you think of a topic in math or science in which teaching with technology has enhanced student achievement?
9. Can you think of a topic in math or science in which you would prefer to teach without technology?
10. What happens in a typical day in your classroom when you use digital technology?
J Peters
1. Can your give me some specific examples of Math projects, assignments, and/or tasks that you have given to students that integrate technology? What about in the area of Science? Describe for me what I might see in your classroom when students are working on these projects, assignments, and/or tasks.
2. Predict how the majority of your students would answer this question: I feel _____________ when I use technology because...
For the next few questions, please answer them as you specifically consider your Math and Science classes.
3. Do you notice any differences in the way female students interact with and use technology compared to male students? If so, what are some of those differences?
4. Does technology positively affect the academic achievement of the students in your classroom? If yes, can you remember any specific examples of this?
5. Besides the possibility of increased academic achievement, what other reasons do you have for using technology in your Math and Science classes?
6. What issues keep you from using technology more in your classroom?
7. How do you ensure students are gaining conceptual understanding as they use technology versus students using the majority of their time adding creative details to the technology projects they are working on?
8. If your access to technological resources was unlimited, what, if anything, would be different about your classroom and the way you teach?
S Bernier
1. What is your background as a teacher?
2. Has technology integration been a part of your teaching?
3. Describe your beliefs about technology integration in your classroom, with particular emphasis on Math and Science, if possible.
3. When you are evaluating a technology tool for the classroom, what do you consider?
4. How do you evaluate the effectiveness of the technological tool in your teaching?
5. What are some common technological tools that you use? What draws you to those tools?
6. Are there any barriers to technology integration in your class?
7. What do you notice about your students when they are using technology (comment as much as possible about your math and science lessons)
8. What kinds of support do you receive from colleagues or your district with technology?
9. Do you have a vision for how you and your colleagues can support each other better with technology?
10. How do you learn new ways to integrate technology into your classroom?
C. Kam
1. How long have you been teaching for?
2. What is your area of expertise?
3. What types of technology do you use in the classroom? How do you use these technologies to enhance learning?
4. What are some of types of technologies, either existing or non-existing in our school, that you wish to integrate into your classroom? Why?
5. What are some of the barriers preventing technology integration into the classroom?
D. Connery
Questions for an Academic Chair at a Post-Secondary Institute
1. Do you feel that students coming into your program are adequately prepared to use technology?
2. Do you see technology as a useful tool in the classroom? Why or why not?
3. What use of technology have you found to have the greatest impact or has evoked the most change in how your instructors teach?
4. What are some specific examples of how your instructors use technology to engage students?
5. Can you think of some examples of how technology has made a negative impact on students in your program?
6. How do your instructors share technological knowledge with each other? How do you think this can be improved?
7. Describe the ideal physical classroom setup for technology use for your program.
D. Stefanyshyn
1. How long have you been teaching?
2. What grades have you taught?
3. What grade do you currently teach?
4. What is the make up of your class?
5. What types of technology do you use and how did you obtain these?
6. What benefits have you seen from using technology?
7. What is your biggest challenge in using technology in the classroom?
8. When deciding to use technology do you first plan the lesson and then how technology might fit or pick the technology and plan the lesson around it?
9. Have you ever found technology to be a roadblock in a students ability to demonstrate knowledge
10. How do find a balance between allowing students to be creative and being able to assess their final end pieces?
11. Do you find assessment of work using technology easier, same, or harder than that not using technology
12. Do you get professional development through your school? How did you learn to use the various technologies you use?
13. Are there other teachers that use technology in your school and if not do you ever mentor them?
P Lawson
- If money and support and other barriers did not exit, have you ever thought about what a perfect math classroom might look like? I’m not looking for technology here – just in general. What might you do? What would the students be like?
- Do you see a place for technology in the math and science classrooms? This doesn’t just need to involve instruction with students. We’ll come back to this topic later, but why might you want to use technology in math & science classrooms?
- How would you rate your own comfort level with technology?
- How important is your own comfort level with technology over whether you might use technology in the math classroom?
- Have you gained more comfort with technology over the past 5 years, in general? That is, not just with regards to teaching. What are some of the things that helped you become more comfortable?
- What about your students. Do you think that students are better at using technology today than they were in the past? Do you think there is a difference in student comfort in using technology for their own personal use versus using it in the classroom?
- What are some of the ways you have involved technology in you math and/or science instruction.
- Would these be things that you would do on a regular basis, or are they more of a special project, or special event?
- How comfortable do you think students are using technology in this way? Do you have to teach the technology, or are you using tools that the students are already familiar with? Can you describe a bit for me how students respond to the math or science lessons when technology is involved?
- What barriers, if any, have there been to using technology with your students in the classroom – both in the past and now.
- What supports are available to you to help use technology in your classroom?
- Do you think using technology improves student learning in math? If so, in what ways?
- Are you able to measure any differences in student understanding of math or science as a result of using technology? Or do you think there are ways that technology use affects student learning but is difficult to measure by standard methods?
- Do you have any suggestions as to how you might measure any student change in student achievement, other than the standard ways - e.g. the provincial AFL or locally developed division assessments, or your own classroom assessments of curriculum outcomes?
- Even if using technology doesn’t increase students’ scores in math, do you still think there is value in using technology with your students?
J. Mah
Technology’s Influence on Pedagogy and Instructional Design
- Do you feel that you incorporate technology on a regular basis in your math and science classes? From a knowledge standpoint, what would help you make this more frequent?
- How much or how little has technology in recent years changed your understanding or ability to impact student learning in mathematics and science?
- Is there a pivotal type or types of technology that you feel new teachers should adopt or become familiar with if teaching math and science is going to be a focus?
- In the planning of assignments and classroom tasks, what technology other than websites have you come to rely on?
Technology Use with Students
- How has technology changed inquiry based learning activities from a math or science context?
- What is the most often used technology that you incorporate in your math and science lessons or activities? Why is it used the most often?
- How do you view the influence of social media and/or Web 2.0 technologies to affect student learning?
- Are there conceptual challenges that you observed that were better illustrated through technology than through other activities? What about the opposite – are there concepts that traditional tasks and/or activities were better at illustrating than the technologically enhanced alternative?
Access, Support, Obstacles, and Barriers
- What has been the most significant challenge that you have experienced while integrating technology in your teaching?
- From your experiences, what are some stumbling blocks that students and teachers have when integrating technology into math and science projects?
- In terms of access or to a technology that you’ve seen in other schools or on the web, what technology would you like to have access to in your math or science class? Explain why?
- Do you feel that schools have reliable access and support with classroom technology?
S Nelles
1. How long have you been teaching?
2. What kind of training for technology did you get in university?
3. How does your typical period run in terms of time spent on notes vs. textbook vs. smartboard?
4. What do you think makes this a good use of technology?
5. Can you talk about the learning curve for this technology for both students and teacher?
6. What do you think about time savings/wasted by using smartboard technology?
7. Have you taught math without significant technology? How does it compare to your current use?
8. Is there another technology you would like to implement if you could?
S. Harris
1. How long have you been teaching at the primary school level?
2. Have you had any training into the use of technology in your teaching practice?
3. Do you integrate technology into your lessons?
4. How have you used technology in you math/science lesson?
5. Having implemented the technology, have you seen any variance in students’ engagement, either before or after technology has been used?
6. What are some challenges you face when integrating technology in your classroom?
7. Do you see any differences in the ways that boys and girls use technology?
8. Does the use of technology change your pedagogical approach to your lessons?
J. Lee
1. How long have you been teaching? How many years at your current grade level?
2. How often do you use technology in your math or science lessons?
3. Can you give an example of a time you’ve used technology for a math or science lesson?
4. What do you see as a benefit of using technology in math or science lessons?
5. Are there any negative aspects of technology use which concern you?
6. What could lead to increased use of technology in your math or science lessons?
J. Kendell
1. How long have you been teaching? What grade levels have you taught in the past? What grade level do you currently teach? What subjects do you teach?
2. Everyone has different comfort levels when it comes to using technology, what do you see as your comfort level with using technology both in your personal life and in your teaching?
3. What technology is currently available for your use in your classroom and school?
3. What types of technology (if any) have you used or do you currently use in your classroom?
4. Do you receive any sort of training or personal development through your school or district in regards to integration of technology?
5. In your opinion what constitutes a good use of technology?
6. How do you use technology in your Math and Science lessons?
7. What are some barriers that you face when trying to use technology in your classroom?
8. How do you find the students react to the use of technology in the Math and Science classroom?
9. When choosing technologies to use in the classroom what sort of things do you consider?
G. Higginson
1. How long have you been teaching and at what grade levels?
2. How would you rate your enthusiasm and aptitude for using educational technology tools (excellent, good, fair, satisfactory, poor)and why?
3. Were you given a strong introduction to the use of technology in education as part of your teacher’s training?
4. What kinds of technology have you integrated into math and science instruction in your classroom?
5. Based on your experience, please rate the importance of using technological tools for instruction of math and science?
