Library Cataloguing Glossary

From UBC Wiki

This is the editable glossary space for jargon and buzzwords, real and imagined, that crop up in the course of LIBR511 (and any other potential and yet unnamed courses) We prefer it remains alphabetized. Thank you.

Access point: Subjects, series, names and other indexable access points hung off the descriptive catalogue record for an item

Added access: Access points added in addition to the principal access point of a bibliographic record.

Authority record: An authority record is a set of information on the proper use of a uniform title, subject term, or name. A record may contain the established use, the evolution of the term, and a justification for why a chosen term is preferred. It is used like a thesaurus by catalogers to determine the correct means of description. MARC, OCLC, and the Library of Congress each have their own authority file.

Bibliographic Control:

Cataloguing in Publication (CIP):

Chief source of information


Controlled vocabulary:


Dublin Core:

Half Title Page:


Information package:

MARC 21:

MARC Delimiter:

MARC Indicators:

MARC Subfield:

MARC Subfield Code:

MARC Tags:


Name access

Nonfiling characters:

Principal Access Point:

Subject Analysis

Subject Arrangement
