Assignment #5 for marking
1. Consider the vaporization of 1 kg water at 20 C. How much energy does it take to produce 1 kg of water vapour at one atmosphere pressure and 100 C? Try two routes:
(a) Evaporate water and 20 C and then heat the vapour to 100 C.
(b) Heat the water and boil at 100 C.
2. If the “dry-bulb” temperature is 23 C and the “wet-bulb” temperature is 18 C, estimate the relative humidity in the neighbourhood of the thermometers.
Make sure that you indicate your answers appropriately, e.g. "The RMS velocity of air at 273K is v_rms = ... ".
Email your homework to
Submit ONE pdf file, named ENPH257_A5_yourfamilyname.pdf by 08:30am Wednesday June 28th.
If you are one of the Lins or Wilsons, append the initial of your given name to the filename.