6. What are the benefits of using technology tools in math and science instruction?
7. Do you perceive any problems or deficits that result from using technology tools in math and science instruction?
8. In your experience, what technology tools can be used to gain superior results and produce richer learning opportunities for students?
9. Are there enough technology resources along with in-service and training opportunities to maximize the effectiveness of current educational technologies in your school?
10. Is there a holistic approach to technology integration at your school (most staff working with technology effectively), or is the use of technology more individualized and random?
11. If you could, what would you change about the way technology is assessed, purchased and implemented at your school?
J. Schubert
1. Why did you choose to become a teacher?
2. How long have you been teaching?
3. What does technology use look like in your classroom?
4. How does students' existing technological competency affect your teaching?
5. Have you had any bad experiences with using technology in the classroom? Please explain.
6. What has been the best experience you have had with utilizing technology in your teaching?
7. Has administration been proactive in adopting technology use?
8. Is continuing education focusing on technology offered?
Interview Questions from Winter 2011/2012 section:
Great questions in here! (Samia)
K. Henry
1. Do you use technology in your classroom? If yes please describe? If no, why not?
2. What was your objective for using the technology within the classroom?
3. What were some of the guidelines used for choosing and using your technology?
4. What has been the result of your technology use within your classroom?
5. What advice would you give regarding technology use within the Math/Science classroom?
6. What are some of the attributes needed for successful use of technology within the Math and Science classroom?
7. Can you cite and instance of a good use of technology within your Classroom? If yes please describe the technology, how it was used and the results noted.
8. Are there any technologies used that you have found to increase inquiry, problem solving and investigation skills?
9. Do technologies used enable independent, self-paced learning? If yes please described?
10. Have you seen improved performance in students since the introduction of and use of any particular technology? If yes please describe the technology, how it was used and the improvements noted.
11. How have your students been affected by the use of technology?
12. How has your teaching been affected by the use of technology?
13. Have you found any cultural and/or gender biases in any technologies used? If so please describe?
14. What was your experience choosing and using the technology? Did you need any training or support? If yes, what kind and did you receive it?
15. What level of proficiency use of technology is required by your students to use the technology? How were students supported in using the technology?
V. Evans
1. How long have you been teaching? What year levels?
2. How is technology currently used in your classroom?
3. What do you hope to achieve from the use of technology?
4. How do you evaluate the effectiveness of technology in your classes?
5. How has yours or your colleagues opinions of technology changed from when you first started teaching? Challenges
6. What are your major challenges in using educational technology?
7. How has your teaching style changed with the use of technology?
8. What kind of support, towards using technology in the classroom, do you receive from your department, colleagues, etc?
9. Can you think of a topic in any of your courses that you would prefer to teach without using technology? If so, explain.
10. Do you have a favourite technology success story? Tell me about it.
11. Do you think that math and science education have improved with the incorporation of technology in the classroom?
J. Da Ros
1. Describe the forms of technology you currently use in the classroom and how they are used.
2. What would you say is the most important technological tool in your classroom?. Explain why.
3. Is it important to you to incorporate technology into your lessons? Why or why not?
4. Do you see any differences in the ways that boys and girls use technology?
5. Is student learning improving as a result of using technology? How do you know?
6. Describe the forms of technology you would like to use in your classroom in the future and what you would use them for.
7. If the school were to develop a policy for the integration of technology, what should it include?
D. Smith
1. Can you describe the use of technology in your physics classroom?
2. What were the primary motivations for implementing this technology?
3. Have you had to make significant changes to your assessment practices because of the technology?
4. Compared to the time before the technology was implemented, is the classroom now more student centered, less student centered, or about the same?
5. Having implemented the technology, has there been any changes to the way that students recognize and remediate scientific misconceptions?
6. Having implemented the technology, have you seen any variance in student engagement, either from the beginning of the term to now, or from pre-technology to now?
S. Richer
1. Describe how technology is used in your math or science classroom?
2. How can schools make use of 'tech savvy' teachers without overloading their work?
3. What benefits do you think the use of technology could bring to the math and science classroom?
4. If you had an infinite number of technological resources in your math or science class, which resources would you want to incorporate into your students learning?(D. Wees)
5. How can teachers find the time to learn about new technology?
6. How can schools help teachers practice what they have learned in PD sessions?
7. Some say that technology can transform your classroom, but the key of implementing technology is not by using it more but finding ways to incorporate it effectively. How can educators implement technology effectively?
D.Hutchings interview questions
1. On average how long are your Math periods? 30 mins, 45 mins, 1 hour, 1hour 15 mins, 1.5 hours
2. On average, how often in a week (5 days) do you encorporate technology in Math lessons? once a week, 2-3 times per week, 4-5 times per week
3. How would you rate your comfort level in using technology in a Math lesson? not comfortable at all, somewhat comfotable, very comfortable
4. What is your biggest challenge, if any, when encorporating technology in Mathematics?
5. What would be some possible ways to overcome this challenge?
6. If something goes wrong with the technology during the lesson, would you try to solve the problem or abandon the technology to continue teaching?
7. About how much class time would you spend on solving the problem? less than 5 mins, 10-15 mins, 20-25 mins, more than 25 mins
8. On average, how long would a piece of technology be 'down' before it is repaired? a day or less, 2-3 days, 4-5 days, 6 days or more. Who does the repairs?
S Tobin
1. Do you use technology in your math or science classroom? If so, could you give examples? If not, could you describe why?
2. What is needed to incorporate technology in our science and math classrooms effectively?
3. Do you think the use of technology in schools hurts or benefits the environment? Please explain.
4. Do you think students who learn with technology have an advantage compared to students who don't? Why or why not?
5. Do you feel there is enough support in our district for teachers who want to use technology in their classes? Why or why not?
6. Do you think technology should be mandated for all teachers to use? Why or why not?
7. Do you think technology should be used even if the same concept can be learned effectively without it?
S Chiong
1. What is the school's position on integrating technology in Math courses?
2. Based on your observation, students struggle on which Math topics? What were the challenges?
3. How do you integrate technology in your class and how was the student's response?
4. If the Math department were given the budget to purchase new computers and software, do you think Math teachers will be willing to integrate technology into their teaching?
5. What sort of software or technology do you think would enhance the learning of your students?
Dave Horn
1. Given that the inclusion of technology in the learning process requires some degree of proficiency on the part of the educator. How would you envision having support and development occur within our school?
2. Your first response to a student's request to submit a podcast for an assignment would be? As a follow up, what factors would you consider before providing an answer?
3. Has the inclusion of technology in the classroom affected your style of teaching? If so, in what ways have changes occurred?
4. What advantages do you see with the inclusion of technology in lessons? What disadvantages exist? How do you decide whether or not to include technology in the learning process?
Jasmeet Virk
1. How do you feel technology has impacted and helped your student's learning?
2. Do you feel that use of technology has made planning easier or harder for you?
3. What is the place of technology in elementary education?
4. Are you able to differentiate instructions through technology?
5. Do you think technology use is beneficial for all learners?
6. Do you think there is a place for social interactive tools in elementary school?
Diana Wilkes
1. How long have you been teaching for?
2. What courses have you taught that involve technology?
3. Do you enjoy integrating technology? Why or why not?
Danielle Boyd
1. What is your current teaching assignment?
2. Do you use technologies in your daily lessons and activities? How did you decide upon these technologies?
3. Are there technologies that you have used but do not currently implement? What are the reasons for the changes?
4. What do you believe are some of the barriers to the effective use of technologies within the classroom?
5. How do you measure if a technology was worthwhile implementing within your classroom?
6. In your opinion, what are some of the most effective tools that could be implemented within the math and science classroom today?
7. How have technologies within the math and science classrooms changed over your teaching career? Where do you see them going in the years to come?
Marc Aubanel
1. What is your preferred classroom to teach post secondary mathematics, in a computer lab or lecture room? Please elaborate on why.
2. How do you decide when to incorporate technology in a lesson and when not to?
3. How has technology affected your views on teaching methodologies?
4. Do you feel adequately trained to use technology in the classroom?
Technology & Education...
1. Regardless of your current situation do you think technology is a necessity in education?
2. What are some challenges you face when integrating technology your classroom(s)?
3. When you use/have used technology do you feel that students are more engaged/focused? Do they learn more or better? Elaborate.
4. Did you receive technology PD in your teacher training? If so what?
5. Do you think new teachers coming into the profession should be technologically trained? Why or why not?
6. Does the use of technology change your pedagogical approach to your lessons? How so?
Your technological vision...
1. What technology upgrades does your classroom need and explain your choices.
2. What would your ideal classroom technologically look like?
3. How does this ideal classroom enhance learning and increase student achievement?
4. How do these choices enhance scientific learning and development of skills?
5. Does technology level the playing field in terms of student needs/successes?
C. Atkinson
1. Can you give me a bit of a history of the use of educational technology in your teaching practice?
2. What influenced your decisions to select the educational technologies that you currently use in your classroom?
3. What motivates you to innovate in the area of educational technology and your teaching practice?
4. How has using technology changed your assessment practices?
5. How do you know that technology is helping your students understand mathematics better? In other words, what is your measure of success when evaluating an educational technology?
Supporting Technology Use: Professional Development.......
1. How many years have you been teaching?
2. What types of technology do you use in your classroom? How would you rate your comfort level with the use of technology in your classroom?
3. What factors affect the use of technology in your classroom?
4. What types of technology PD / training have you participated in and what have you found valuable to your use of technology in your classroom?
5. Are their opportunities within your school day to access resources / support to facilitate technology integration in your classroom? If so please describe these opportunities and if they have supported your use of technology.
6. What can your administration / school district / teacher education program do to facilitate the use of technology in the classroom?
7. How would you like to see technology PD delivered to teachers to support technology integration in classrooms?
Pre-Service Teachers:
1. How many courses do you have to take to fulfill the requirements for your teaching degree?
2. How many technology courses do you take in the course of your training?
3. What is the focus of the technology courses taken for your Teaching degree?
4. How is technology approached in your Teacher Education Program?
5. Do you feel you are prepared to integrate technology into classrooms to enhance your teaching and student learning?
6. How would you like to see technology approached in your Education Degree?
- How long have you been teaching?
- What is your current instructional assignment?
- How important do you think technology is to teachers in providing effective Math and Science education?
- How important do you think technology is to students in receiving effective Math and Science education?
- What type’s of training did you receive in University in regards to effective technology integration into Math and Science classes?
- How might Universities provide better educational opportunities for pre-service teachers? What might this training focus on?
- What type’s of Professional Development opportunities have you been provided to enhance your skill set at effectively integrating technology into Math and Science classes?
- How might Schools, Districts, etc provide professional development opportunities on technology integration for practicing teachers? What might this professional development focus on?
M Last
Personal Viewpoint
1. Tell me a little about yourself, how you got into education, etc.
2. Do you consider yourself technologically competent?
3. What is your philosophy around technology and education?
Technology usage
4. What educational technologies do you use in your classes?
5. Why those particular technologies?
6. Do you encourage or discourage students from using personal handheld devices (smartphones, iPods etc) in your class? What is your reasoning for that?
7. How do you evaluate the effectiveness of the use of educational technologies in your classroom?
8. Suppose I am a student just joining one of your classes:
- a) Do you expect me to be competent with any particular technology? If so, which one?
- b) Do you expect me to be more competent with that technology by the end of the course?
- c) What benefit to my learning does that technology bring to me?
Future Possibilities
9. Do you feel there will be an increase in the use of technology in education in the coming years?
10. To you, what would be the most beneficial improvement to technology in your classroom and school?
11. What will be some challenges in the future for school around technology?
Janet Barker
- Do you see technology as a useful tool in the classroom? Why or why not?
- What kind of technology do you currently use?
- What does this technology allow you or the students (or both) to do that you feel improves learning?
- Is there any technology or activities with technology that you would like to try?
- What are some of the negative aspects to using technology in the classroom (if you feel there are any)?
- Do you feel that you are adequately supported in your use of technology (by the school district, tech department, peers)?
R. Hoglund
1. Describe your comfort level with technologies in general.
2. Describe the support you get from the college with regards to the use of technology in your classroom.
3. How do you think your students feel about technology and its use in teaching and learning?
4. What factors would convince you to use more technologies more often in your teaching?
5. Describe some differences (in teachers, students, the environment) between a traditional classroom and one that employs technologies.
D. Pratt
1. What are some specific examples of how you use technology to engage students?
2. What technology would you like to see implemented into your classroom teaching?
3. Can you think of some examples of how technology has made a negative impact on students in your classroom?
4. What challenges do you think your students face when using tecehnology for educational purposes?
5. How do your colleagues share technological knowledge with each other? How do you think this can be improved?
6. Describe the ideal physical classroom setup for technology use.
D Flick
1. How have you/do you develop your technology skills?
2. How has changing technology changed your teaching methods?
3. How is technology used in your science classroom?
4. How is technology used in your math classroom?
5. If technology is used differently in the two classrooms - do you have any notions as to why?
6. How might your district and/or your learning coordinator better support you in classroom use?
M. Rybachuk
1. What forms of technology are you currently using with your class?
2. How long have you been using each form of technology?
3. Did your receive any form of support to help implement the technology, and if so what form?
4. What use of technology have you found to have the greatest impact or has evoked the most change in your teaching?
5. What technologies have your students found to be most benificial? Why
6. What amount of access do you, or your students, have to the technology that you use in class?
7. Do you or any of your students make use of any technology outside of the class or school time?
8. Is any technology used to create or promote Learning Centers or Learning Communities?
D. Chen
1. Do you believe technology incorporation is a necessary part of your classroom?
2. What is the average technology competence of students in your class?
3. What is your view about using technology in your job in terms of lesson planning?
4. What is your view on integrating technology in your teaching?
5. What are the benefits of technology use in the classroom?
6. What are the negatives of technology use in the classroom?
7. Do you find it useful to allow students to use technology in the classroom?
8. What activities/assignments would you use to incorporate technology use in the classroom?
9. What are issues/barriers that may interfere with your willingness to use technology in the classroom?
10. What types of support would you need to encourage further technology incorporation in your classroom?
11. What is the average technology competence of students in your class?
12. Is there anything on your wish list (technology-wise) that you would love to have in the school?
J Cunnian
1. To what degree have the technologies that you use daily changed how you teach?
2. Are some of the technologies that you use (for example, SMART board, responders…) limited in that they support a traditional, teacher-centred style of teaching, or do you believe that technologies do not come with ‘built in’ pedagogy?
3. What factor is most influential in determining whether you adopt a technology or not?
4. Which technology do you believe has the greatest impact on student learning in your classroom?
5. In terms of preparation time commitment, are the technologies that you use efficient?
J. Braidwood
- What are your personal feelings about technology?
- How do you feel about technology being brought into a classroom?
- What technology have you tried to implement in your classroom?
- What has your experience been in implementing it?
- What factors impacted this experience?
- Is there technology you wish you could implement in your classroom?
- If you want to learn to use new technology, what support does your district provide?
- What do you feel is the best way you can be supported in the acquisition of new technology for your classroom?
Interview Questions from past sections:
Ed Stuerle: Interview Questions
1. How long have you been teaching?
2. Describe your current teaching assignment
3. How long have you been using ‘technology’ in your classroom?
4. How is technology currently used in your classroom?
5. What are the advantages of using technology.
6. What are the disadvantages?
7. What are the barriers for using technology?
8. What needs to happen in order for technology to be better utilized?
9. Where did you receive your training?
10. How would you like to receive training in the use of technology?
11. Do you have a favourite technology success story? Tell me about it.
Marina Milner-Bolotin: Interview Questions
I am currently writing a grant proposal that will focus on investigating how different University faculty use technology. As part of the study will include an interview with the faculty, I also decided to put my questions here. I incorporated many of your ideas and added a few of my own. Please feel free to comment. Notice, I also decided to leave the questions from the 2009 ETEC course, so we have a larger pool of ideas.
1. Tell me a little bit about your classes: subject, course level, class size, learning environment.
2. What would you like your students to get out of your classes: learning goals.
3. What educational technologies do you use in your classes?
4. Why and how did you chose to use these technologies?
5. What role does technology play in your classroom? What role would you like it to play? (Mark's question - great point - I like the "would" part).
6. What has been your experience with educational technology so far? (Laurie's question - good point).
7. How do you keep abreast of changes in educational technology? (Modified Laurie's question - excellent point).
8. What kind of support, towards using technology in the classroom, do you receive from your department, colleagues, UBC, etc? (Consuelo's question - great question).
9. What are your major challenges in using educational technology?
10. How do you evaluate the effectiveness of technology in your classes (How do you know it is all worth it)?
11. Do your teaching objectives differ when you incorporate technology in your lessons, as opposed to when you do not? If so, describe in what way(s). (Excellent question by Whitney).
12. When you are teaching with technology, on the scale of 1 - 10 (where 1 represents "Overwhelmed by technology" and 10 represents "empowered by technology", how do you feel about it? (Leo's idea - a very good question).
13. What are some of the factors which influence your use of technology in teaching and learning? (Donna's question - great point).
14. Do you find technology to be a necessity or a novelty? (Antony's question - simple and to the point).
15. How has your teaching style changed with the use of technology? (Dale's question).
16. Has technology changed your teaching/student learning? If yes, then how? (Bev and Fran both asked this question - good point).
17. In what ways can technology affect the relationships of a classroom? (David's question - interesting observation).
Mark McVittie's Questions
1. What role does technology play in your classroom? What role would you like it to play?
2. What role does Social Media play in your classroom? What role would you like it to play?
3. What do you hope to achieve from the use of technology? Social Media?
4. How far are you from achieving that goal?
5. Have you encountered barrier(s) in achieving that goal? If so, what are they?
6. What influence did your teacher training have your use of technology?
7. What other influence(s) affect your use of technology in your classroom?
8. Are there support(s) that you desire in your use of technology? If so, what are they?
Laurie Trepanier's Interview questions
1. How long have you worked in the military training system?
2. What is your experience with educational technology?
3. What methods of knowledge gathering do you use to keep abreast of changes in technology (both academic and military)?
4. How would you describe your expertise with educational and training technology?
5. Do you feel that technology aids the instructor? The learner?
6. From your experience, what is the students’ perception of educational technology?
7. What types of educational or training technology are available within the CF?
8. What are some of the challenges you face when using educational technology?
9. What are some of the challenges the students face?
10. When working in an online environment, how can you support the student?
11. Do you see the use of educational technology increasing in the CF?
12. Can you describe an educational or training technology you are currently using in training?
13. How long has this technology been used?
14. How does this technology benefit the student? The instructor? And the organization?
Katie Hay's Interview Questions
A few questions to add to the already fabulous list ...
1. How does infusing technology into your classroom impacted the education of learning disabled students?
2. Has this infusion enabled LD students to demonstrate their understanding in different ways?
3. Have your assessment practices changed to reflect the differing approaches to the learning outcomes?
4. Describe those changes.
Consuelo Clarke's Interview Questions
- Do you use technology in your daily teaching, and if you do what type do you use?
- What kind of support, towards using technology in the classroom, do you receive from the school?
- Is implementing technology in the classroom difficult?
- Do you believe that applying technology in the classroom benefits the teaching and learning process?
- Are your students more engaged in the learning when using technology? Do they use their time in class efficiently?
- Would you be interested on attending workshops on learning more on how to use technology to teach Mathematics?
Whitney Black's Interview Questions
Personal Opinions About Technology
- What courses do you teach?
- How many times have you taught these courses with (and without) technology?
- Name 2 or 3 “pros” and “cons” to teaching with technology.
- Do you find that you’ve modified your approach to or philosophy of teaching since you’ve started using technology? If so, describe in what way(s).
- Do your teaching objectives differ when you incorporate technology in your lessons, as opposed to when you do not? If so, describe in what way(s).
- Can you think of a topic in any of your courses that you would prefer to teach without using technology? If so, explain.
- What conditions / materials are provided by your school that enable you to teach using technology?
- Do you feel that you receive sufficient support and professional development opportunities to allow you to get the most out of the technology that you have access to? If not, describe what might allow you to make better use of the technology.
Impact of Technology on Students
- Do you think that math and science education have improved with the incorporation of technology in the classroom?
- Do you feel that there is a risk some uses of technology might take the thinking out of learning for students?
- Do you think that technology is more impactful on a certain type of learner? Please explain.
- Have you noticed changes in students (i.e. motivation, interest, etc.) in the classroom over the years, as more and more technology has become available in this school?
Zhi Su's Interview Questions
1. How long have you been teaching?
2. What is your area of expertise?
3. What types of technology do you use in your classroom?
4. How often do you use technology in your lessons?
5. Is technology a necessity or a novelty?
6. What is the role of technology as it relates to education and practice?
7. What challenges do you face when trying to implement or integrate technology into your practice?
8. What does effective technology use look like?
9. What type of support, if any, do you receive? (eg. from board, administrators, colleague) If none, why?
10. Was there any pre-service training for you in terms of using and/or teaching with technology?
11. What is the motivation behind your use of technology? Is there a specific goal/purpose attached to the use?
12. In an ideal world, what types of technology would you like to use or acquire for your practice?
13. Is sustainability a concern?
14. Do students learn better with technology? Please explain.
Jason Lui's Interview Questions
1. How long have you been teaching for?
2. What courses do you teach that involve technology?
3. Do you like using technology to teach? Why or why not?
Technology & Education...
1. In this day and age, is technology a necessity in education?
2. What are some challenges you face when integrating technology your classroom(s)?
3. Do you feel that you have become dependent on technology as a teacher? Why or why not?
4. Do you feel that students are more involved/focued/attentive because technology is used in the classroom? Explain.
5. How do you ensure that students are engaged in using technology in your classroom(s)?
What the Future Holds...
1. In your opinion, what technology upgrades should each classroom have in the future? Why?
2. Do you think new teachers coming into the profession should be technologically trained? Why or why not?
3. What would your ideal classroom technologically look like?
4. Gone are the days of penmanship - do you agree or disagree? Explain.
M Coyne Interview Questions
1. How long have you been developing courses for adults?
2. How has your profession evolved over the years?
3. What types of courses do you create?
4. What types of technologies do you use to create and disseminate courses?
5. Have the technologies evolved over the years? If so, how?
6. Has course design evolved over the years? If so, how?
7. How do you ensure the course material that you create is engaging enough for your adult learners?
8. Have the technologies you use to create courses influenced the way you design the courses? If so how?
9. Is eLearning an effective way to teach adults?
10. How can the use of technology be beneficial or detrimental when teaching adults?
John Koetsier's questions
Introductory questions to understand the teacher:
1. What classes do you teach?
2. How long have you been teaching?
3. What is your degree in?
4. Why do you teach?
5. Do you enjoy teaching?
Let's talk about technology and teaching:
1. What technology do you use in your classes?
2. What challenges do you have with technology and education?
3. Do you find that technology hinders learning in some cases?
4. Do you find that technology accelerates learning in some cases?
5. Does technology change your teaching style?
Let's talk about technology and its effect on learners:
1. How do students feel about using technology in class?
2. Do students ever complain about not using technology?
3. Assess students' levels of technology ability ...
4. Do you see gender differences in technology use?
Let's talk about the future of education:
1. Envision the classroom of the future. What does it look like?
2. What is your ideal classroom - no expense spared?
3. If you could give each of your students a top-of-the-line laptop now, would you?
4. How would that change your class?
B Funk Interview Questions
1. How long have you been teaching?
2. What has been the biggest change that you have seen in technology in your teaching career?
3. How would you rate your ability to integrate technology to support student learning? (1-10)
4. How did you acquire the skills that you have with using technology?
5. What types of technology do you have access to in your school/classroom?
6. In what ways do you use technology in your math and/or Science classes?
7. Has technology changed the way you teach? How?
8. How do the students respond to technology in your classes?
9. In your opinion, has technology improved student learning?
10. Has technology changed how you assess student learning?
11. Has technology enabled you to support the learning of struggling students?
12. Has technology enable you to support the learning of gifted and talented students?
13. What have been the biggest challenges that you face using the new technology?
M Lacoursiere Interview Questions
1. What types of technology do you currently use in your classroom?
2. What types of technology do you see yourself using in the future?
3. Why is technology important to you as an educator, ultimately what does it give your students above and beyond more traditional methods?
4. Can you describe some of the success and failures you have experienced with technology in your classroom.
5. Have you ever experience any professional development for training for any of the technologies you use? If so what was this experience like, what could have made it better?
6. Have you noticed any differences in the way male and female students respond to technology?
7. Please finish this sentence for me: "Technology allows me to..."
8. On average how much do you think you and your colleagues talk about classroom technology together be it in the staffroom, meetings or a developed professional learning community?
A. Rattray Interview Questions
1. Suppose that I am the superintendent of the schools in your district and I ask you why we need technology in the schools. What would you say to me?
2. This question has been left vague on purpose. If you could remove one major obstacle in relation to online education what would it be?
3. Based on your experiences, what do you think the “classroom” will look like in 10 years?
4. There is a lot of different technology out there. What must the technology have to make you commit to use it with your class/school?
5. What message would you give new teachers regarding using technology?
6. What does a school that is online need to have in order for it to have the same legitimacy as a regular school?
7. Please finish this sentence: “Technology is ………..”
T Fergusoninterview questions
As an online instructor what forms of technology do you use in your courses?
Do you feel technology is a helpful or an unhelpful tool when it comes to teaching adults? In what ways is it helpful of not helpful?
What strategies do you use in designing and teaching courses to assist your online students to grasp the necessary concepts to meet the course objectives?
How do these strategies change when you are teaching the same courses in a face to face situation?
If you could design the perfect online course, what would it look like?
Tell me about the changes, in the use of technology, in the area of advanced education, that you have observed within the time you have been teaching.
Tell me about the role that you see technology playing in advanced education in the next 10 years?
Do you feel that course design is impacted by the forms of technology that,you as an instructor, choose to use in your courses?
'I Doktor' Interview Questions:"
1. In what ways do you use technology in your classroom?
2. Does the use of technology make teaching easier or more difficult? Can you provide some examples?
3. How has your use of technology changed over the past 10 years?
4. Why do you feel it is/is not important to use technology in your classes?
5. What factors relating to technology do you feel most impact student learning?
S. Hann Interview Questions
1. Describe your ideal classroom, what technologies would it have?
2. How have you learned to used the technology in your online classroom?
3. How to you keep current in pedagogical technology?
4. From a learning standpoint are there differences between hands on labs and simulations?
5. What are the advantage/disadvantages to asyncronous courses?
6. What assessment pedagogy is applied to online courses?
7. What challenges are specific to the online medium?
8. What furture technology do you see contributing to the field of education?
Steffanie Reid’s Interview Questions:
1. Do you use technology in your science classroom? Could you provide some examples of the way you utilize technology?
2. Have you received support from your school or school board in your attempt to integrate technology into your classroom? In what way?
3. Did you receive training in the use of educational technologies during your pre-service teaching program?
4. Do you believe the use of technology is beneficial to student learning? Do you have any classroom grade results to support your belief?
5. Do your students enjoy the technology assignments you have integrated more than your non-technology assignments?
6. Does both genders respond similarly to your technology-based assignments?
7. Has the integration of technology made your job as a teacher easier or harder?
H Singh's interview questions:
Do you prefer Mac or Windows? Why? Can you tell me about a time technology changed the way you teach?
S. Moreton's interview questions:
What technologies do you use in your classroom?
Are your classes and activities student driven, allow them to explore a topic at a greater depth, or are they mainly curriculum driven?
Describe your ideal classroom. What technologies would it have?
If the curriculum restrictions were lifted how would your teaching change? What types of technology would you implement?
Does technology increase student achievement?
G. Goslin's Interview Questions:
1. What do you consider technology in a classroom?
2. What have you used in your elementary science classroom?
3. As a specialist, what have you seen as good integration of technology?
4. How long have you been teaching science?
5. What sorts of changes have you seen in the use of technology in teaching and learning?
6. What is the direction you see learning technologies taking in science classes
7. What positive trends in Educational Technology do you see happening?
J. Stringer's Interview Questions:
- What types of technology do you use to teach in your classroom or outside your classroom?
- Do you find that including technology in your teaching creates more or less work for you?
- Do you think you could teach the same course as effectively without technology? Why or why not?
- This school has tremendous technology resources and has spent a considerable amount of money; do you ever feel pressured into using technology?
- As a Mac what type of applications do you use to help teach?
- Suppose I was a student in your class and I told you that I’d rather do my math by pencil and paper because I understand it better that way. What would you tell me?
- What difference has the implementation of educational technology made to the school?
- This next question is purposefully vague so that you can respond in any way that makes sense to you. What difference has technology made in student learning?
M. Anders interview questions
1. Do you have a preferred technology that you use to teach math/science? Why?
2. Have you ever had an experience where the technology you attempted to use hindered the lesson? What happened?
3. Tell me of your most successful lesson using technology and why you believe it worked so well.
4. Why do you choose to integrate technology into your lessons? How has the use of technology affected your teaching and your students learning?
J. Chu Interview Questions:
1. Are you consciously aware of integrating technology in science?
2. How is technology used in a typical math/science lesson? (Please feel free to provide an example)
3. What do you believe to be a "good" use of technology in science/math?
4. Do you think the use of technology is changing how students learn information in science/math?
5. What are some benefits you've seen when using technology in science/math?
6. What are some challenges you've faced using technology in science/math?
7. Do you think the school provides enough support for technology use in a classroom? (pro-d workshops, trouble shooting, funding etc.)
L. Ling Interview Questions:
- What was your first experience with technology in the classroom?
- What types of technology are you currently using in math and science?
- What challenges do you face when considering the integration of technology into your practice?
- What type of technology would you look forward to use?
- How would you feel to have tools that would require extensive training?
- How do you feel about the imposition of technology on teachers?
A. Welsh Interview Questions:
1. What types of technology (computer simulations, videos, interactive whiteboards, etc.) do you use within the science classroom?
2. What are your motives for including technology within your teaching practices?
3. What are some of the barriers or problems you face when introducing specific technologies to students for the first time?
4. The uses and capabilities of technology are expanding everyday. How do you stay educated and up to date with current pedagogical technology?
5. Do you and your colleagues share your technological tools and experiences with one another?
6. Does your school or district provide a support network (financial or technical) for teachers using or interested in using technology within the classroom?
7. With students being as techno-savvy as they are today, do you think it is beneficial to incorporate technology within the classroom?
C. Pullman Interview Questions:
1. What sorts of changes have you seen in the use of technology in teaching and learning?
2. Describe your ideal classroom. What technologies would it have?
3. Tell me about the role that you see technology playing in elementary education in the next 10 years.
4. How do you believe technology impacts student learning and achievement in your classroom?
5. Does technology enable you to teach the curriculum to your students more effectively? How, or why not?
6. Compare your experiences from when you first began teaching and today. Do you feel that incorporating technology into the classroom is 'benefitting' students? teachers? What are these benefits (or what were the benefits of not having technology, vs. having it today)?
M. Rodriguez' interview questions:
M. Rodriguez interview questions:
1- What technologies do you use in the science and math units? Please describe the tech activities that you and your students perform.
2 – In what way were you trained to use technologies for these lessons?
3- What kind of support do you get when using technology in these subjects?
4- What benefits have you observed in student learning when using technology in the science or math units?
5-What have been some challenges when you are trying to integrate technology into your science or math units?
6-How much technology do you and your colleagues share and how do you share it?
Jim Batchelor's Interview Questions
1. Sometimes teachers feel they can teach Math or Science without the use of digital or other new technologies. What do you feel about their value in instruction or learning?
2. Does your school have a technology specialist or lead teacher who is available to answer questions or assist with training? Explain the support you receive from such a resource.
3. Describe any technologies you are currently using to teach.
4. In general terms, contrast or compare the differences you have noticed in student performance in Math or Science. How do you feel technologies have made a difference?
5. In what ways do technologies help instruction with a wide range of learner abilities in your classroom?
6. What differences to your prep time does it make to use technologies in teaching?
7. Describe any ways your students may use technology to represent their learning.
8. What are the ways you learn about new technologies to use in the classroom...for instruction, practice, evaluation, etc.?
E. Pao's Interview Questions:
1. What subjects do you currently teacher? Have you taught math or science before? If so, what grade levels?
2. What do you consider to be technologies in the classroom?
3. Do you use technology in the classroom? If so, could you provide some examples? If not, what are your reasons?
4. What do you believe to be “good use” of technology in the math/science classroom?
5. To your knowledge, is technology widely used at your school? Why or why not? How do you think the staff at your school perceives use of technology in the classroom?
6. Inevitably, some students in a classroom will be more technology-savvy than others. How do you deal with the varying degrees of technology savviness among students in you classroom? Does prior technology knowledge make a difference in the activities you ask your students to do?
7. What is a reasonable amount of teacher preparation time that should be spent on creating and learning to use technology for a lesson?
8. What skills/abilities do teachers want their students to learn by using technology? What skills/abilities may be replaced or lost due to the use of technology?
9. What is the “balancing point” between use of technology and use of traditional methods of teaching in the classroom? At what point is too much technology?
D Weesinterview questions
1. How do you incorporate technology into your teaching?
2. Given unlimited resources, what other technologies would you consider introducing?
3. How has technology, and perception to technology, changed over the years, from your perspective as an experienced educator?
4. In science there are a lot of digital resources available to simulate scientific experiments. Do you consider this valuable? Why or why not?
5. Describe an experience you've had recently with technology which had an impact on your teaching.
P Klintworth Interview Questions
1. What needs to occur for effective technology integration in maths and science?
2. What type of training/support do you find most useful?
3. Talk about a tech activity which has had an impact on student learning?
4. What do you find difficult about using technology?
5. How can teacher stress about technology be reduced?
G. Breda's Interview Questions
1. Can you describe how the integration of technology into your classroom has changed or developed throughout your career?
2. In what way has the integration of technology had a positive effect on your students?
3. What motivates you to integrate technology into your teaching?
4. What recommendations do you have for teachers who are feeling hesitant about using technology in their classrooms?
5. Some teachers view using technology as being a gimmick to grab students' attention. What about you? How would you respond to that statement?
6. What challenges have you faced when using technology with your students?
S Rosso's Questions
1. In your opinion has the use of technology in your math class improved student learning? Do you feel you could adequately cover all SLOs if none of the technology was available to you?
2. What do you consider technology in your classroom?
3. Is the technology you currently use interactive or largely for teacher use only?
4. Do you ever feel you have become too reliant on technology in the classroom?
5. Do you feel competent in trouble shooting most problems that arise with the technology you use?
6. If you had to give one reason why you use technology in the classroom what would that reason be?
7. If given unlimited resources what would you purchase for your classroom and why?
A Burdett's Interview Questions
1. Can you describe how you use/have used technology in your teaching practice?
2. What are some of the benefits and challenges of using technology in your classroom?
3. Where do you learn about new technologies and how do you decide which technologies to try?
4. Where do you get funding for educational technologies? How do you access help/support with the technologies you use?
5. What do you think are important characteristics of a "technology champion"?
6. How has using technology in the classroom affected traditional teacher/student roles?
7. How do you feel using technology in the classroom affects student engagement?
8. What advice would you give to a teacher when first using a new technology?
D. Knight Interview Questions
1. What is your overall philosophy with regards to education technology?
2. What forms of technology do you use in the classroom with regards to Math and Science?
3. How significant a role does technology play in your teaching practice?
4. How do you ensure that all students use a technology equitably?
5. Where and how did you learn to use the technologies you employ?
6. What types of learning do you try to foster when implementing new technology?
7. How is technology changing the way students learn about Mathematical or Scientific concepts?
8. What are the challenges of using technology in your classroom?
T. White Interview Questions
1. how would you describe your overall use of computer technology? (proficient, average, weak, etc)
2. How comfortable do you feel in integrating computer technology into your classroom?
3. How often do you make use of computer technology in your classroom?
4. Do you think that the way you use computer technology in your classroom is effective?
5. What factors encourage/discourage you from integrating it into your classroom?
6. How would you describe the level of support that you receive in your attempts to integrate technology into your classes?
S. Hawkins Interview Questions
1. What classes and grades have you used educational technologies to support instruction and student learning?
2. Please identify the types of technologies you have used for these courses.
3. What learning or performance objectives are intended from the use of this technology?
4. What assessment measure do you use to evaluate whether the use of the educational technology is meeting the learning intention?
5. Was student satisfaction considered when evaluating the use of the educational technology? If so, what method did you use to measure their satisfaction?
6. Describe the task analysis that was necessary to instruct your students in the use of these educational technologies.
7. How did you become informed about this educational technology?
8. At what point in your own orientation to the technology did you start utilizing it in the classroom?
9. Was your orientation of the technology self-driven, or was it provided through professional development or other means?
S. Wilson Interview with GFK teacher
Good afternoon and thank you for agreeing to be interviewed. I am interested in learning about your use of technology in the math and science classrooms.
1. Can you begin by telling me how you came to be so comfortable with technology integration in education?
2. How much technology support and training have you received from the school division?
3. Let’s focus on math education first. I understand that you teach a combination of face-to-face and online classes. Can you first describe a typical class in one of your face to face situations? What about for your online students?
4. How do you feel technology supports the students learning in the class?
5. Can you describe a typical class in your face to face Physics course?
6. How do you feel technology supports student learning in the class?
7. Would student learning suffer without the integration of technology?
8. If you were forced to give up one technology, what would it be and why?
9. What one technology would you recommend to new Math teachers?
10. What one technology would you recommend to new Physics teachers?
11. Are there technologies that you are planning to implement in the future?
Nancy Castonguay - Interview Questions
- What do you feel is the general consensus on technology in your school and how does this impact you?
- How is technology distributed throughout the school (school, departments, individual classroom...)?
- In your classroom, by what process do you justify whether or not technology will be used?
- How do the decision-makers of your school decide what technologies to invest in?
- When is technology-related professional development conducted? How does this differ from other professional development?
- How does your district support the integration of technology? Is there a 'divide' between schools? If so, what do you attribute this divide to?
- What channel is the most commonly used by you to access tech support? How could this be improved?
- What is the process by which you could obtain new technology at your school?
- What technologies have been, in your opinion, the greatest waste of time in your school / district and why?
- What does integration mean to you (with respect to digital technology)?
S. Hawkins - Interview Questions Used for Interview on Jan. 27
- Some of the questions I borrowed from classmates were edited to meet my particular needs. Thanks to all!
1. Have you used technology in the classroom? If so, could you provide some examples? (E. Pao)
2. Did you reflect on the effectiveness of your use of technology? If so, how did you measure its effectiveness? (S.Hawkins)
3. As teachers we need to be cognizant of the diversity of learning needs in the classroom. How was this considered when implementing your use of technology? Explain. (S. Hawkins)
4. What motivates you to integrate technology into your teaching? (G. Breda)
5. Some teachers view using technology as being a motivational tool to grab student’s attention. What about you? How would you respond to that statement? (G. Breda)
6. If given unlimited resources what would you purchase for your classroom and why? (S. Rosso)
7. Is there anything else you would like to add to our discourse? (S. Hawkins)
Phil Chatterton Interview Questions
Teaching Focused Questions
1.) What subject / education level are you teaching and how long have you been teaching it for?
2.) What environment do you most often teach in? (Lab, Classroom, Online or Mix)
3.) What are the unique challenges of teaching your subject?
4.) Please describe common characteristics of your students
5.) How would you describe your teaching philosophy and/or style?
Technology Focused Questions
1.) How proficient are you with technology?
2.) How long have you been using technology in the classroom?
3.) What types of technology do you use in the classroom?
4.) What key challenges do you face when using technology?
5.) What technologies do you plan to use in the future?
Student Learning Outcomes
1.) How does technology help you achieve your desired student learning outcomes?
2.) What are three lessons you have learned with respect to technology and student achievement?
3.) Does technology have a positive or negative impact on student learning outcomes?
4.) How do students perceive technology in terms of their ability to succeed?
5.) How do you improve your use of technology from one term / year to the next?
B Perry-Gore Interview Questions
1.) What is your area of expertise? (level, subject)?
2.) How has technology changed the way in which you teach?
3.) What type of technology do you use in your classroom on a regular basis?
4.) Do you notice a difference in the way boys and girls approach technology, which is new to them?
5.) Graphing calculator or software such as Geogebra? If you could only use one, which would you choose? What are the reasons for your choice?
6.) Do you have a classroom experience, which solidly confirmed that your use of technology benefitted the students compared to a traditional approach? (MMB: Excellent point. Like the focus on the SOLID EVIDENCE).
7.) In what situations might technology hinder or accelerate learning?
8.) Considering the technology that you use and have learned, what is your most frequent source of information. (Eg. PD, online forums, peers).
9.)Technology enables teachers to be in constant communication with students. Would you say that your students feel as though they can easily get help outside of class time through email etc.? What are your thoughts on this as it relates to the traditional school setting?
F Chan Interview Questions
1) What is your area of expertise? (level, subject)
2) Do you or would you like to incorporate technology into your classroom?
3) Has technology changed your teaching methods/style? (MMB: Good questions). 4) Why would you include technology into your classroom?
5) Through your experience, has technology changed the classroom environment? If it has, how so?
6) Through your experience, does technology improve or detract from the classroom environment?
7) Any thoughts on how the implementation of technology could be improved in education?
B. Knutson-Shaw's Interview Questions
1. How long have you been teaching?
2. While taking teacher training, what type of technology training did you get?
3. How have you developed most of your technology skills?
4. What types of technology do you use in your classes?
5. How has this changed over the years?
6. How has this changed your teaching? (MMB: I like this sequence of questions). 7. How has it changed student learning?
8. Is technology mandatory in your class or can students choose not to use it?
9. If for some reason technology was not available (i.e. no calculators) how would this change the student learning?
10. How would the absence of technology change the way you teach?
11. What are your major concerns about technology in the classroom that educators need to be focusing on?
12. As both a teacher and an administrator, what role do you see yourself playing in terms of the use of technology in the class?
D. Evans, Interview Questions
1. In what ways can technology affect the relationships of a classroom? (MMB: I have never thought of that but it IS a good question).
2. There are people who resist incorporating technology into their classrooms. What is it about technology that can be so unappealing to some?
3. What opportunities does technology offer you and your students?
4. What would be the best way to train teachers on the use of technology?
5. How can technology help learning?
6. What will the classroom look like in 10 years?
7. What technologies would your ideal classroom have?
D Addis Interview Questions
1) How long have you been teaching?
2) What subjects and grade levels do you teach?
3) Do you use technology within your classes?
4) Why do you use technology in your classes?
5) How have you developed most of your technology skills?
6) Where did you get the ideas to use technology within your classes?
7) How have you incorporated technology within your classes?
8) Do your students like having access to class notes and simulations about topics covered in class within your wiki?
9) Do you enjoy teaching with technology? Do your students enjoy learning with technology?
10) How has your teaching style changed with the use of technology? (MMB: GOOD POINT!)
11) Would you go back to teaching without the use of technology?
12) Do you believe that your use of technology enhances students understanding of abstract science concepts compared to when you did not use technology to teach? Why?
13) What are the benefits to using technology within your class for your students and for yourself?
14) From your experience using a tablet pc, do you believe that students would benefit from using a tablet pc during your classes? Why?
15) Are you going to continue to learn new forms of technology that may benefit your students?
16) Is the use of technology worth the time required to learn how to use it?
A. Di Palma Interview Questions
1. How many years have you been teaching in the classroom?
2. Can you explain how you have specifically integrated technology into your classrooms and explain any benefits or flaws associated with those experiences?
3. When Integrating technology into your classroom have you fond it to be worth th time you invested in learing about the technology? In other words did you see results from your students that were improved due to the use of the particular technology?
4. What conditions/materials are provided by your school that enable you to teach using technology?
5. Do you think there would be, or have you seen any different responses between boys and girls, or gifted and struggling students when using technology in the classroom?
6. If you could loan a portable computer to each of your students (laptop or notebook) would you create online materials to supplement your face to face course? What potential benefits or flaws do you see with doing this? (MMB: Good idea in this question - flaws versus benefits.)
7. Do you find technology to be a necessity or a novelty? (MMB: Good point).
D Powell Wilson Interview Questions
1. Please define the word technology?
2. If I were to visit your classroom when you are using technology what would you be doing? (MMB: Good sequence of questions. Like it a lot).
3. If I were to visit your classroom when technology is being used what would your students be doing?
4. Describe two of the greatest challenges you encounter when you use technology in your classroom.
5. Describe the support you get from your organization with regards to the use of technology in your classroom.
6. What are some of the factors which influence your use of technology in teaching and learning? (MMB: I will use this question in my interview - thanks!)
7. Explain some of the challenges of using technology in teaching and learning as it applies to your context.
Joe Massie Interview Questions
1. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the phrase "technology in education"? (MMB: Neat question - really like it). 2. What forms of technology do you use in your teaching?
3. To what extent has technology enhanced student learning in your classroom? (MMB: After this question I would ask "WHAT EVIDENCE DO YOU HAVE FOR YOUR ANSWER TO THE PREVIOUS QUESTION?) 4. What has hindered you from using technology more?
5. What forms of technology, if any, do you hope to use in the future?
6. What challenges come with using technology?
7. How do students generally respond to the use of technology?
L Chan Interview Questions
1. How long have you been teaching?
2. What kind of technology have you used in your teaching career? What do you use them for?
3. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in learning / in a classroom?
4. Do you think technology is a necessity? (Leo, this is a cool question - to the point (MMB))
5. What do you think are the features of an effective educational technology?
6. How do students respond physically / psychologically / academically / intellectually to each kind of technology?
7. How do you like using technology in your classroom?
8. How does technology change and/or affect your teaching style & pedagogy?
9. What’s your philosophy of teaching with educational technology?
10. When you are teaching with technology, how do you feel? Do you have a feeling that you are empowered by technology? (Leo, if we say "empowered" in an interview, we are almost putting an asnwer in their mouth. Should we not say empowered int he question and wait if they use it? May be they are just overwhelmed. Another option might be to say: on a scale from OVERWHELMED TO EMPOWERED BY TECHNOLOGY... Where would you put yourself? MMB)
11. What role does social media play in your classroom currently? What role would you like it to play?
12. What are the difficulties / barriers / challenges you are currently facing with educational technology?
13. How do you see the future of education with technology?
Kathleen Cavanagh's Interview Questions
I am interested in learning more about what K-12 is doing for use of technology in science since those learners,
and the digital natives especially will soon be adults, and I will need to know more about how pedagogy may be shaped by this new generation of learners.
1. What technologies used in K-12 young learners do you perceive will remain favoured in adult learners? Why?
2. Over the grades and age groups in this educational setting, is there a difference in favoured technology? Is there a progression or trend?
3. How will adult learners differ as digital natives mature into adulthood? How will that impact how we teach sciences?
4. Please estimate the following percentages of your “technology time”. By “technology time”, I mean the total amount of time that you spend engaged with some aspect of technology related to your teaching environment (very broad definition, so there is room for your interpretation). a) Researching or locating the necessary technology b) Supporting the technology (or supporting other teacher’s technology uses) c) Interacting with your own students through/with technology d) Other technology aspects not mentioned above If there are other aspects, please briefly describe them
5. What limitations do you see with respect to using technology in your educational environment?
6. Can you give an example when you use technology and when you don't in your teaching? Please explain why you use or not use technology in each case.
Christine Little's Interview Questions
Interviewee: Grade 8 Math-Science teacher
1. Please describe your educational background for me
2. What is your current teaching role?
3. If you reflect upon your own interactions with technology, is there a particular situation in which you experienced that led you to view technology differently?
4. What uses of technology would you say that you implement on a regular basis in your classroom?
5. Are there other forms or uses of technology that you would like to implement in your classroom? If so, which ones?
6. What advantages do you feel are offered by the implementation of technology in the classroom?
7. Have you noted changes in student responses or interactions with the implementation of technology?
8. What challenges have you encountered in the implementation of technology in the classroom?
9. Is there further support you would like toward the integration of technology? If so, what support would you seek?
Iris Chan's Interview Questions
This interview is designed to gain a better understanding of how technology is used in the classroom but also to gain a sense of how it changes the way students learn and interact with the curriculum. Thank you for offering your time to contribute your opinions and I hope this will also give you an insight on integrating technology as well. The interview questions are designed to further explore ideas of how technology is implemented but also the affects it has on the classroom community.
1. What were your experiences growing up with technology in the classroom or school setting?
2. Did your teacher training comprise of technology? Was it a course or was it more of an integration into a certain subject?
3. If yes, do you currently use any of those skills, strategies or ideas? If no, was it because it wasn't offered?
4. What are you currently teaching in regards to subject and grade levels?
5. What have been your experiences with technology in the classroom?
6. How often do you implement technology integrated lessons? Can you give one example of a lesson that you have seen or taught?
7. Do you perceive technology as a positive or negative addition to your classroom teaching? Why? How?
8. When you implement technology (whether a little or a lot) within your classroom, do you find ESL students gain more from the experience? Does it minimize the language barrier and create a sense of achievement that they are not able to find from the regular routines of the day?
9. Along the same idea, does technology have a different relationship between the boys and the girls in the classroom? Is there a difference between how male or female students react to your use of technology in the classroom?
10. Many teachers suggest that time and curriculum needs are very hard to balance with the introduction of technology, do you find that is the case at your school?
11. Support is a very valuable factor when we integrate technology into the classrooms. Do you find support widely available?
12. Applying skills from the math/science classroom to reality is something we hope students are able to do. Do you think technology makes this process easier or more effective?
13. Do you have any plans to integrate more technology after our conversation today?
Jenn Bos' Interview Questions
1. What types of technology do you use in your classroom?
2. You teach a couple of courses. Does the type of technology you use change depending on the course you teach?
3. How has your use of technology changed from when you first started teaching?
4. What led you to make these changes?
5. How has your colleagues opinions of technology changed from when you first started teaching?
6. How do you think technology could be used to support different kinds of learners? (auditory, visual, kinesthetic)
7. What types of technology do you use to support your classroom assessment practices?
8. What are some of the difficulties that you encounter with technology in your classroom? School?
9. How do you think students perceive the technologies that you use?
10. Do you notice any differences in gender and their experiences with technology? If so explain.
J Burgess
1. How long have you been teaching?
2. Describe your current teaching assignment.
3. Describe how you use technology in the classroom.
4. What technology do you feel your students enjoy most?
5. Do you feel use of technology improves a students’ ability to learn?
6. Do girls and boys respond differently to technology? Do you feel it affects gender differently?
Interview Questions from Winter 2007 section:
WDechant∞'s Possible Interview Questions
(more details about why these questions on my blog∞.)
1. Please estimate the following percentages of your “technology time”. By “technology time”, I mean the total amount of time that you spend engaged with some aspect of technology related to your teaching environment (very broad definition, so there is room for your interpretation).
a) Researching or locating the necessary technology
b) Supporting the technology (or supporting other teacher’s technology uses)
c) Interacting with your own students through/with technology
d) Other technology aspects not mentioned above If there are other aspects, please briefly describe them
2. What do you see as the greatest benefit of using technology in your educational environment? (You can describe any type of technology that stands out for you).
3. What limitations do you see with respect to using technology in your educational environment?
4. Imagine that your school had an unlimited budget and it offered the Mathematics Department the opportunity to completely revamp its classrooms and course contents. The Director of the Mathematics Department is looking for suggestions on how to spend that money. What would be your top three suggestions to spend those funds? (Damian's Q)
5. Do you feel you need to be an expert with a specific technology before you use it in your teaching environment? Why or Why not? (variation of Patti's Q)
6. What could your school division do or provide to increase the support of your online environment? (variation of Louise's Q)
Definitions: Technology – can include software programs, e-mail, wikis, blogs, graphing calculators, or any other technology that is relevant to your educational situation.
Note: There are no "right/wrong" answers, these questions are just looking for your opinion/thoughts.
PHiebert's Interview Questions
1. Do you feel you need to be an expert in technology to use it in the classroom?
2. What types of technology do you use, or would you like to use in your classroom? How do you see this technology improving your teaching experience?
3. What types of technology do your students use, or would you like them to use in your classroom? How do you see this technology improving their learning experience?
4. How have you learned about different technologies that you use (want to use) in your class?
5. What kind of learning curve do your students experience with technology in your class?
6. When learning a new technology, what would effective professional development look like to you?
DamianDavila's Interview Questions
(you can check out my / blog∞ for more info ). 1. What educational technologies do you use in the teaching of Mathematics and why did you choose them? (OWN)
2. Based on your experience with using technology in the math and science classroom, do you feel that technology can enhance learning and why? If you think that technology can enhance learning, what do you see as the greatest benefit of using technology in your educational environment? (You can describe any type of technology that stands out for you). (Combo question of WANDA with DAVID J.)
3. What limitations do you see with respect to using technology in your educational environment? (WANDA)
4. What kind of learning curve do your students experience with educational technology in your class? (PATRICIA)
5. Imagine that your school had an unlimited budget and it offered the Mathematics Department the opportunity to completely revamp its classrooms and course contents. The Director of the Mathematics Department is looking for suggestions on how to spend that money. What would be your top three suggestions to spend those funds? (OWN)
6. Considering your three suggestions, how do you think you could work towards them with your current and your school resources? (OWN)
Benjamin Yu's Interview Questions
1. Can you give an example when you use technology and when you don't in your teaching? Please explain why you use or not use technology in each case.
2. How do male and female students differ in their receptivity towards the use of technology?
3. Are there any negative effects on the students with the use of technology in their learning?
Tom Kritikos's Interview Questions
1. With the technology in the school always in need of maintenance and repair, I was wondering if you were able to integrate technology within your math and science classes. Can you think of various ways in which using technology in these classes would benefit your students?
2. Do you feel that you’ve been given enough support this year with respect to integrating technology throughout your math and science programs? Do you feel that providing teachers with technology support is a worthwhile use of scarce district resources, please explain your position?
3. Students are entering the upper elementary grades already digitally fluent. Explain how you would utilize their expertise to help you enhance their science and math experience within your classroom.
4. Do you feel you need to be an expert in technology to use it in the classroom? (P.Hiebert)
5. What limitations do you see with respect to using technology in your educational environment? (WDechant's)
6. How do male and female students differ in their receptivity towards the use of technology? (Benjamin)
David Johnson's Questions
1) What types of technology (ie. laptops, overheads, etc...) do you use in the science classroom?
2) What types of technology (ie. laptops, overheads, etc...) do you use in the math classroom?
3) How often do you use technology in your science classroom?
4) How often do you use technology in your math classroom?
5) Please describe how a technology based lesson would look in your science classroom?
6) Please describe how a technology based lesson would look in your math classroom?
7) What learning resources do you use when using laptops in the math and science classroom?
8) Which subject do you find has more interesting and effective technology based (ie. websites, simulators, etc...) resources available to you?
9) Based on your experience with using technology in the math and science classroom, do you feel that technology can enhance learning?
Garson Sam's Questions
1) Give an example of a measurable difference that technology has made in your classroom – both for the teacher, as well as the students.
2) Are equality issues prevalent with the use of technology in your classroom? (Does it benefit some students more than the others, or leave some students behind?)
3) What aspects of technology do you find make it appealing for use in the math and science classroom?
Louise Massey's Questions
The teacher is also working at our online school, so I will ask about past classroom experiences.
1. Thinking back to your last face-2-face classroom, what technology was available to you? 2. How often would you use technology in your classroom? 3. Did you have any frustrations in relation to technology? (If 'Yes', go to 'a'. If 'no', go to 'b'.) (a) What frustrations did you have in relation to technology? (b) What best prepared you for using technology in the classroom? 4. How has your use of technology changed since moving to an online teaching environment? 5. Did you feel that the school district adequately supported your move to an online environment? 6. Is there a technology that you would really like to see schools use?
Meghan's Interview Questions:
1) Describe a class where a teacher is using technology effectively.
2) How important is it for teachers to have previous experience with technology before they use it in the classroom?
3) Many university courses do not allow the use of calculators on tests. Do you think that high schools should follow and ban calculator use on high school math tests?
4) What limitations do you see with respect to using technology in your educational environment? (Wanda’s question)
5) Students are entering the upper elementary grades already digitally fluent. Explain how you would utilize their expertise to help you enhance their science and math experience within your classroom. (Tom’s question)
6) How have you learned about different technologies that you use (want to use) in your class? (Phiebert’s question)
Trevor's Interview Questions
1. What future technology do you see contributing to the field of education? 2. Do you feel that technogadgets (Ipods, cell phones, etc.) have any place in a learning environment? 3. How do you deal with plagiarism in your classes? 4. What do you see as the greatest benefit of using technology in your educational environment? (You can describe any type of technology that stands out for you) <Wanda> 5. Please describe how a technology based lesson would look in your math classroom? <David> 6. What kind of learning curve do your students experience with educational technology in your class? <Patricia>
JOnuma's Questions
1. Does technology assist you in reaching the diversity of learners in your science and math classroom? Explain.
2. Do you feel that using technology in the math and science classroom increases student understanding? If yes, in what ways?
3. How much freedom do you allow students when accessing information on the internet?
Michael Hoven's Questions
1. How important is it to you that you use technology in your math and science lessons? 2. Does your school make technology an important part of the school? 3. Working with young children, how great is the learning curve for technology and the inception of the math or science concept? 4. Do you feel you need to be an expert in technology to use it in the classroom? (Patti) 5. What limitations do you see with respect to using technology in your educational environment? (Wanda) 6. Can you give an example when you use technology and when you don't in your teaching? Please explain why you use or not use technology in each case. (Ben)
Shannon's questions
1. Outline the possible benefits you see in using technology in the Science or Math classroom. 2. Describe a successful integration of technology in your Science or Math classroom from both yours and your student's perspectives. 3. What are some of the challenges that you face trying to integrate technology into your Math or Science Classroom?
Ellen's Interview Questions
1. When is the best time or under what situation do you find it best to introduce the use of technology to your math/science students? 2. Has the use of technology in your math/science class changed the gender roles or number of female/male students enrolled in your class? 3. What are your students' responses to the integration of technology in the classroom?
Zilong Zhai's Interview Questions
1. Has your teaching changed with your focus on technology? What are you assessing and how?
2. How has teaching math and science changed as a result of the the integration of technology into classrooms?
3. How does multimedia provide ways to learn about dry theories or math and science problems of everyday life?
JuliaLanDai's Interview Questions
1. How do you or other teachers in your school use technologies in classroom? 2. In your view, what are the advantages or disadvantages of using technologies in classroom? 3. If you would like to further use technologies in your classroom, what will be the biggest challenge for you? 4. How to incorporate the technology-based learning environment into the paper-and-pencil based learning environment? In your experience, what way to use technologies in classes is the most appropriate? 5. Can technology lessen the gender difference in physics and math learning? 6. Do you feel that you’ve been given enough support this year with respect to integrating technology throughout your math and science programs? Do you feel that providing teachers with technology support is a worthwhile use of scarce district resources, please explain your position?(Tom Kritikos) 7. How do male and female students differ in their receptivity towards the use of technology? (Benjamin Yu) 8. Thinking back to your last face-to-face classroom, what technology was available to you? (Louise Massey)
Rob Kim's Interview Questions
1) Describe the different types of technology used in your class. 2) How does technology impact your classroom learning or the student’s experience? 3) What new type of technology would you like to use in your class? What prevents you from using or trying out this new technology? 4) Are there any negative effects on the students with the use of technology in their learning? (Benjamin Yu) 5) Do you feel that you’ve been given enough support this year with respect to integrating technology throughout your math and science programs? Do you feel that providing teachers with technology support is a worthwhile use of scarce district resources, please explain your position? (Tom Kritikos) 6) Are equality issues prevalent with the use of technology in your classroom? (Does it benefit some students more than the others, or leave some students behind?) (Garson Sam)
Brian’s Interview Questions
1. In what ways do you use technology to enhance learning in the classroom? 2. Has the integration of technology into your math/science classroom had an effect on enrollment and/or gender diversity? (Ellen’s modified) 3. What kind of learning curve do your students experience with educational technology in your class? (Patricia) 4. What new type of technology would you like to use in your class? What prevents you from using or trying out this new technology? (Rob Kim) 5. Could you for see your classroom becoming virtual in the future? 6. What do you think will be the biggest challenges for both the student and the teacher, if your classroom is virtual?
Stacy Lee's Questions
1. How would technology in the classroom benefit cross curricular activities in math and science? 2. Doyou see the potential benefits that technology education can bring to special education? For example, LD, autism, ESL, etc. 3. Do you think the technology can replace classroom teachers? Why or why not? What are the dangers if such replacement may happen in the future? 4. When is the best time or under what situation do you find it best to introduce the use of technology in math and science? (Ellen's) 5. Does technology assist you in reaching the diversity of learners in your science and math classroom? Explain (Jody's) 6. What limitations do you see with respect to using technology in your educational environment? (Wanda's)